Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[Contribution Faringdon Ward within. for Pauls.]150

[Contribution Faringdon Ward within. for Pauls.]

Guides of the Church then) that to the building of the Cross again, William then Bishop of Canterbury, gathered great Sums of Money, and enriched himself. But at length, it seems, (as if they mistrusted) the Peoples Charity grew cooler. For, because Men should be more liberal and willing to give, he, and the rest of the Bishops, granted many days of Pardon to them that would freely give Money to the building of that Cross again. Canterbury granted 40 Days; London., Ely, Bath, Chichester, Carlile, Landaff, Bangor, every one 40 Days; the number in all 320 Days. Bit not one Dodkin of Money (saith the Dean) came out of their Purses.]

After this Mischance, the Queens Majesty directed her Letters to the Maior, willing him to take Order for speedy repairing the same. And she, of her gracious disposition, for the furtherance thereof, did presently give and deliver in Gold, one Thousand Marks; with a Warrant for a Thousand Loads of Timber, to be taken out of her Woods or elsewhere.

The Queens Letters for speedy repairing of Paul's Church.

The Queens Gift.

Coop. Chron.

The Citizens also gave first a great Benevolence, and after that, three Fifteens to be speedily paid.


The Clergy of England likewise, within the Province of Canterbury, granted the Fortieth Part of the Value of their Benefices, charges with First Fruits; the Thirtieth Part of such as were not so charged. But the Clergy of London Dioces, granted the Thirtieth Part of all that were in payment of their First Fruits, and the Twentieth Part of such as had paid their Fruits.

Six Citizens of London, and two Petty Canons of Paul's Church, (by Order of the Privy Council) had charge to further and oversee the Work; wherein such Expedition was used, that within one Month next following the burning thereof, the Church was covered with Boards and Lead, in manner of a false Roof, against the Weather; and before the end of the same Year, all the said Iles of the Church were framed out of new Timber, covered with Lead, and fully finished.

The same Year also, the great Roofs of the West and East Ends were framed out of great Timber, in Yorkshire, brought thence to London by Sea, and set up, and covered with Lead; the North and South Ends were framed of Timber, and covered with Lead, before April, 1566.

But concerning the Steeple, divers Models were devised and made, but little was done, through whose Default God knoweth. It was said, that the Money appointed for the new building of the Steeple, was collected, * and brought to the Hands of Edmond Grindal, then Bishop of London.

*First Edit. Left out in the after Edit.

In this Time also, by Reason of the Queens Majesties Letters, directed to the Lord Maior and his Brethren, about the burning of Pauls, there were certain Aldermen and Commoners of the City, named and called together, by the Authority of the said Lord Maior, to devise some good Order, and speedy Remedy, for the Relief and Comfort of the said City, whensoever any Chance of Fire hereafter should happen, within the said City or Liberties thereof. The Persons so called, after sundry Meetings, and with good Advisement and Deliberation, agreed, and penned a certain Order for the speedy Remedy thereof; as well for the ready knowledge of the Place, wheresoever the same Fire should happen to be, and for the sudden extinguishing and suppressing of the same; as also for the safe keeping of the Goods of such Persons, in whose Houses any such Fire should chance. Which Orders and Rules were so proper and good for the said Purposes, that they were judged to tend to the great Comfort and Safety of the City and Citizens; had they been published and made known in Time, and executed accordingly. But these, as many other such painful and profitable Labours, taken for the good Government of the City, were soon laid aside. And when the talking thereof was done, and the Books framed and delivered, it soon past into Oblivion; and nothing at all thought upon, until an Hour after the Mischief be past; as a Wrtiter in those Times complained. But to return to this dreadful Damage by Fire done to Pauls, and the Cares for getting Supplie for the Reparation thereof.]

Order from the Queen for prevention of Fire.

Cooper Chron.

J. S.

Cooper in his Chron.

The Particulars of the foresaid Contribution from the Clergy of each Diocess, in the Province of Canterbury, stood as follows.

The Clergies Conribution for Pauls.

R. B.

Coventry and Litchfield480000
St. Davids300000
St. Asaph291900



From the Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and the Officers of that Court340500
Fron the Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, and the Officers of that Court171608
From the Bishop of London, of his own Benevolence1330608
More afterwards, by the said Bishop1510703
Given by the Dean and Chapter of Pauls1361304
Received by the Treasurers and Surveyors, for Timber sold, and otherways1190309
More laid out by the Bishop of London, for Timber and Workmanship7200000
The Sum of the whole27730507

But however, with these Monies the Church repaired, the Steeple was negelcted, and left in its Ruins, during the Life of Queen Elizabeth, until the 18th Year of King James I. in which Year, upon the 26th of March, being Sunday, the King, attended by several Noblemen, rode to St. Pauls in great State, on Horseback; where he was met by the Lord Maior and Aldermen, in their Formalities, at the

King James I. rides to Pauls.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY