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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[Monuments.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Fosters.]126

[Monuments.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Fosters.]



Here under this Stone lieth buried the Body of Augustine Hinde, Clothworker, Alderman, and late Sheriffe of London. Who deceased the tenth day of August, Anno Domini, 1554.

A. M.

Here also lieth Dame Elizabeth, his Wife, by whom he had issue foure Sons and two Daughters. Which Dame Elizabeth deceased the 12 day of July, An. Dom. 1569.

God grant us all such Race to run,
To end in Christ as they have done.

The Inscriptions, Coats of Arms, and Dates of Burial, belonging to some of these before mentioned, and others not mentioned were as follow.

J. S.

Pur l'alme du Nichole de Farendone pries

His Coat on the Right; which is a Fesse Gules, charged with three Libberts Heads erazed, Arg. The Field, Or, semy de Crosses croslets, Sable.

Pray for the Soul of Henry Warlaye, late Alderman and Goldsmith of London; and Julian his Wife. Which Henry deceased the 22 Aug. Ann. Dom. 1424.

Hic jacet Thomas Atkyns, Armiger, & Johanna Uxor ejus. Qui quidem Thomas ob. 15 die Aug. An. Dom. 1486.

Orate pro animabus Richardi Hadley, quondam Civis & Grocer London. & Margeriæ Uxoris ejus. Qui quidem Richardus ob. 21 die Jan. 1492. Et Dna Margeria, ob. primo die Septembr. eodem Anno.

John Palmer, Fishmonger, and Agnes his Wife. Which John dyed the 27th of April, 1513.

Upon a little Brass Monument on a Pillar, the Arms broken out and gone.

William Dayne, Citizen and Goldsmith of London, and Margaret his Wife. Which William ob. 29 Sept. 1529. And the said Margaret dyed the 20th day of the same Month.

Sub hoc Saxo sepeliuntur Cadavera Thomæ Marshal, Civis & Salteri Londinens. & Johannæ Conjugis ejus. Qui per quadraginta annos matrimonio conjugati sunt. Ille autem ætatis suæ annum Hæc quidem 66 complevit. Hæc vero primum 10 die Oct. Anno à Christo 1560. Ille deinde 5to die Maii, An. Salutis 1561. ex hac vita commigravit. Quorum utrique omnipotens Deus secundum immensam suam misericordiam salutem impertiri dignetur, Amen.

Besides in this Church, antiently were divers Coats of Arms. As, Or, a Lion rampant, Sable, holding a Palm Branch.

Again, Or, semy de Crosses Croslets, Az. On a Fesse Gules, three Lions Heads erazed, Arg.

Again, Argent, within a Bordure Gules, a Cheveron Sabel, between three Lozenges.

Impaled, the Arms of the Company of Goldsmiths, with a Coat bearing Argent, a Fesse Gules, between three Sithes Sable. The Name Alcock.]



The charitable Gifts to St. Peters Cheap, are these.


J. S.

Sir Lionel Ducket, payable by the Mercers020404
payable by the same010500
Lady Read, payable by the Goldsmiths000304
Mr. Walton, by the same000706

No Parsonage House before the Fire, or since. But there is a piece of Ground in Philip lane, London, on which it hath been said were two Houses before the Fire, one for the Minister, and the other for the Benefit of the Poor. The Ground was let for a Timber Yard from Year to Year, for 6l. per Ann. One half the Parish agreed the Minister should have, and was accordingly allowed him.]

No Parsonage or Glebe.

The long Shop or narrow Shed incroaching on the High way before this Church was licensed to be made in the Year 1401. for yielding to the Chamber of London 30s. 4d. the Years Rent, but since 13s. 4d. Also the same Shop was letten by the Parish for three Pounds at the most, many Years since.

Long Shop in Cheape.

Then is Guthuruns lane, so called of Guthurun, sometime Owner thereof. [Goderon lane in the Parish of St. Peter Cheap; Regist. London.] The Inhabitants of this Lane (of old time) were Goldbeaters, as doth appear by Records in the Exchequer. For the Easterling Money was appointed to be made of fine Silver, such as Men made into foyle, and was commonly called Silver of Guthuruns lane, &c. The Imbrotherers Hall is in this Lane. John Throwstone, Imbrotherer, then Goldsmith, Sheriff, deceased 1519. gave 40l. towards the purchase of this Hall. Hugon lane on the East side, and Kery lane (called of one Kery) on the West. Then in the High street on the same North side, is the Sadlers Hall.

Guthuruns lane.

E. A.


Imbrotherers Hall.

Huggen lane.

Kery lane.

Sadlers Hall.

The Parish Church of St. FOSTERS.


And then Fauster lane, so called of St. Fausters, a fair Church, lately new builded. Henry Coote, Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffs, deceased 1509. builded St. Dunstan's Chappel there. John Throwstone, one of the Sheriffs, gave to the building thereof 100l. by his Testament.

Fauster lane.

St. Fausters Church.

This Church was repaired, the Grave stones new squared and laid, the Pews new made, a Window in the North Ile inlarged, the rest new glazed; and the whole throughout trimmed and beautified, in the Year of our Lord 1614.



John Drake,
John Hall.

To this Church, at the Chancel end, the breadth being twenty Yards and above, was added Twenty Foot of Ground. Which Ground so to lengthen the Church, was given unto the Parish, out of a fair Court then belonging unto Sadlers Hall.

This Church was rebuilt 1697. Pewing and Ornaments finished 1698.




The Persons here buried, beside Henry Coote, and John Throwstone before mentioned, were John Browne, Serjeant Painter, Alderman, de-

Persons buried in this Church.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY