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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[St. Faiths.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]146

[St. Faiths.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

This Lady Shandois was, on the 3d of January, 1559. carried from her Place in Knightrider street, to Jesus Chappel, with Priests and Clarks singing, attended with Heralds of Arms; and five Banners of Arms, of hers and her Husbands, and of her Pedigree; the Church hung with Black, and Escotcheons of Arms. A Sermon preached. And afterwards all the Company retired to her Place to Dinner; according to the Custom of Funerals in those Times.]

Lady Shandois buried in Jesus Chappel.

J. S.

Lo! Thomas Mond, Esquire by birth,     
doth under buried lye,
To shew that Men (By Natures Law)     
are borne to live and dye:
In Shropshire at the Mindtowne borne,     
the time we here prefixe,
And dyed the seventh of February,     
in Anno Seventy sixe.
Threescore and seven yeeres he saw,     
though Body lye in Tombe:
His Soule (immortall) lives in Heaven,     
by God's eternal doome.     
Natus octavo Mensis Julii, 1510.     
Obiit septimo Februarii, 1576.

A fair plated stone near to the former.

Here under this Stone reseteth, in the Mercy of God, the Body of M. Thomas Dockwray, Notary, late one of the Proctors of the Arches, Citizen and Stationer of London, and Anne his Wife. The which Thomas deceased the 23d day of June, An. Dom. 1559. &c.

Another stone close adjoining.

Cur Sacerdos eram,     
jam factus vile cadaver?
Et cito pulvis erit:     
Quæso memento mei.
Siste gradum qui me     
teris hic, & funde precatus
Me Deus ut levet hinc,     
ducat ad usque Polum.

This stone covered with a Pew that nothing can be seen but these Verses.

William Babham, and Alice Button his Wife, An. Dom. 1577.

In the middle Ile a fair plated stone.

Lo here the certain end     
of every mortal One,
Behold! alive to day,     
to morrow dead and gone.
Live well, so endless Life     
(by Death) you shall obtaine,
Nought lose the Good by death,     
since Life thereby they gaine.

Dum mihi persuasi     
me quæsiviq; salutem,
En morior dixit,     
nam Deus esse diem:
Non equidem invideo,     
peccati debita merces,
Cum sit mors nostri,     
cum reus omnis homo,
Cumq; operum requies,     
& sit mihi vita perennis,
In Christo morior,     
mors mihi gratus adest,
Quem mors sic rapuit;     
Cujus sunt ista sepulchra
Si quæras, subsunt     
quæ tibi cuncta notant.

A fair plated stone in the Chancel.

Lodovicus Nicols, Civis London, filius tertius Thomæ Nicols, Northamptoniensis, hic sepelitur. Obiit 22 Aprilis, 1592. Anno Ætatis suæ, 28.
Ad vocem Tubæ resurgent mortui.

Here lyeth the Body of George Whitgift, Esquire, one of the natural Brothers of John Whitgift, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Which George deceased the 19 day April, Anno Domini 1611.

Another stone in the Chancel.

William Lambe,     
so sometime was my Name,
Whiles I alive     
did run my mortall Race;
Serving a Prince     
of most immortal Fame,
Henry the Eighth,     
who of his Princely Grace,
In his Chappell     
allowed me a Place.
By whose Favour,     
from Gentleman t'Esquire,
I was prefer'd,     
with Worship for my hire.

Upon a brass Plate fixed on a Pillar by the Tomb in the open Church, beneath.

With Wives three     
I joyned Wedlocke band,
Which (all alive)     
true Lovers were to me:
Joane, Alice and Joane,     
for so they came to hand,
What needeth praise,     
regarding their degrees?
In Wively truth     
none stedfast mnore could be.
Who though in Earth     
Death's force did once dissever,
Heaven yet (I trust)     
shall joyne us all together.

O Lambe of Gods,     
which Sinne didst take away,
And (as a Lambe)     
was offered up for Sinne;
Where I (poor Lambe)     
went from thy Flocke astray,
Yet thou (good Lord)     
vouchsafe thy Lambe to winne
Home to thy Fold,     
and hold thy Lambe therein?
That at the Day, when     
Lambes and Goats shall sever,
Of thy choice Lambes,     
Lambe may be one for ever.

Under which Remembrance there are two Verses more added, containing both a Petition, and an Injunction of Duty to the Poor, who Weekly receive their Allowance at the Hands or Appointment of the Worshipful Company of Stationers. To whom he bearing great Affection, and having also no small Affiance in them, made them his Disposers and Stewards in that behalf. The Verses are these:

The Benevolence is given every Friday ordinarily throughout the Year.

I pray you all     
that receive Bread and Pence,
To say the Lord's Prayer     
before you go hence.

As for the Verses engraven upon the upper Stone of the Tomb, they are these.

As I was, so are ye,
As I am, you shall be.
That I had, that I gave,
That I gave, that I have.
Thus I end all my cost,
That I left, that I lost.

A very

© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY