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[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]166

[St. Pauls.] Faringdon Ward within. [Monuments.]

chard Beauchamp, late Earl of Warwicke, (which dyed in Roane) and of Dame Elizabeth his Wife. The which Elizabeth was Daughter and Heyre to Thomas, late Lord Berkly, on his side; and on her Mothers side, Lady Lisle, and Tyes. Which Countesse passed from this World the fourteenth day of June, in the yeere of our Lord 1468. On whose Soule JESUS have mercy. Amen.

Wenlocke, by his last Will, dated 1477. appointed, that there should be dispended upon a Monument, over the Lady of Shrewsbury, where she is buried, afore Jesus, 100l. He left Sir Humphrey Talbot his Supervisor. This Sir Humfrey Talbot, Knight, Lord Marshal of the Town of Callis, made his Will the Year 1492. He was the younger Son of John Earl of Shrewsbury, and Margaret his Wife. He appointed a Stone to be put in a Pillar, before the Grave of his Lady Mother in Pauls, of his Portraiture and Arms, according to the Will of John Wenlock. But for want of room and lightsomness in that Place, it was concluded, that the Image of Jesus should be curiously painted on the Wall in Paul's Church, over the Door that entreth into the said Chappel of Jesus; and the Portraiture also of the said Lady Margaret, Countess of Shrewsbury, kneeling in her mantle of Arms, with other of her Progeny: All which was so performed, and remaineth till this Day.

In the Chappel of Jesus, Thomas Dowroy, William Lambe, 1578. and many other have been interred.

John of London, under the North Rood, 1266.

John Lovell, Clerk.

John Romane.

John of St. Olave.

Walter Bloxley.

Sir Allen Boxhul, Knight of the Garter, Constable of the Tower, Custos of the Forrest and Park of Clarendon, the Forrest of Brokholt, Grovel and Melchet; buried beside S. Erkenwald's Shrine.

Hic jacet Dominus Richardus de Piriton, quondam Archidiaconus Colcestriæ, Canonicus & Stagiarius hujus Ecclesiæ. Qui obiit 26 die Augusti, Anno Domini 1387. Cujus animæ propitietur Deus.

An Inscription in Brass, by Sir John Beauchamp's Tomb.

John Nevil, Lord Latymer, in Anno 1542. whose Widow was the last Wife unto King Henry VIII. lieth here interred; but his Tomb is very much wronged and defaced.

In St. Thomas Chappel, near the North Door.

Thomas Lynacrus, Regis Henrici, 8. Medicus, Vir & Græcè & Latinè atque in re Medica longè eruditissimus. Multos ætate sua languentes, & qui jam animam desponderant, vitæ restituit: Multa Galeni opera Latina lingua mira & singulari facundia, vertit. Egregium opus de emendata structura Latini sermonis, amicorum rogatu, paulò ante mortem edidit. Medicinæ studiosis Oxoniæ publicas lectiones duas, Cantabrigiæ unam in perpetuum stabilivit. In hac Urbe Collegium Mediocorum fieri sua industria curavit, cujus & Præsidens proximus electus est: Fraudes dolosq; mirè perosus, fidus amicis, omnibus ordinibus juxta charus: Aliquot annis antequam obierit Presbyter factus. Plenus annis, ex hac vita migravit multum desideratus, Anno Domini 1524. die 7 Octob.
Vivat post Funera Virtus.

A Brass Plate above in the Wall, near the North Door.

Thomæ Lynacro clarissimo Medico, Joannes Caius posuit, Anno 1557.

Memoriæ Sacrum.
Edwardo Stanhopo, Michaelis Stanhopi ex ordine Equestri filio, Equiti Aurato, Legum Doctori, Episcopi Londinensis Cancellario, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Vicario Generali, in publicis Ecclesiæ & Reipublicæ negotiis versatissimo. Qui certa spe in Christo resurgendi, piè placideque animam Deo reddidit, die 16 Martii, 1608.
Joannes, Baro Stanhopus de Harington, & Michael Stanhopus, Eques Auratus, fratres mœstissimi, Officiosæ Pietatis ergo P.P.

A Monument erected in the Wall, near to the Stairs going up into the North Quire.

Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London, in a proper Chappel, termed of the Trinity, lieth there buried, in Anno 1489. As appeareth not only by his Name and Arms thereon in several Places, but likewise by this ensuing Inscription, engraven on a Plate, and fixed in the same Chappel.

A comely Chappel founded by himself, on the North side the Body of the Church.

Infra Capellam istam requiescit corpus D. Thomæ Kemp, quondam Episcopi London, fundatoris ejusdem, & unius Cantariæ perpetuæ in eadem. Qui multa bona tempore vitæ suæ Ecclesiæ Sancti Pauli dedit, & stetit 39 Annis 84 diebus Episcopus London. Ac obiit 28 die mensis Martii, An. Domini 1489. Cujus animæ propitietur Deus. Amen.

Richard Vaughan, likewise Bishop of London, lieth buried in the said Chappel, 1607.

In the same Chappel.

Gulielmo Lilio, Paulinæ Scholæ olim Præceptori Primario & Agnetæ Conjugi, in sacratissimo hujus Templi Cœmiterio hinc à nunc destructo consepultis: Georgius Lilius, hujus Ecclesiæ Canonicus, parentum memoriæ piè consulens, Tabellam hanc ab amicis conservatem, hic reponendam curavit.
Obiit ille G.L. An. Dom. 1522. Calend. Mart. Vixit An. 54.

A Brass Plate fixed in the Wall, by the great North Door.

Memoriæ Sacrum.
Thomas Ravis, claris natalibus Mauldenæ in Suthreia natus, Regius Alumnus in Schola Westmonasteriensi educatus, in Academiam Oxoniensem adscitus, omnes Academicos honores consequutus, & Magistratibus perfunctus, Decanus Ecclesiæ Christi ibidem constitutus, & bis Academiæ Pro-Cancellarius. Unde ob doctrinam, gravitatem, & spectatam prudentiam, à Rege Jacobo, primum ad Episcopatum Glocestrensem provectus, deinde ad Londinensem translatus, & demum à Christo, dum Ecclesiæ, Patriæ, Principi vigilaret, in Cœlestem Patriam evocatus, placidè pieque emigravit, & quod mortale fuit, certa spe resurgendi, hic deposuit, die 14 Decembris, An. Salutis, 1609.

A fair Tomb in the Wall, at the upper end of the North Ile, below.

Gulielmus Harington, Jurisconsultus, Protonotarius Apostolicus, D. Pauli Canonicus, ex illis quos Residentiarios dicunt: Patria Eboracensis natus in pago qui Estryngton vocitatur, Patre Gulielmo Haringtono, viro claro, genere orto in pago Commerlandiæ non ignobili, qui Neubyging nuncupatur; & Matre Joanna, Filia Gulielmi Haskæ aliter Balivi dicti, viri Generosi in eodem pago Estryngton nata: memor exitus vitæ, qui omnibus horis impendet, hoc sibi sepulchrum posuit. Anno Salutis, humanæ1523.

In St. John's Chappel. near to the great South Door.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY