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[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]157

[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

Ecclesiæ spectantes ad Patronatum Decani & Cap. S. Pauli Lond. per quoddam antiquum Registrum.

S. Antonini juxta Soperis Lane.
Augustini ad Portam.
Benedict. Algar ad Wodewharfe.
Benedict de Grascherche.
Botolphi de Ponte.
Egidii extra Crepelgate.
Sanctæ Elene.
Johis Zacharie.
Nichi Olaf. Bernard.
Marie de Aldermanbury.
Martin Orgar juxta Candelwickstrete.
Magdalene in Melkstrete.
Magdalene in Piscenario.
Michelis in foro ad Bladum.
Michis ad Ripam de Byllynsg.
Petri de Bradestrete.
Petri parvi super Tamisiam.
Thom. Apli.
Gregorii estimation. nichil.
Olavi de Muckwel, nullius estimation.
Mich. in Bassyngeshaw.
Johis. in Walbroke.
Andr. in Holburne.
Edmund. in Lumbardstr.

Churches belonging to St. Pauls.

Pensions due to St. Paul's Church.


De Abbatia de Graciis3s. 4d.
De Decano S. Martini3s. 4d.
Sti Dunstani in Occid.3s. 4d.
De magistro Colleg. de Cobham3s. 4d.

There was an Eleemosynarius Sti Pauli London; [i.e. an Almoner of St. Pauls,] tum ad sustentationem puerorum, cum ad Eleemosynam faciend. [i.e. both for the maintaining of Children, and doing of Alms.] This Almoner had particular Rents appropiated for these Uses.

St. Paul's Almoner.

There were also many Payments from divers Churches and Persons, to pray for the Souls of several. All these Rents and Payments are particularly set down in the aforesaid Book of Statutes.

The Dean and Chapter had an antient Privilege granted them by Edward II. which was to enjoy the Temporalities of the Bishoprick of London; paying after the rate of 1000l. a year, while it remains thus vacant in their Hands. In the Year 1594. Bishop Elmer dying, Noel the Dean, and the rest of the Chapter, made suit to the Lord Treasurer Burghley, That they might have and enjoy the Temporalities according to the Charter made to their Predecessors in that behalf, as aforesaid. The Treasurer, upon this, ordered Sir Thomas Fanshaw, Clark of the Crown, to see the Grant, and what Allowance it had received in Times past, and thereof to make a Certificate. Which accordingly he did, and gave this Account thereof.

The Temporalities of the Bishoprick, during the Vacancy, belonged to the Church.

"I have seen the Charter, and find it to be of the Effect abovesaid. And I have seen among the Records of the Exchequer, by the Inrollment of Letters Patents, of K. Hen. VIII. made in the 24th year of his Reign, entered upon Record in the Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office, Term. Paschæ Anno predict. Regis xxiiii. and of a Writ of Allocate thereupon made, and enrolled in the King's Remembrancer's Office, inter Bria. dirca. Baronibus de Term. Michis, Anno xxvto. By which the King did recite not only the Grant above mentioned, but also that the Dean and Chap- ter then had in their Hands, by the said Charter, the Custody of the said Bishoprick, and the Temporalities of the same; being void by the Translation of Cuthart, late Bishop. And thereupon, the King did grant unto his Counsellor, John Stokesley, Clark, the Bishop elect, all the Right and Interest which he then had in the said Temporalities and Rents, to be had and taken, as well by the Hands of the Dean and Chapter, as of the Farmers, Bailiffs &c. and did discharge the Dean and Chapter, &c."

"Wherefore in my Opinion, the Dean and Chapter ought to have the Custody of the said Bishoprick, during the present Vacation, by Vertue of their Charter; unless some Alteration hath benn made sithence, vicessimo quinto Reg. Henrici Ocatvi."
Dated the 7th of June, 1594.
Tho. Fanshaw.

Accordingly I find the Dean and Chapter did enjoy the Temporalities, till Fletcher, the next Bishop, was placed; which was from June the 5th, to January the 24th following; which was 134 Days. And paid into the Treasury, for the Time, after the Rate of 1000l. per An. 320l. 11s.]



Monuments in this Church, be these.

First, as I read, of Erkenwalde, Bishop of London, buried in the old Church, about the Year of Christ 700. Whose Body was translated into the new Work, in the Year 1140. being richly shrined above the Quire, behind the high Altar.

Monuments in Pauls.

Sebba or Seba, King of the East Saxons, was first buried in the old Church, and after that removed to the new, and laid in a Coffin of Stone, or grey Marble, on the North side without the Quire, having this Inscription hanging by it.

Hic jacet Sebba, Rex orientalium Saxonii, qui conversus fuit ad fidem per S. Erkenwaldum, Londinens. Episcopum Anno Christi, 677. Vir multum Deo devotus, actibus religiosis crebris precibus, & piis Eleemosynarum fructibus plurimum intentus, vitam privatam & Monasticam cunctis Regni divitiis & honoribus præferens. Qui cum regnasset Ann. 30. habtitum Religiosum accepit, per benedictionem Waltheri, Londinensis Antistitis, qui præfata Erkenwaldo successit. De quo venerabilis Beda, in Historia Gentis Anglorum, &c.]

At the entrance of the North side or Ile of the Quire.

A. M.

Etheldred, King of the West Saxons, was likewise buried, and removed, (lying next unto King Sebba) and this Inscription fastened by him.

A. M.

Hic jacet Ethelredus, Anglorum Rex, filius Edgari Regis, cui in die consecrationis post impositam Coronam, fertur S. Dunstanus Cantuar. Archiepiscopus dira prædixisse his verbis. Quoniam aspirasti ad Regnum per mortem fratris tui, in cujus sanguine conspiraverunt Angli, cum ignominiosa Matro tui; non deficiet gladius de domo tua, sæviens in te omnibus diebus vitæ tuæ, interficiens de semi e tuo, quousque Regnum tuum transferatur in Regnum alienum, cujus ritum & linguam, gens cui præsides non novit; nec expiabitur, nisi longa vindicta pec-

In another Coffin of grey Marble, by the other, Ethelred, sirnamed the Unready.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY