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[Bounds.] Aldersgate Ward. [St. Martins Liberty.]121

[Bounds.] Aldersgate Ward. [St. Martins Liberty.]

Near unto this Churchyard, is a curious spatious House, with a large Court Yard, handsomely paved with Free stone, formerly the Seat of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Kt. Lord Maior 1666. and now the Seat of Richard Levet, Esq; one of the Deputies of the Ward; Son of Sir Richard Levet, Kt. Lord Maior in the Year 1700. in which House, being large enough, he kept his Maioralty. On the same side, but beyond Staining lane, is seated Haberdashers Hall, a large Building; which is in part of this Lane, but in Cripplegate Ward.

Staining lane, the East side, which joineth unto Haberdashers Hall, is in Cripplegate Ward. At the upper end of the Lane, was the Church of St. Mary Staining, which Church is not rebuilt since the Fire of London; but the Parish united unto St. Michael Woodstreet, and the Ground inclosed within a Wall, for the burial of the Dead for the Parish.

Staining lane.

St. Mary Staining Church.

Gutter lane hath the West side, from the corner of Maiden lane, unto Carey lane, in this Ward; and the East in Cripplegate Ward.

Gutter lane.

Noble street, pretty long, and indifferently well inhabited; the end next to Foster lane being esteemed the best. In this Street are these Places of Name. Lilly pot lane, but ordinary; falls into Staining lane, as doth Oat lane, also but small. Betwixt these two Lanes is White Horse Court, pretty open, but ordinary. Dolphin Court, very small, seated opposite to Oat lane. A little more Northwards, is Coachmakers Hall, a handsome Building. Fitches Court, a good handsome broad place, with a Free stone Pavement; hath pretty good Houses, with Inhabitants answerable. At the upper end is an old Timber House, where formerly Titchborn, sometime Alderman and Lord Maior, dwelt. This House strangely escaped burning in the dreadful Fire of London, when all the Houses round about it were quite consumed. Hides Court, but small.

Noble street.

Lillypot lane.

Oate lane.

White Horse Court.

Dolphin Court.

Coachmakers Hall.

Fitches Court.

Hides Court.

St. Olaves Silverstreet Church, was seated on the North West Corner of this Street; not rebuilt since its burning in the great Fire of London; and the Parish is united to St. Albans Woodstreet.

St. Olaves Silverstreet Church.

St. Anns lane, a place of some Trade, lieth betwixt Foster lane and St. Martins le Grand, near Aldersgate. About the middle of this Lane, on the North side, is St. Anns Alley, having a Free stone Pavement, which leadeth to St. Anns Church, and from thence into Noble street, severing the Church from the Churchyard. Since the Fire of London, in which it was consumed, it is rebuilt very handsome and neat, the Front facing Southward, all of rubbed Brick: To which is united the Parish of St. John Zachary.

St. Anns lane.

St. Anns Alley.

St. Anns Church.

St. Martins le Grand lies West out of St. Anns Lane; now much inhabited by Shoemakers.

St. Martins le Grand.

It is a Place which yet claimeth Privileges, and belonging to the City of Westminster, at the Election of Burgesses of Parliament for that City, the Inhabitants of St. Martins have their Voices; and although within the City of London, and Ward of Aldersgate, yet it is exempt from their Jurisdiction. In this Liberty they still have a Prison, and a Bailiff, and keep Courts for mean Actions. Its Bounds and extent appear by the prick'd Lines in the Map, severed from the Ward of Aldersgate. It contains but one principal Street, and that is called St. Martins le Grand; which cometh out of Blowbladder street, by the West end of Cheapside, and runneth to Aldersgate. But this Liberty runneth but to Bell Court, near unto St. Anns lane. And all from Bell Court unto Aldersgate, is in Aldersgate Ward, and out of this Liberty. This Street is a Place of a considerable Trade, it is a great Thoroughfare, and its Houses well built.

In this Liberty are these Courts and Places of Name: Round Court, pretty large, with a handsome Free stone Pavement, the part towards St. Martins being a handsome square Court. It hath a passage into Blow-bladder street, which is taken up by Milleners, Sempstresses, and such as sell a sort of Copper Lace, called St. Martins Lace, for which it is of Note. Out of this Court is an Alley which leadeth into the New Rents, which also cometh into St. Martins Street; and at the upper end are two Passages into Foster lane, one of which goeth into a place called Dark Entry, by St. Leonard Foster lane Churchyard. Mouldmakers Rents, an indifferent open Place; out of which are several passages, as into New Rents, Deans Court, and George street. New Rents, a pretty handsome Street, which comes out of St. Martins Street; and at the upper end is the Swan Tavern. Great Deans Court, a good open Place, pretty well built and inhabited; hath a passage into Mouldmakers Rents or Row, and another into George street. In this Court is another small one, called Little Deans Court, which is but very ordinary. George street, of which there are two; the one leading into Foster lane, and the other into Round Court. St. John's Alley, very ordinary. Cock Alley, hath a narrow Entrance which leads into an open Place with a Free stone Pavement, indifferent good. Christopers Alley, hath a Free stone Pavement, pretty good; which at the upper end hath a Door into the Bagnio. Four Dove Court, an indifferent open Place, with a Free stone Pavement. Kings Head Court, a good handsome Place, well built and inhabited, with a Free stone Pavement. Angel Alley, pretty good; the upper end falls into Butcher Hall Lane. Of this Street, that part within this Libery, goeth no farther than Kings Head Court; the rest of this Street is in the Ward of Faringdon within.

Round Court.

Dark Entry.

Mouldmakers Rents.

New Rents.

Great Deans Court.

Little Deans Court.

George street.

St. Johns Alley.

Christophers Alley.

Four Dove Court.

Kings Head Court.

Angel street.

Bull and Mouth Street goeth out of St. Martins le Grand, and runneth up to Butcher Hall Lane; but it hath no more in this Ward, than a little Westwards of the Bull and Mouth Inn, which is large, and well built, and of a good Resort by those that bring Bone Lace, where the Shopkeepers and others come to buy it. The Fountain Tavern, which hath a back Door into St. Anns Lane, is seated near unto Aldersgate. And in this part of St. Martins, is a noted Meeting House of the Quakers, called the Bull and Mouth; and where they met long before the Fire.

Bull and Mouth street

Bull and Mouth Inn.

Aldersgate street, very spacious and long; and although the Buildings are old, and not uniform, yet many of them are very good, and well inhabited; and of the principal of them, two are very large, the one formerly called Dorchester House, as being the Seat of the Late Marquess of Dorchester; and Peter House, as belonging once to the Lord Peters: Now called London House, being at present the Seat of the Bishop of London. The other Thanet House, as belonging to the Earl of Thanet, the greatest part of which is now converted into Tenements; amongst which is a very hand-

Aldersgate street.

Dorchester House.

London House.

Thanet House.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY