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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY


[Pauls Cross.] Faringdon Ward within. [Pauls burnt.]149

[Pauls Cross.] Faringdon Ward within. [Pauls burnt.]

This Pulpit-cross was, by Tempest of Lightning and Thunder, defaced. Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, new builded this Pulpit and Cross, in form as it now standeth.

In foul and rainy Weather, these solemn Sermons were preached in a Place called The Shrowds. Which was, as it seems, by the side of the Cathedral Church, where was Covering and Shelter. Now, long since, both the Cross and Shrouds are disused, and neither of them extant. But the Sermons are Preached in the Cathedral it self, though they be still called Paul's Cross Sermons.

Paul's Cross Sermons.

J. S.

For the better Maintenance of these Paul's Cross Sermons, whither the Court, as well as the Maior and Aldermen, and chief Citizens used to resort, many were liberal Benefactors; as Aylmer, Bishop of London, Countess Dowager of Shrewsbury, Thomas Russel, George Bishop, who gave 10l. a Year, &c. And for further Incouragement of those Preachers, in the Year 1607. the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen, then ordered, that every one that should Preach there, (considering the Journies some of them might take, from the Universities, or elsewhere) should at his pleasure be freely entertained for five Days space, with sweet and convenient Lodging, Fire, Candle, and all other Necessaries; viz. from Thursday before their Day of Preaching, to Thursday Morning following. This Provision took good Effect; and this good Custom continued, till of late Times it hath been taken away, or disused. And the Bishop of London, or his Chaplain, when he sent to any one to Preach, did usually signify the Place whither he might repair at his coming up, and be entertained freely. Towards this Charge of the City, George Palin, a Merchant of London, gave 200l. that is, towards the bearing of the Charges of such as should from Time to Time, come to preach at the Cross.]

Provision for Paul's Cross Preachers.

E. Howes Chron.

In the Year, 1561. the 4th of June, betwixt the Hours of 3 and 4 of the Clock in the Afternoon, the great Spire of the Steeple of St. Paul's Church was fired by Lightning. Which brake forth (as it seemed) two or three Yards beneath the Foot of the Cross: and from thence it burnt downward the Spire, to the Battlements, Stone Work, and Bells, so furiously, that within the space of four Hours, the same Steeple, with all the Roofs of the Church, were consumed; to the great Sorrow, and perpetual Remembrance of all the Beholders.

Paul's Steeple and Church newly burnt.

Sir Thomas Chaloner, Kt. an excellent Scholar and Statesman, made a Copy of elegant Latin Verses upon this deplorable Accident; beginning Urbs Antiqua situ, &c. and by and by,

Donec magna gravi casu     
Domus illa Tonantis
Illa Domus (reliquis, seu     
Phœbe, augustior astris)
Quæ cœlo caput     
attollens inferre solebat
Mole sua, minor est     
toto nunc vertice, sævos
Trajectu horrendo, quà     
passa est fulminis ignes. &c.

Chaloner's Verses upon the firing of St. Pauls.

J. S.

Et quid non posthac fluxum     
& mortale putandum est!
Postquam etiam istius     
Structuræ adamantina Templi
Quod stetit, atque tulit     
nongentis amplius annis
Agmina ventorum toties     
adversa furentÛm.     
Tot Nubes, totis
jaculentes viribus imbres,     
Tot salésq; hyemésq; &
quicquid ab æthere durum     
Dura solet tandem
penetrare in Saxa, trisulci     
Non tulit (heu! fatum
miserabile) fulminis ictus.

Which L.M. a worthy Friend of mine, hath thus paraphrased in English Verse.

Till by a sad Mischance     
this stately Pile,
Which stood do long     
the Glory of our Isle;
And (as the Sun the     
Moon and Stars outvies,
The Beauty and the     
Lustre of the Skies)
Did through the Clouds     
soar with its lofty Top,
The Heavens, like Atlas     
to uphold and prop;
It now brought lower,     
and its towring Spire
Level'd and burnt by     
Lightnings rapid Fire, &c.

Henceforth compute,     
that nothing stable is
But flows away,     
decays, and vanishes.
Since this strong Fabrick,     
hard as any Rock,
Which near a Thousand     
Years had born the shock
Of Storms and Tempests,     
with the rude assaults
Of boisterous Gales,     
burst from Eolian Vaults,
Torrents of Rain,     
Vollies of Hail and Snow,
Enough to make the     
Worlds Foundation bow;
Hurricanes, Whirlwinds,     
and the Batteries
Of all the loud Artillery     
of the Skies.
The Summers, and the     
Winters rough Attacks,
With all their Times and     
Years upon its back,
Could bear no longer;     
but to Fate at last
Submit its self, and falls     
by Lightnings Blast.
The Steeple, Roof, and     
all Pauls former height,
Sank down, and henceforth     
vanish'd out of sight.
Hard, cruel Fate! that     
every thing should be
A Prey to     
ravenous Mortality.

Soon after this dismal Casualty, the Dean of St. Pauls preached at the Cross: Where he seemed to glance at some of the Papists in those Days, who muttered it about, that this was a Judgment for setting up a new Religion at Pauls. But these Fires were no more than were in former days under Popery. He shewed out of the Records of their Church (of Pauls) and the City, that in the Year 1382, May 21. with a great Earthquake through the Realm, the Cross in Pauls Churchyard was overthrown, in the 6th Year of King Richard II. He added, (to shew the Deceits of those Times, and the

Dean of Pauls, preaches at Paul's Cross.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY