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[Black Friers.] Faringdon Ward within. [The fatal Vesper.]186

[Black Friers.] Faringdon Ward within. [The fatal Vesper.]

"of London is exempted by the Statute of 32 Hen. 8. cap. 2. Under Colour of which Statute, the Maior would bring the said Friers to be in London; which in all the Friers Time was freely exempted."

" All the which Matter was debated in the presence of Sir Thomas Saunders, Kt. Master Robert Hopton, one of the Knight Marshals, and Mr. Bromeley, under Steward of the Marshalsea, the Day and Year above written."

" 24. Item, That in Queen Mary's Time, or King Edward's Time, her Brother, there was a Man slain within the said Precinct of the Black Friers. And the Goods of him that was supposed to do the Deed, were stayed within the said Friers, and an Inventory taken by the next Justice of Peace within the Verge, Roger Cholmeley, Kt. by the Commandment of Sir Thomas Cheyney, Kt. And afterward one Master Garrard, and the Recorder of London, came unto the said Sir Thomas Cheyney's House, within the same Precinct, and would have made an Inventory of the Goods of the Party Offender aforesaid, now deceased. But the said Sir Thomas Cheyney would not permit nor suffer them so to do; for that he had made Stay of the same Goods for the Queen before, if it were lawfully found that the said Party had slain the Man dead. Which afterward was otherwise found by a Quest of Twelve Men, sitting super visum corporis of the Dead, by the Coroner of the Verge, within the said Liberty; where the Maior of London and Bench of Aldermen have not to do, nor intermit with the Inhabitants thereof. Because the whole Friers Liberties, and Franchises of the same, were freely given unto King Henry VIII. by Act of Parliament. Whereby the Lord Maior of London, and Bench of Aldermen, are clearly barred and secluded from the Friers Liberties, and the Inhabitants thereof franchised, and clean exempted from all the Citizens, and their Impositions or other Taxations."

A Man slain in the Liberty of the Black Friers.

Add to the rest, this Testimony following.

The true Copy of the Vicar of Bromley's LETTER, in Kent, sent to Master Thomas Walsingham of Scadborough in the said County, Esq. Who sent the same Letter to Sir Tho. Saunders, Kt. he being also one of the Queen's Justices of the Peace in the said County; to examine the several Particulars therein, concerning the Liberties of the said Friers, &c.


RIght Worshipful, you shall understand that I have recieved your kind Letter; according whereunto, these are to satisfy your Mind, that I was dwelling in the Black Friers four or five Years; and came thither from Oxford, where I had been a Student of Divinity. I was also Curate of the Parish within the Black Friers, called St. Agnes. We had within us a Porter, who did shut all the Gates every Night; at Nine of the CLock in the Winter, and at Ten of the Clock in the Summer. No Sheriff, Bailiff, or Constable, nor yet the Maior of London, took Interest there at any time; nor foreign Porters had to do within our Privilege. And the Friers did pave both within the Turn-gate and without, unto St. Andrew's Church, down by the great Garden Wall. And without the Turn-gate there was a Cage, pulled down by my time, which was set up by the Lord Maior of London. The Inhabitants within the Friers never watched; neither the Constable of

This Vicar of Bromley dwelt formerly in the Black Friers.

St. Martin's Parish warned any Watch there, neither came within the Gates after the Hour apointed, at any time. The Sheriffs of London had no Felons Goods there, neither did Arrest any Person within the Precinct of the House. As for Bakers and Brewers that belonged to the House, they be dead.

There is one James Norrice, Curate alive; who was brought up in the House, and dwelling at St. Michaels in Cornhill, he can give you further Instructions. Whether there be any more living, I know not.

The Relation of a sad Accident here.

The fatal VESPER, or dismal EVENSONG, happening at the Black Friers on Sunday in the Afternoon, it being the 26th day of October, 1623.


THere were upon that Day, being dedicated to the Service of God, assembled in the Black Friers, near the French Embassadors House in Ordinary, above Three hundred Persons of sundry Nations; as English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish, to hear a Sermon, and after that to celebrate Evensong, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Romish Church. He that was to supply that Exercise for the present, was Father Drury, a Jesuit by Profession, and by Birth a Gentleman; being extracted out of the House of the Norfolcian Druries, and Son unto Dr. Drury, late Professor of the Civil Law, and Practiser thereof in the Court of the Arches here in London. He was by those of the Romish Religion, reputed to be a Man of great Learning; as having studied many Years beyond the Sea, with much approbation and allowance of his Superiors. And although he were opposite in point of Faith and Belief, unto the Religion now professed in England, yet was he held by the generality of our Nation, both Protestants and Papists, who knew him, and could make a true estimate of his Vertues and Vices by the outward circumstance and appearance of his Actions, to be a Man of a good moral Life, and of a plausible and laudable Conversation. So that in respect of these Indowments, there could nothing have been desired more by us of the Reformed Church, than that he had not been a Papist; but a Member of our Church, Religion, and Profession. All the Day before, which was the last that ever had Eyes beheld, he was observed to be wondrous sad and pensive, contrary unto his wonted Humour and Disposition; he being a Man of a free, merry and affable Conversation; as though that some Spirit of Prediction had foretold him of that fatal Disaster which was at hand. Thus we read of Cæsar, that he was possessed with a strange and unwonted Sadness that Morning when he entred into the Senate-house, where he was stabbed to Death by the Senators. And so was that Assassine Cassius much perplexed and troubled in Mind, before that mortal and bloody Battle of Pharsalia. By means of which Affection, Father Drury finding an Indisposition in himself, he would (if with his Reputation he could) have made a retraction of his Promise, and a demur of the intended Exercise. But being prest on by divers of his Friends, who told him that the Audience was great, and their Expectation far greater; he did then again resolve to go forward with the Enterprize.

The same Man spoken of before.

The Place wherein this Congregation was assembled, was not the French Embassador's Chappel, according as the first Report went currant; for that was reserved for the Use of


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY