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[Royal Gifts.] Faringdon Ward within. [S. Pauls.]142

[Royal Gifts.] Faringdon Ward within. [S. Pauls.]

should at all Times be as free, as himself desired to be at the Day of Judgment. King Athelstane endued it with divers Lordships; viz. Sandon, Rode, Luffenhale, Bylcham, Edulfesnesse, and Neusdune, in the County of Essex; Erdelyne and Cardingdone in Hertfordshire; Drayton and Willesdon in Middlesex; and Bernes in Surry. King Edgar gave Navestocke in Essex. Queen Egelflede, his Wife, Lagefare and Cochamstede. King Edward the Confessor, gave the Lordships of Chingford and Barlings, in Essex. Ediva, a Noble Woman, gave Wiggele.] And William the Conqueror gave to the Church of St. Paul, and to Mauricius, then Bishop, and his Successors, the Castle of Stortford, with the Appurtenances, &c. He also confirmed the Gifts of his Predecessors, in these Words, Omne * I. Rex Angl. Clamo quietas in perpetuum, 24 Hidas quas Rex Aethelbert dedit S. Paulo juxta murum London, &c.


The Charter of King William the Conqueror, given to the Church of St. Paul in London, exemplified in the Tower, the Latin thereof Englished thus.

WILLIAM, by the Grace of God, King of Englishmen, to all his well-beloved French and English People, Greeting. Know ye, that I do give unto God, and the Church of Saint Paul of London, and to the Rector; and Servitors of the same, in all their Lands which the Church hath, or shall have, within Borough, and without, Sack and Sock, Thole and The, Infangtheese, and Grithbriche, and all free Ships by Sea, and by Land, on Tide and off Tide, and all the Rights that into them Christendome by rad and more speake, and on Buright hamed, and on Buright worke, afore all the Bishopricks in mine Land, and on each other Man's Land. For I will, that the Church in all Things be as free, as I would my Soule to be in the Day of Judgment.

Gift to St. Pauls, by William the Conqueror.

Rec. Turr.

Witnesses, Osmond our Chancellor, Lanfrank, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas Archbishop of York, Roger Earl of Salisbury, Alane the County, Geffrey de Magna villa, and Raphe Peverel.

This Charter is best understood by Doomsday Book (writes Bishop Stillingfleet, sometime Dean of this Church) wherein a particular Account is given of the Lands then held by the Canons of St. Pauls; which for the most Part, are the same they enjoy to this day. See there the particular Lands given by Saxon Kings to Pauls.

Discour. Antiq Lond. p.559.

J. S.

That all might understand the full Proportions of this famous Church, upon a fair Table, which did heretofore hang up on the North part of the Quire, was written in fair Characters, as followeth.

The Dimensions of this stately Church, as they were taken in the Year 1314.


The length of the Church, from East to West, 690 Feet.

The breadth, 130 Feet.

The height of the Roof of the West Part, from the Floor, 102 Feet.

The height of the Roof of the new Fabrick, (viz. East from the Steeple) from the Pavement, 88 Feet.

The height of the Body of the Church, 150 Feet.

The height of the Tower Steeple, from the level Ground, 260 Feet.

The height of the Spire of Wood covered with Lead, 274 Feet.

And yet the whole, viz. Tower and Spire, exceeded not 520 Feet; the Reason is, for that the height of the Stone Work of the Tower, from the Ground, to the Timber upon which the Spire was raised, was not 260 Feet, but 240 Feet; the other 14 Feet being the Wall and Battlements above the Timbers on which the Spire was raised, and so the height of both together, will be but 520 Feet.

The Ball above the head of the Spire was so large, that it would contain within it ten Bushels of Corn; wherefore the Diameter of it must be at least

The length of the Cross, above the said Ball, was 15 Feet.

The Traverse of the said Cross, 6 Feet.

The quantity of Ground on which the Church stood, contained 3 Acres, 3 Roods, and 26 Poles or Perches, without the Body of the Church, But within the Verge or Precinct of the Church. yard, which Richard Beaumor intended to incompass with a Wall; there were several other Places which related to the Church, as namely these following.

1. The College of Petty Canons.
2. Pardon Churchyard.
3. The Library.
4. Sherington's Chappel.
5. Holms College.
6. Jesus Chappel.
7. The Charnel House.
8. The Cloisters, or Bell Tower.
9. The Cross.
Of all which Places Notice shall be taken in due Place.]

In the Year 1087. this Church of St. Paul was burnt with Fire, and therewith the more part of the City. Which Fire began at the entry of the West Gate, and consumed to the East Gate. Mauricius, then Bishop, began therefore the Foundation of a new Church of St. Paul; a Work, that Men of that time judged would never have been finished, it was to them so wonderful for length and breadth; and also the same was built upon Arches, or Vaults of Stone, for defence of Fire: Which was a manner of Work, before that time, unknown to the People of this Nation, and then brought in by the French; and the Stone was fetched from Cane in Normandy. This Mauricius deceased in the Year 1107.

St. Pauls Church burnt.

Foundation of the new Church of St. Paul, builded by Mauricius.

Built upon Arches.

Stone brought from Cane in Normandy.

Richard Beamor *, succeeded him in the Bishoprick, who did wonderfully increase the said Church; purchasing (of his own Cost) the large Streets and Lanes about it, wherein were wont to dwell many Lay-people: Which Ground he began to compass about with a strong Wall of Stone, and Gates. King Henry I. gave to the said Richard, so much of the Mote, or Wall, of the Castle on the Thames side, to the South, as should be needful to make the said Wall of; and so much as should suffice to make a Wall without the way, on the North side, &c.

*Beauveys, or Belmeis, or le Beaumes; for all those ways he is writtten.

J. S.

Forwarded by Bp. Beamor.

Wall about Pauls Churchyard.

This Patent of King Henry, (viz. Henry I.) was as followeth.

J. S.

Henricus Dei gratia, Rex Anglie, Archiepiscopis & Episcopis & Comitibus Anglie, & Hugoni de Bochalanda, & omnibus Baronibus, & Fidelibus suis Francis & Anglis de London, & de Middlesex, & de tota Anglia salutem. Sciatis, &c. i.e. "Know ye that I have given toGod and the Church of St. Pauls, London, and Richard, Bishop of the same Church, so much of the Ditch of my Castle on the Thames side, Southward, as shall be needful to make the "

Some of the Ditch of Bainard's Castle, granted to the Church of St. Paul.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY