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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[St. Pauls. Faringdon Ward within. New Built]155

[St. Pauls. Faringdon Ward within. New Built]
[ Click here to view 
The East end of the Cathedral Church of S   The East end of the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls London. ] [ Click here to view 
The Front or West end of the Cathedral Church of S   The Front or West end of the Cathedral Church of St. Pauls London. ] [ Click here to view 
The South Side of S   The South Side of St. Pauls London Cathedral. ]

The Old Church being taken down, the First Stone of the New one was laid, by Mr. Strong a Mason, the second by Mr. Longland, June 21. 1675. towards the Building whereof the following Duties on Coals imported at London, were appropriated by several Acts of Parliament.

22. Car. II. c. 11. from May 1. 1670. to Midsummer 1677. 2s. per Chaldron: and from thence to Michaelmas 1687. 3s. per Chaldron: one Fourth to be applied towards the Building S. Pauls.

Aids granted by Parliament, for rebuilding S. Paul's.

1 Jac. II. cap. 15. from Michaelmas 1687. to Michaelmas, 1700. 18d. per Chaldron: two Thirds towards the building this Church.

8 Will. III. from Michaelmas 1700. to Michaelmas 1708. 12d per Chaldron: two Thirds for the Use of S. Pauls.

1. Annæ Sess. 2. For eight Years from Michaelmas, 1708. 2s. per Chaldron, all for this good Use.

Feb. 27. 1698-9. a Fire broke out at the W. end of the North Isle of the Choir, in a little Room prepar'd for the Organ Builder to work in when the Choir was newly finish'd, but the Communication between the said Work-room and Organ Gallery being broke down, and all imaginable means used, the Fire was happily got under, doing no other damage but to 2 Pillars and an Arch, with Enrichments, which are very artificially repaired: And the Church has no sign left of damage by that Fire, except that the Lustre of the Gilding is thereby a little abated.

Another Fire there.

The Church abateing the two Towers, Morning Prayer Chapel, and Consistory at the W. end, which makes it broader there, and the Sweep at the E. end) is in Form a Long Cross (a very proper) Figure of a Christian Church.

The Outside described.

The Walls very well built of fine Portland Stone, Rustic Work; There are two Ranges of Pilasters that adorn the Outside one above the other, the lower consists of about 120 Pilasters with their Entablatures of the Corinthian Order, and the Upper of as many, with Entablament of the Composit Order, besides Twenty Columns at the W. and Four at the E. End, and those of the Portico's; and spaces between the Arches of the Windows, and the Architrave of the lower Order, &c. are filled with great variety of curious Enrichments, Cherubims, Festoons, &c. and (at the E. end) the Cypher of W.R. within a Garter, on which are the Words, Hon y soit qui mal y pense; and this within a fine Compartment of Palm-Branches, and placed under an Imperial Crown, &c. all finely carved in Stone.

The Intercolumns of the lower Range of Pilasters, are 33 ornamental Windows, and 6 Niches; and of the upper Range 37 Windows, and about 30 Niches, many whereof are adorned with Columns, Entablature, and Pediments. And at the E. end is a Sweep, or Circular Space, adorned with Columns and Pilasters, and enrich'd with Festoons, &c. and at the upper part, is a Window between 4 Pieddroits, and a single Cornish, and these between two large Cartouches.

1. The Ascent to the N. Portico is by 12 Steps of black Marble; the Dome of the Portico is supported and adorned with Six very spacious Columns (48 Inches Diameter) of the Corinthian Order; above the Door-case is a large Urn with Festoons, &c. Over this (belonging to the upper Range of Pilasters,) is a spacious Pediment, where are the Queen's Arms, with the Regalia, supported by 2 Angels, with each a Palm Branch in their Hands; under whose Feet apppear the Figures of the Lyon and Unicorn.

Of the Porticos, Portals and Pediments.

2. You ascend to the S. Portico (the Ground being lower) by 25 Steps. It is in most other Respects like the N. and above this a Pediment (as the other) belonging to the upper Order, where is a Ph?nix with her Wings expanded in Flames, under which is the Word RESURGAM.

3. The W. Portico is adorned and supported with 12 Columns below, and 8 above, fluted of the respective Orders as the 2 Ranges; the 12 lower adorned with Architrave, Marble Friese, and a Cornish; and the 8 upper with an Entablature, and a spacious Triangular Pediment, where the History of St. Paul's Conversion is carved in Relievo, by the ingenious Hand of Mr. Bird: The Door-Case is white Marble, and over the Entrance is cut in Relievo, the History of St. Paul's Preaching to the Berreans. It consists of a Gruppa of 9 Figures (besides that of St. Paul) with Books, &c. by the same Hand as the Conversion.

4. On the S. side of the Church, near the W. end, is a Forum or Portal, the Door-Case being enrich'd with Cartouches, Volutas, and Fruit very exquisitly carved, under a Pediment; and opposite to this on the N. side, is the like Door-Case. At the W. end, is an Acroteria of the Figures of the Apostles, each about 11 Foot high, with that of St. Paul on the Angle of the Pediment; and those of the Four Evangelists, also an Entablature and Circles of Enrichment, where Twelve Stones compose the Aperture answering the Twelve Hours.

The two Towers each adorned with Circular Ranges of Columns, of the Corinthian Order with Domes on the upper part, and at the Vertex of each a gilded Pine Appel.

The Choir has its Roof supported with 6 spacious Pillars, and the Church with 6 more; besides which, there are 8 that support the Cupulo, and 2 very spacious ones at the W. end, all which Pillars are adorned with Pilasters of the Corinthian and Composit Orders; and also with Columns fronting the cross Ile or Ambulatory, between the said Consistory and Morning-Prayer-Chapel, which have each a very beautiful Screen of curious Wainscot, and adorned each with 12 Columns, their Entablatutes, arched Pediments, and the Queens Arms enrich'd with Cherubims, and each Pediment between 4 Vases, all curiously carved; and these Screens are fenced with Iron Work; as is also the Cornish at the W. end of the Church, and so Ed beyond the first Arch.

The Inside of the Church.

The Pillars of the Church that support the Roof, are 2 Ranges, with their Entablature and beautiful Arches, whereby the Body of


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY