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[Benefactors.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Matthew Friday street.]139

[Benefactors.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Matthew Friday street.]

This Inscription, I have been credibly informed, was composed by Dr. Fowler, sometime the good Bishop of Gloucester, who knew him well; and added the last Clause, which he uttered to him on his Death-bed, because he had been esteemed to hold some Heterodox Opinions.



The Benefactors, and their Gifts, are these.


John Banks, for a Sermon yearly on St. Matthew's Day010000
And to the Reader000200
And to the Clerk000300
Thomas Barnes, Esq; for a Sermon to be preached on the 17th of November 010000
Lady Mary Ramsey, by Will, An. 1601. for a Sermon on St. Steven's Day010000
And for another Sermon the first Sunday in Lent, yearly,010000
Thomas Streachley, by Will, 1678. for a Sermon on the Sunday after Ascension-day010000
To the Reader and Clerk000206
To the two Sextons000206

The Governors of Christ's Hospital, are Trustees for the foresaid Benefactions.

But they, the said Governors, do not, nor have not, since the Fire of London, paid 6l. per Ann. for a Sermon in the Lower Church, every Sunday Morning. Twenty Shillings thereof being the Gift of Roger Harry, Citizen and Fishmonger of London, by his Will dated 1638. Thus the Presentment of the Churchwardens ran in the Parochial Visitation; An. 1693.

The rest of the Benefactors unknown.

The Vicarage House is rebuilt.]

From this Church, West to Newgate, is of this Ward.

The Parish Church of St. MATTHEW Friday-street.


Now for the South side of this Ward, beginning at the Cross in Cheap, from thence to Friday street, and down that Street, on the West side, till over-against the North-west Corner of St. Matthew's Church: And on the West side, to the South Corner of the said Church, which is wholly in the Ward of Fraringdon; a proper Church.

St. Matthew in Friday street.

It was Repaired, and very worthily Beautified, at the Cost of the Parishioners, in the Years of our Lord 1632, and 1633.


Richard Clay,
Joseph Stacy.

The Charge being 140l.]

It hath these few Monuments.



Thomas Pole, Goldsmith, 1395.

Rob. Johnson, Goldsmith, Alderman.

Robert Harding, Goldsmith, one of the Sheriffs, 1478.

John Twiselton, Goldsmith, Alderman, 1525.

Ralph Allen, Grocer, one of the Sheriffs, deceased 1546.

Anthony Gamage, Ironmonger, one of the Sheriffs, deceased 1579.

Anthony Cage.

John Mabbe, Chamberlain of London, &c.

[Allen at Condit, and Thomas Warlingworth, founded a Chauntry there.]

Sir Nicolas Twiford, Goldsmith, Maior, gave to that Church an House, with the Appurtenances, called The Griffon on the Hope, in the same Street.

Anthony Cage entombed     
here, doth rest.
Whose Wisedome still     
prevail'd the Common-weale:
A Man with God's good     
Gifts so amply blest,
That few, or none,     
his Doings may impeale.
A Man unto the Widow     
and the Poore,
A Comfort and     
a Succour evermore.
Three Wives he had,     
of Credit and of Fame:
The first of them,     
Elizabeth, that hight;
Who buried here, brought     
to this Cage by Name,
Seventeene young Plants,     
to give his Table light.
The second Wife (for her     
part) brought him none;
The third and last,     
no more but only one.


He deceased the 24th day of June, Anno Domini, 1583.

In the midst of this Quire lyeth the Body of Gaius Newman, Citizen and Goldsmith of London, of the Age of 66 yeers. Hee had Issue by his Wife, Anne, the Daughter of Nicolas Cullum, of London, Merchant-Taylor, 7 Sonnes and 5 Daughters, Gabriel, Gaius, Robert, Nicolas, Francis, Thomas, and Hugh; Elizabeth, Mary, Anne, Sarah, and Judith. He deceased the third day of March, 1613.

A comely Monument in the Wall, on the Chancels South side.

Here lyeth buried the Body of John Perte, Citizen and Fishmonger of London; who took to Wife Elizabeth Eyre, the Daughter of Henry Eyre, Citizen and Skinner of London. By whom he had Issue one only Daughter, named Mary. The said John deceased the tenth day of October, Anno Domini 1604. being aged 51 yeeres.

A fair Monument in the North Wall of the Chancel.

As Man liveth, so he dyeth;
As Tree falleth, so it lyeth:
Anne Middleton, thy Life well past,
Doth argue restful Bliss at last.

Another Monument in the same Wall.

Obiit Anno à partu Virginis Mariæ, 1596.
Mens. Januar. die 11.
Anno Reg. Reginæ Elizabethæ 39. Ætatis suæ 54.

Since the new building of this Church, were buried here under Flat stones, in the South Ile, William Lamb, Citizen and Salter of London, and Elizabeth his Wife. She deceased the 12th of March, 1679. and He, April the 11th, 1680.

A Plate in the South Wall of the Chancel.

Late Monuments.

Sellers Thornbury, Citizen and Salter, Jan. the 6th, 1680. Aged 74.]

Upon a Monument in the South Ile.

Here lyes the Body of Sir Edward Clark, Kt. Lord Maior of this City of London, Anno Dom. 1696: Dyed Sept. 1. 1703. in the 76th Year of his Age. By his first Wife, Elizabeth, Daugh-


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY