Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[Benevolence for Faringdon Ward within. building Pauls.]151

[Benevolence for Faringdon Ward within. building Pauls.]

West Door of St. Pauls. Here the King alighting, went to the Brazen Pillar, where he kneeled down, and prayed for good Success to his pious Intention. Afterwards he went to the Quire, and there heard an Anthem; and from thence went to the Cross, where the Bishop of London, Dr. John King, preached a Sermon upon a Text given him by the King, which was Psalm. cii. ver. 13, 14. Thou shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion, for the time to favour her, yea, the set time is come. For thy Servants take pleasure in her stones, &c. And when the Sermon was ended, he repaired to the Bishop's Palace, where Consultations were taken what was most fit to be done, in order to the beginning and carrying on of so pious a Work. At length the King issued out his Royal Commission, dated the 16th of November following, directed to the Nobility and Citizens of London, &c. And the Commissioners, at several Meetings inquiring into the Matter, at length, upon a serious Deliberation, they concluded; that, as antiently it had been, so now a general Benevolence throughout the whole Kingdom should be attempted. Whereupon, the King, to give Example, began the Subscription; and others of the Nobility followed.

Bishop of London preaches at Paul's Cross.

A general Benevolence to be throughout the Kingdom.

The then Bishop of London gave 100l. and subscribed for so much annually, as long as should continue on the See.

But the Collection of Monies went so slowly forward, as, that though a good proportion of Stone was brought in by the Bishop, yet the prosecution of the Work became quite neglected.

Neither was there any thing more done, until Dr. Laud became of this See, which was in the Year 1628.

This Bishop being of a publick Spirit, cordially undertook the promoting of this good Work; and within few Years after, procured another Commission, from King Charles I. for that purpose.

Which Commission bearing date April the 10th, 1631. was directed to Sir Rob. Ducie, Bart. then Lord Maior of London, to George Archbishop of Canterbury, to the Lord Keeper, to the Lord Treasurer, &c.

Another Commission for a Benevolence.

By which Commission, the King taking notice of this Cathedral, as the goodliest Monument, and most eminent Church in his whole Dominions; as also, that it was the principal Ornament of this City, the Imperial Seat of his Realm. And moreover, taking notice of the Proceedings in a Commission issued out by his Royal Father, to the same Purpose, resolved to go on therewith effectually; declaring as followeth,

"First, That all Money brought in for the Repair thereof, should be paid into the Chamber of London."

The Contents thereof.

"Secondly, That Laud, then Bishop of London, offered to allow 100l. per Ann. out of the Revenue of his Bishoprick, during his continuance therein."

"Thirdly, That a Register Book of all Subscriptions for Contributions thereunto, should be made, as in King James his time."

A Register Book.

"Fourthly, That the Judges of the Prerogative Court, and all Officials throughout the several Bishopricks and Wales, upon the Decease of any Person intestate, should be excited to remember this Church, out of what was proper to be given to pious Uses."

"Lastly, That there should be Letters Patents issued out for the receiving of Publick Contributions from all People throughout the Kingdom."

After which it was not long, but that Monies were brought into the Chamber of London accordingly.

Monies plentifully brought in.

The Bishop of Norwich, (at that Time Almoner to the King) giving 400l. the 17th of May next following. Multitudes of others, for eleven Years following, brought in their Monies very plentifully.

On the 16th of December, 1632. the Commissioners began their Meetings, and concluded of certain Orders for regulation of all Things touching the said Repair. And in April next ensuing, the Work was begun; there being in ready Money, then brought in, 5416l. 13s. 6d. And on the 26th of June, was issued out 2000l. of the said Money, unto Michael Grigg, Esq; Paymaster of the said Work. And soon after, the said Bishop Laud laid the first Stone, at the East end thereof. The second Stone was laid by Sir Francis Windebank, one of his Majesty's Secretaries of State. The third by Sir Henry Martin, Judge of the Prerogative Court. And the fourth by Inigo Jones, Surveyor General of this Work. Neither did this worthy Bishop cease from the carrying on of this Work, after he was translated to Canterbury, which was in September following; but in all things shewed himself a pious and powerful Furtherer thereof.

First Stone laid, and by whom.

Nor was the King himself without an high Sense of the Honour done unto the Christian Religion, and the Fame which would redound to this Nation, by thus restoring so signal a Monument of his renowned Ancestors Piety. (King Æthelbert, and the other Saxon Kings.)

A magnificent and stately Portico, with Corinthian Pillars, he erected at his own Charge at the West end of the Church; where he placed the Statues of his Royal Father, K. James, and himself, for a lasting Memorial of their ready Disposition and Endeavour to advance so glorious a Work. And in this manner it was carried on, for the space of above nine Years, many Persons contributing very largely unto it. Amongst which, Sir Paul Pinder, Kt. King James I. his Ambassador, Resident at Constantinople many Years, is in an especial manner to be remembred; who having at his own Charge, first repaired the decays in the Stone Work of that goodly Partition made at the West end of the Quire, adorning the Front thereof, outward, with fair polished Pillars of black Marble; and the curious carved Statues of the Saxon Kings and Bishops, which had been the first Founders and Benefactors to the Church. Graced the inside thereof with Figures of Angels, and other Ornaments: Likewise mended and repaired all the decays and defects of the Wainscot Work of the Quire; and beauified the same with a fair Rail of Wainscot, and a great number of Cherubims artificially carved. All which were sumptuously gilded, and painted with rich Colours, in Oil. He magnificently clothed the whole Quire, and the upper part of the Presbytery, with fair Tapestry Hangings.] And afterwards bestowed 4000l. in the Repairing of the South Cross.

The Portico at the West end of the Church.

Sir Paul Pinder's Benevolence.


The Steeple was intended wholly to be taken down, and by stronger Pillars to be supported and built, in proportion to the Church; with a Spire of Stone suitable thereunto, being ready scaffolded to that end. And the rest of the Repairs was finished, as to the Walls and Cover of Lead.

The Steeple.

And that Posterity may see what open Hearts and Hands our English Nation then had, for the recovery of this ruinous Buiding to its pristine Splendor, here is added a Brief of the


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY