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[S. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]158

[S. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

catum tuum, & peccatum Matris tuæ, & pecaata virorum, qui interfuêre cònsilio illius nèquam. Quæ sicut à viro sancto prædicta erant evenerunt: Nam Ethelredus variis præliis per Suanum Danorum Regem, filiumq; suum Canutum fatigatus & fugatus, ac tandem Londini arcta obsidione conclusus, miserè diem obiit, Anno Dominicæ Incarnationis, 1017. postquam Annis 36. in magna tribulatione regnasset.]

William Norman, Bishop of London, in the Reigns of Edward the Confessor, and William the Conqueror, deceased Anno 1070. and is buried in the West Ile, with an Epitaph (or Memory) as in my Summary I have shewed; viz.

Gulielmo, viro sapientia & vitæ sanctitate claro, qui primùm Edwardo Regi & Confessori familiaris, nuper in Episcopum Londinensem erectus; nec multò pòst apud invictissimum Principem Gulielmum Angliæ Regem ejus nominis primum; Ob prudentiam, fidemq; singularem, in Concilium adhibitus; Amplissima tunc urbi celeberrimæ privilegia ab eodem impetravit: Senatus populusq; Londinensis bene merenti posuit. Sedit Episcopus Annos 20. Deccesit Anno à Christo nato, 1070.

Being first buried in the Quire and afterward removed into the B dy of the Church, at the Citizens earnest Suit, and upon good Occasion.

Hæc tibi (clare Pater)     
posuerunt Marmora Cives,
Præmia non meritis     
æquiparanda tuis.
Namq; sibi populus     
te Londinensis amicum
Sensit, & huic urbi     
non leve præsidium.
Reddita libertas duce     
te; donataq; multis,
Te duce, Res fuerat     
publica muneribus.
Divitias, genus, & formam     
brevis opprimat hora,
Hæc tua sed pietas     
& benefacta manent.

To William, a Man famous in Wisedome and Holinesse of Life; who first with S. Edward the King and Confessor being familiar, of late preferred to be Bishop of London, and not long after (for his prudencie and sincere fidelity) admitted to be of Councell with the most victorious Prince, William, King of England, of that Name the first. Who obtained of the same, great and large Privileges to this famous Citie. The Senate and Citizens of London, to him, having well deserved, have made this. Hee continued Bishop twenty yeeres, and dyed in the yeere after Christ's Nativity, 1070.

The same Epitaph and Verses in English.

A. M.

These Marble Monuments to Thee     
Thy Citizens assigne,
Rewards (O Father) far unfit     
To those Deserts of thine.
Thee unto them a faithfull Friend     
Thy London People found;
And to this Towne, of no small weight,     
A Stay both sure and sound.
Their Liberties restor'd to them,     
by meanes of Thee have beene,
Their Publike Weale by meanes of Thee,     
Large Gifts have felt and found.
Thy Riches, Stocke, and Beauty brave,     
One Houre hath them supprest:
Yet these thy Vertues and good Deeds,     
with us, (for ever) rest.

The Lord Maior of London, and the Aldermen his Brethren, upon their solemn Days of their resort to Pauls, have long time used to walk to the Grave stone, where this Bishop lieth buried; in remembrance of their fomer Privileges by him obtained.

This Man is termed by some, Richard de Gravesend.

[But ignorantly, Gravesend being Bishop almost 200 Years after. J. S.]

And now of late Years, there is an Inscription fastened to that Pillar which is next his Grave, termed, The Revival of a most worthy Prelates Remembrance. There erected at the sole Cost and Charges of the right honourable and worthily affected, Sir Edward Barkham, Kt. Lord Maior of the City of London, Anno 1622. speaking thus to the Walkers in Pauls.

Right against the little South Door in the lower Church.

Walkers, whosoere ye be,
If it prove you chance to see
Upon a solemn Scarlet Day,
The Citie Senate passe this way,
Their gratefull Memory for to show
Which they the Reverend Ashes owe
Of Bishop Norman, here inhum'd.
By whom this Citie hath assum'd
Large Privileges: Those obtain'd
By him, when Conquerour William raign'd.
This being by thankfull Barkham's Mind renu'd,
Call it The Monument of Gratitude.]

Set up at the Lord Maiors Cost and Charges.

Eustachius de Fauconbridg, Bishop of London, 1228. buried in the South Ile above the Quire.

Martin Pateshul, Dean of Pauls, 1239. Will. Haverhul, Canon, the King's Treasurer. Hugh Pateshul, 1240. Geffrey de Acra, Chaplain in the Chappel of St. James under the Rood at the North Door, 1244. Alexander de Swarford, 1273. John Grantham, 1273. John Braynford and Rich. Umframvile, 1275. Roger de la Le, Archdeacon of Essex, 1280. Ralph Donion, Canon 1382. Godfrey S. Donstan, 1274. Will. Harworth, Clerk, 1302. Reginald Boandon, in the new Lady Chapel, 1305. Rich. Newporte, Archdeacon of Middlesex, 1309.

Roger Niger, Bishop of London, 1241. buried on the North side of the Quire.

Fulco Basset, Bishop of London, 1259. And his Brother Phil. Basset, Kt. 1261.

Henry Wingham, Bishop, 1262.

Henry Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, in the new Work of Pauls, betwixt our Lady Chappel and St. Dunstans Chappel. Where a fair Monument was raised for him, with his Picture in Armour, cross-legg'd, as one professed for Defence of the Holy Land against the Infidels.

The Cause of Monuments for the Dead Cross-legg'd.

First Edit.

[Buried Anno 1310.

His Monument is fowly defaced.]

Raphe Baldocke, Bishop of London, 1813. in our Lady Chappel, whereof he was Founder.

Hic jacet Magister Fulco Lovell quondam Archidiaconus Colcestrie. Floruit sub Henrico 3. Rege.

An Inscription in the Wall.

A. M.

Hic requiescit in Domino Rogerus, Cognomento Niger, quondam Canonicus hujus Ecclesiæ S. Pauli: Ac deinde in Londinens. Episcopum Consecratus Anno Salutis, 1228. vir in literatura profundus, moribus honestus ac per omnia laudabilis, Christianæ Religionis amator, ac defensor strenuus. Qui cum pastorale Officium vigilanter & studiosè rexisset Annis 14. diem suum clausit extremum, apud Manerium suum de Stebunheath, 3. Calend. Octob. An. Christi, 1241. Regnante Rege Henrico 3.

In the midst of the Quire, near to the Place where they stand to hear Sermons.

Contigit hic diebus, dum Episcopus iste Rogerus in hac Ecclesia ante majus Altare staret infulatus ad celebrandum divina, quod tanta in aëro facta est nubium densitas, vt vix alter alterum discernere possit, quam confestim secuta est tonitrui horribilis concussio, cum tanta fulminis coruscatione, ac fÅ“tore intolerabili, ut omnes qui aderant rapidè fugientes, nihil verius quàm mortem expectarent. Solus Episcopus cum uno


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY