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[Chappels.] Faringdon Ward within. [S. Faiths]145

[Chappels.] Faringdon Ward within. [S. Faiths]

of Somerset, was begun to be pulled down, with the whole Cloister, the Dance of Death, the Tombs and Monuments: So that nothing thereof was left, but the bare Plot of Ground, which is since converted into a Garden for the Petty Canons.

There was also a Chappel at the North Door of Pauls, founded by the same Walter Sherington, by Licence of Henry VI. for two, three, or four Chaplains, endowed with 40l. by the Year. This Chappel also was pulled down in the Reign of Edward VI. and in place thereof, a fair House builded.

Chappel at the North Door of Pauls.

Within this Church of St. Pauls, were many Chappels dedicated to Saints, both Male and Female; which are set down by those that have purposely writ the History of this Cathedral. I find here a Chappel of the blessed Virgin St. Mary, and another of St. Katharine; and Guilds founded in them.

J. S.

Record Turr.

Chappel of our Lady.

William Persival, and William Kyrton, ministring Keepers of the Guild of the Annuntiation of the Blessed Mary, in her Chappel here, came before the Council of their Lord the King, in his Chancery at Westminster, Febr. the 1st, 12 Rich. II. 1389. according to the Form of a certain Proclamation made in the City of London; viz, for all the Guilds to bring into the Chancery, before the King, an Account of their Foundation and Constitution.

A Guild here.

Robert de Lynne, and John Selbery, Citizens of London, & Custodes Servitii ac Fraternitatis S. Katharinæ in Capella ejusdem infra Ecclesiam S. Pauli, London. Virtute, &c. i.e. And Keepers of the Service and Guild of St. Katharine, in her Chappel within the Church of St. Paul: By Vertue of certain Letters of their Lord the King, directed to the Maior and Sheriffs of London, and proclaimed in the City, &c. they gave in Writing this Account of the same; viz. That it was begun An. 1352. to keep up one burning Wax Light in the said Chappel, to the Honour of St. Mary the Virgin, St. Katharine, and all Saints. And so that Devotion was continued to the 36th Year of King Edward III. at which time, the Devotion of the said Brothers and Sisters, and others flowing to it, so increased and multiplied, that they ordered among themselves, to have one Chaplain, to celebrate Divine Offices for the State, and the Souls aforesaid, and of all Faithful deceased, &c.]

St. Catharine's Chappel.

There was furthermore a fair Chappel of the Holy Ghost in Paul's Church, on the North side, founded in the Year 1400. by Roger Holmes, Chancellor and Prebendary of Pauls, for Adam Bery, Alderman, and Maior of London, 1364. John Wingham, and others, for seven Chaplains; and called Holmes's College. Their common Hall was in Paul's Churchyard, on the South side, near unto a Carpenter's Yard. This College was, with others, suppressed in the Reign of Edward VI.

Holmes's College.

Then Under the Quire of Pauls, is a large Chappel, first dedicated to the Name of Jesu; founded, or rather confirmed, the 27th of Henry VI. as appeareth by his Patent thereof, dated at Crowdowne, to this Effect.

Jesus Chappel.

Many Liege Men, and Christian People, having begun a Fraternity and Guild to the Honour and most glorious Name of Jesu Christ, our Saviour, in a Place called the Crowds of the Cathedral Church of Pauls, in London; which hath continued long time peacably, till now of late. Whereupon they have made Request, and We have taken upon Us the Name and Charge of the Foundation, to the Laud of Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and especially to the Honour of Jesu, in whose Honour the Fraternity was begun, &c.

The King ordained William Say, then Dean of Pauls, to be the Rector; and Richard Ford, (a Remembrancer in the Exchequer) and Henry Bennis, (Clerk of his Privy Seal) the Guardians of these Brothers and Sisters. They, and their Successors, to have a common Seal, Licence to purchase Lands and Tenements, to the Value of 40l. by the Year, &c.

This Foundation was confirmed by Henry VII. the 22d of his Reign, to Dr. Collet, then Dean of Pauls, Rector there, &c. And by Henry VIII. the 27th of his Reign, to Richard Pace, then Dean of Pauls, &c.

The Parish Church of St. FAITH.


At the West end of this Jesus Chappel, under the Quire of Pauls, also was, and is, a Parish Church of St. Faith, commonly called St. Faith under Pauls. Which served for the Stationers, and others, dwelling in Paul's Churchyard, Pater noster Row, and the Places near adjoining.

The Parish Church of St. Faith.

The said Chappel of Jesus, being suppressed in the Reign of Edward VI. the Parishioners of St. Faith's Church were removed into the same Jesus Chappel, as to a Place more sufficient for largeness and lightsomness, than their former Church was, (in the Year 1551.) and so it still remaineth to that Use.

We cannot in this Place keep our ordinary Course in speaking of Decays, and Repairing, for, as it is antiently said of this Church,

Repaired and Furnished.


This Church needs no Repair at all;
For FAITH's defended by St. PAUL.

And for the Beauty it hath sufficient, being still supplied and furnished with whatsoever the Vertuous and Religious Guardians of it know fit, either for Use or Ornament. Which while we speak of, we cannot forget that especial addition of Beauty, Light; that Light, that by pulling down those Houses that stood before it, is plenteously descended into it. Nor forbearing to mention the Cost of the Parishioners (having gained such a long wanted Benefit) in trimming and new glazing their Windows.

At that Time also, viz. 1632. they purchased, at the lower end of the South Ile, going up thorow the Entry into Pauls, a convenient Place for a Vestry; upon which they have bestowed a great deal of Cost and Beauty.

Charges about a Vestry.

William Apsley,
John Gill.

The MONUMENTS there, are these.


Here buried is Elizabeth,     
of Honour worthy Dame,
Her husband erst Lord Shandoys was     
her Sonne hath now like Name:
Her Father was of Wilton Lord,     
a Gray of puissant Fame,
Her Brother left with us behinde,     
now Lord is of the same.
Her vertuous Life yet still doth live,     
her Honour shall remaine;
Her Corps, though it be growne to Dust,     
her Soule the heavens containe.
Quæ obiit 29. die Decembris, Anno Domini 1559.


A fair plated stone over a Vault in the East end of the Church.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY