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[Benefactors.] Breadstreet Ward. [Gerards Hall.]204

[Benefactors.] Breadstreet Ward. [Gerards Hall.]



Persons here also buried, and that have Monuments or Stones with Inscriptions, are these.

Late Monuments.

J. S.

In a Vault under the Communion Table, are interred Tho. Ball, of Maidston in Kent, and Citizen of London, 1679. And Frances his Wife, 1680.

In the same Vault, Frances Williams, only Child of the said Thomas and Frances, and Wife to Benjamin Williams. She died 1685.

Sarah Coxon, Wife of John Coxon, of the Parish of St. Margaret Moses, 1683.

A Hatchment for Sir Nicolas Crisp.



There is a Table of their Benefactors, on the North side of the Communion Table, set up by them in Gratitude, An. 1684.


The Lord Trenchaunt, of St. Albans, Kt. who was supposed to be the new Builder of this Church; our best Benefactor, about the Year 1300.

Sir John Chadworth, or Shadworth, sometime Lord Maior of London. Who gave to this Chuch a Parsonage House, Vestry, and a Churchyard, in the Year 1430. and was buried in a Vault in this Chancel.

Mr. Coppinger, whose Monument stood in this Place before the late Fire, 1666.

Mr. Tho. Langham, a good Benefactor to this Parish, in the Year 1575.

The Account given in of the charitable Gifts in the Parochial Visitation, 1693. mentioned in general, divers Bequests and Legacies to the Church, Poor, and publick Uses, Viz. Lands of yearly Value of 50l. and divers other Legacies, of the yearly Value of 20l. 12s. 2d. as appear by the Register Books; wherein the Names of all the Benefactors, and the Lands and Sums given, are particularly mentioned.


The Parsonage House was burnt down, rebuilt, leased out for Forty Years at 5l. per ann. payable by the Executors of Mr. Thomas Hatton.]


Out of this Breadstreet, on the same East Side, is Basing lane, a part whereof (as is afore shewed) is of this Ward; but how it took that Name, I have not read: Other than that in the 20th Year of Richard II. the same was called the Bakehouse; whether meant for the King's Bakehouse, or of Bakers dwelling there, and baking Bread to serve the Market in Breadstreet, where Bread was sold, I know not. But sure I am, I have not read yet of any Basing, or of Gerrard the Giant, to have any thing there to do.

Basing lane, called the Bakehouse.

On the South Side of this Lane, is one great House, of old time builded upon arched Vaults of Stone, and with arched Gates, brought from Cane in Normandy.

Gerard's Hall.

The same is now a common Ostrey for receipt of Travellers, commonly and corruptly called Gerard's Hall, of a Giant said to have dwelled there. In the high Rooffed Hall of this House, sometime stood a large Firr Pole, which reached to the Roof thereof; and was said to be one of the Staves that Gerard the Giant used in the Wars to run withal. There stood also a Ladder of the same length, which (as they said) served to ascend to the top of the Staff. Of late Years this Hall is altered in building, and divers Rooms are made in it. Notwithstanding, the Pole is removed to one Corner of the Hall, and the Ladder hanged, broken, upon a Wall in the Yard. The Hostler of that House said to me, the Pole lacked half a Foot of Forty in length. I measured the compass thereof, and found it it be fifteen Inches. Reason of the Pole could the Master of the Hostery give me none; but bade me read the great Chronicles, for there he had heard of it. Which Answer seemed to me insufficient. For he meant the Description of Britain; for the most part drawn out of John Leyland's Commentaries, (borrowed of my Self,) and placed before Reyne Wolfe's Chronicles, as the Labours of another; who was forced to confess, that he never travelled further than from London to the University of Oxford. Wherein the Author writing a Chapter of Giants or monstrous Men, and having been deceived by some Authors, too much crediting their smooth Speech, hath set down more Matter than Truth; as partly, and also against my Will, I am inforced to touch. R.G. in his Brief Collection of Histories (as he termeth it) hath these Words.

A Pole of 40 Foot long, and 15 Inches about, fabuled to be the justing Staff of Gerard a Giant.

I the Writer hereof, did see, the 10th day of March, in the Year of our Lord 1564. and had the same in my Hand, the Tooth of a Man, which weighed ten Ounces of Troy Weight. And the Skull of the same Man is extant, and to be seen, which will hold five Pecks of Wheat. And the Shin Bone of the same Man is six Foot in length, and of a marvellous greatness.

R. G.

A Stone said to be a Tooth; and so by Conjecture a Man to be 28 Foot of height.

The Error thereof is thus: He affirmeth a Stone to be the Tooth of a Man; which Stone (so proved) having no shape of a Tooth, had neither Skull nor Shin-bone. Whereunto it is added in the said Description, That by conjectural symetry of those Parts, the Body to be Twenty and eight Foot long, or more. From this he goeth to another Matter, of a Man with a Mouth sixteen Foot wide; and so to Gerard the Giant, and his Staff. But to leave these Fables, and to return where I left, I will note what my self have observed concerning that House.

I read, that John Gisors, Maior of London in the Year 1245. was Owner thereof; and that Sir John Gisors, Kt. Maior of London, and Constable of the Tower, 1311. and divers others of that Name and Family, since that time, owned it. For I read that William Gisors was one of the Sheriffs 1329. More, that John Gisors had issue Henry and John; which John had issue Thomas. Which Thomas deceasing in the Year 1350, left unto his Son Thomas his Messuage called Gisors Hall, in the Parish of St. Mildred in Bredstreet. John Gisors made a Feofment thereof 1386, &c. So that it appeareth, that this Gisors Hall, of late time (by corruption) hath been called Gerards Hall, for Gisors Hall; as Bosoms Inn, for Blossoms Inn, Bevis Marks, for Buries Marks, Mark lane, for Mart lane, Beliter lane, for Belsetters lane, Gutter lane, for Guthuruns lane, Cry [or Cre] Church, for Christ's Church, St. Mihel in the Quern, for St. Mihel at Corn, and such others. Out of this Gisors Hall, at the first Building thereof, were made divers arched Doors, yet to be seen, which seem not sufficient for any great Monster, or other than Men of common stature to pass through. The Pole in the Hall might be used in old time, as then the Custom was in every Parish, to be set up in the Street, in the Summer, as a May-pole, before the principal Hall or House in the Parish or Street; and to stand in the Hall before the Scrine, decked with

Gerard's Hall restored to his old Name.

Gerard's Hall overthrown, with Gerard the Giant, and his great Spear.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY