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[The Buildings.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Pauls.]143

[The Buildings.] Faringdon Ward within. [St. Pauls.]

"Wall of the said Church; and so much of the same Ditch as may suffice to make a Way without the Wall. And on the other part of the Church, Northward, as the same Bishop hath destroyed of the same Ditch." Witnesses, Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, and Roman Chancellor, and Gislebert de Aquila, at Pordesmund, on the Birth-day of St. Hippolitus, Martyr. This Letter the Dean and Chapter produced to King Edward I. his Justices, upon a Presentment against them, for appropriating to themsleves certain Ground thereabouts. But to this the Commonalty said, "That the King's Father granted as much as in him was, to the said Dean and Chapter, that they might inclose their Churchyard, as is aforesaid. But this ought not to prejudice the said Commonalty in this behalf. And that because there was not an Inquisition upon this made, as the Custom is, whether this Grant would not be prejudicial and damageable to the whole City. For they said, that the whole Soil, between the Gate called St. Augustin's Gate, near the said Church, and the Gate on the West part of the said Church, towards Ludgate, is High-street, and the King's Highway of the foresaid City. Whereof a great Part, by the raising of the Wall of the East, and the building of Houses by the said Dean and Chapter, is now inclosed, and the King's High-street much streightned, to the great Damage of the whole City."

To this let me add, that it is true there was long before, Contest between the Church of St. Pauls, and the Lords of Bainards Castle, about their Bounds here. There was one Eustathius Earl of Boloign, who became Possessor of Bainard Castle. Which Earl (as the Dean and Chapter shewed) Anno 1106. permitted and granted omnes Calumpnias, i.e. all Claims which he had upon the Lands, which one Maurice, Bishop of London, asserted to be of the Churchyard of St. Pauls, London; and upon all other Lands which were within the Walls of the said Churchyard, to be quit to God and St. Paul, from the said Earl and his Heirs for ever. And this by a certain Charter which they produced under the Name of the said Earl.]

Antient Contest between Bainard Castle, and Pauls Church, about Bounds.

It should seem, that this Richard inclosed but two Sides of the said Church or Cemitery of St. Paul, to wit, the South and North Side: For King Edward II. in the 10th of his Reign, granted that the said Churchyard should be inlcosed with a Wall, where it wanted, for the Murthers and Robberies that were there committed.

Murthers and Robberies in St. Paul's Churchyard.

But the Citizens then claimed the East Part of the Churchyard, to be the Place of Assembly to their Folk-motes; and that the great Steeple, there situate, was to that Use, their common Bell; which being there rung, all the Inhabitants of the City might hear, an come together. They also claimed the West Side, that they might there assemble themselves together, with the Lord of Baynards Castle, for view of their Armour, in defence of the City. This Matter was, in the Tower of London, referred to Harvius de Stanton, and other Justices Itinerantes; but I find not the decision or judgment of that Controversy.

The common Bell in Pauls Churchyard, rung for the calling together of the Citizens to their Folkemotes.

Concerning the Walling of this Churchyard round, King Henry the Third, granted by his Letters Patents, for the King and his Heirs, that the Dean and Chapter might inclose the Churchyard of the said Cathedral Church, and the Precinct, with a Stone Wall round about. And so inclosed, might hold it to them and their Heirs for ever. Which Grant, the said King's Son, King Edward, confirmed by his Charter, among other Liberties of the said Church.]

Walling Paul's Churchyard round.

J. S.

Baga, Quo Warranto In the Excheq.

True it is, that Edward III. in the 17th of his Reign, gave commandment for the finishing of that Wall; which was then performed. And to this day it continueth; although now on both Sides, (to wit, within and without) it be hidden with dwelling Houses.

Richard Beaumor deceased in the Year 1127. and his Successors, (in process of time) performed the Work begun.

The Steeple of this Church was builded and finished in the Year 1222. The Cross on the said Steeple fell down, and a new one was set up in the Year 1314.

Paul's Steeple.

And a great part of the Spire of Timber covered with Lead, being weak and in danger of falling, was taken down; and a new Cross, with a Pomel well gilt, set on the top thereof. In which Cross, the Reliques of divers Saints were put, by Gilbert de Segrave, then Bishop of London, with great Care, and solemn Procession, in the 4th of the Nones of October. To the intent, that God Almighty, by the glorious Merits of his Saints, (whose Reliques were there contained) would vouchsafe to preserve the said Steeple from danger of Tempest.]

A new Cross set on the Steeple.

J. S.

The new Work of Pauls (so called) at the East end above the Quire, was begun in the Year 1251. Henry Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, Constable of Chester, and Custos of England, in his time, was a great Benefactor to this Work; and was there buried, in the Year 1310. Also Ralph Baldocke, Bishop of London, in his Life-time gave 200 Marks to the building of the said new Work; and left much by his Testament, towards the finishing thereof. He deceased in the Year 1313. and was buried in the Lady Chappel. Also the new Work of Pauls, to wit, the cross Iles, were begun to be new builded in the Year 1256.

The new Work of Paul's in the East.

Henry Lacy.

Bishop Baldocke.

The 1st of February, in the Year 1444. about Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, the Steeple of Pauls was fired by Lightning, in the midst of the Shaft or Spire, both on the West side, and on the South; but by labour of many well disposed People, the same (to appearance) quenched with Vinegar. So that all Men withdrew themselves to their Houses, praising God. But between eight and nine of the Clock in the same Night, the Fire burst out again, more fervently than before, and did much hurt to the Lead and Timber; till by the great Labour of the Maior and People that came thither, it was thoroughly quenched.

Paul's S eple fired by Lightening.


This Steeple was Repaired in the Year 1462. and the Weather-cock again erected. But one Robert Godwin winding it up, the Rope brake, and he was destroyed on the Pinacles, and the Cock was sore bruised. But Burchwood (the King's Plummer) set it up again. Since the which time, needing Reparation, it was both taken down, and set up in the Year 1553. it then weighed 40 Pound. At which time it was found to be of Copper, gilt over; and the length, from Tail to the Bill, being four Feet, and the breadth over the Wings, three Feet and a half. The Cross, from the Bole, to the Eagle (Cock) was 15 Feet 6 Inches of assise; the length thereof, overthwart, was 5 Feet and 10 Inches; and the compass of the Bole was 9 Feet and 1 Inch. The inner Body of this Cross was Oak, the next Cover was Lead, and the outermost was of Copper, red varnished. The Bole, and Eagle or Cock, were of Copper, and gilt also.

Paul's Steeple repaired.

Weather-cock of Paul's Steeple; the Steeple and the Church; the Dimensions thereof.

[Somewhat above the Stone-work of the Steeple, was a fair Dial; for which there was


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY