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[Black Friers.] Faringdon Ward within. [Their Liberties.]185

[Black Friers.] Faringdon Ward within. [Their Liberties.]

"to be most certain and true, as he will answer at the dreadful Day of Judgment upon his Soul."

"22. Be it in remembrance perpetual, for infallible Truth, that one Alexander Avenon, being Sheriff of London, and one other, being Alderman of the Ward of Faringdon infra, came and entred very stoutly into the Liberty of the Black Friers near Ludgate, the 15th day of May, 1562. to carry away all the Hosiers and Taylors, to come to the Guild-Hall in London, according to the Queen's new Proclamation. Which Hosiers and Taylors denied to go with the said Sherif, affirming and saying, That they had put in Bonds (before their coming) to the Lord Cobham, and to Sir Thomas Saunders, Kt. two of the Queen's Justices of the Peace within the said Liberty (being within the Verge, and exempted from the City of London) according to the Queen's Proclamation. And thereupon, one John Bradford, being Constable of the same exempted Place, and within the Liberty of the said Queen's Verge, caused the four Porters of the said Friers to shut all the Gates; which being perceived by the said Sheriff and Alderman, the said Sheriff commanded the Gates to be opened; whereunto the said Constable of the Friers said, That they should not be opened, before the Justices Pleasure of the Friers were known. And then the Sheriff of London said, That he was of greater Authority than the Justices were. The Constable affirming him so to be within the City of London, but not within the Precinct of the Liberty of the Black Friers. For the Constable said, that he had greater Power and Authority there than the Sheriff had. Which being heard, and scant well digested by them; fearing further Inconvenience to arise thereupon (as by sudden changing of their greived Countenance was plainly declared) the said Sheriff and Alderman (with gentle Language) desired the Constable to open the Gates quietly, and suffer them to pass thence. Which he did at their gentle Request and Intreaty. An so they departed out of the Liberty of the Black Friers, by the Porters Commandment, and gave to the Porters for opening the Gates, Money."

Two Aldermen enter into the Liberties of the Black Friers.

" People of St. Martins, as well Strangers as others, (in the open high Street) marvelling and wondring at the said Sheriff's and Alderman's inclosure within the said Friers Gates: On the Morrow after, being the 16th day of May, 1562. one Hardford being Constable of St. Martin's Parish within Ludgate, in the high Street there, took one [Gilbert] Trethern, a Hosier and Taylor, dwelling in the said Friers, and carried him to the Lord Maior of London. Who by and by (without delay, or any futher Speech) commanded the said Gilbert to the Counter in London. Whereupon, the said Sir Thomas Saunders, as one of the Justices of the said Liberty, went to the Earl of Arundel, Lord Steward to the Queen's most Honourable Houshold, declaring the whole Circumstance of the said Sheriff and Alderman's enterprize. And obtained a Token to the Lord Maior, no further to enter the said Liberty within the Verge; until by Law, or the Privy Councils Judgment, the Question moved were determined, concerning the infringing of the said antient Liberty. All this was spoken in the presence of Peter Baugh, Lewes Rawbone, and divers other Strangers. In witness and probation whereof, the said Sir Thomas hath subscribed his Name, with divers others hereunder written, which were present."

What ensued upon this Business in the Black Friers.

" 23. Be it had in perpetual memory, for a continual perfect declaration of the Truth, whereunto all Matters of Variance and Controversy should be referred and advanced; and not the Sparks of Truth to be hidden (as a Candle bearing perfect light, under a Bushel) and so washed away in the flowing Waters of unmindful Oblivion; which (amongst all good Christian Men) is at all Times, and in all Ages, to be rejected, and not to be imbraced; but rather to be buried in the bottom of the Earth, never to rise again."

A further Testimony concerning one Robert Flower, Taylor and Hosier in the same Precinct of Black Friers.

" In consideration whereof, by these Presents, it is for an infallible Truth, to be holden with all Men, which shall hear or see this present Writing, That Robert Flower, Taylor and Hosier, dwelling within the Precinct and Liberties of the late Black Friers, near Ludgate in London; was by Commandment of the whole Bench of Aldermen, committed into one of the Compters of London, the 20th day of May, 1582. For that the same Robert Flower refused to be bound (according to Order taken) from the making of monstrous great Hosen, according to the Queen's Proclamation in that behalf. Because the said Robert Flower had (amongst other Persons) put in Bonds before the Honourable Warden of the five Ports, and Sir Thomas Saunders, Kt. Justices within the Liberty of the Queen's Verge. After which revealed and known to the Honourable Earl of Arundel, Lord Stweard of the Queens most Honourable Houshold; who caused the Knight Marshal to go to the said Lord Maior, requiring the deliverance of the said Prisoner. The Lord Maior (being sickly) made answer, that he knew nothiong thereof; but desired him to speak with Mr. Recorder. Who made Answer, that the said Imprisonment was done by the whole Bench of Aldermen, and he (as one particular Person) could not deliver the Prisoner until the next Court Day, which could not be till two Days after; to the great Charges and Hindrance of the said Prisoner."

" Whereupon the Lord Steward sent for Master Cholmeley, he being then Recorder of London, and commanded him to deliver the Prisoner; or else he would imprison the Maior of London, and the said Recorder, and the fattest Alderman in the City, which he could get within the Verge. And declared, that the Queen's Liberties and Franchises should not be overcome by the Lord Maior and Bench of Aldermen, so long as he was Officer; with many other Words against the Citizens, which were too long to write. Adding further, that the Maior did not meddle with St. Martins, being within the City, and a parcel of Westminster Deanery: Much less should he meddle with the said Liberty of the Friers, bounded out by Walls and Gates from the City; being in the County of Middlesex, and not within the City. And so commanded the Recorder to send home the Prisoner into the Liberty presently; which was so done accordingly. Promising, that if the Lord Maior could declare or shew any good Title, whereby to break the Liberty, the Queen's learned Counsel should answer him and them therein. And then the Recorder said, he never heard before that time, that the Lord Steward did claim the Precinct of the said Black Friers, to be within the Liberty of the Queen's Verge. Out of which Jurisdiction the City "


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY