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[Bounds.] Castle Baynard Ward. [Great Inns.]220

[Bounds.] Castle Baynard Ward. [Great Inns.]

CASTLE BAYNARD WARD. The Bounds. Beaumont's Inn. Scrope's Inn. Burley House. Baynards Castle. Mills in the Fleet Water. St. Benet by Pauls Wharf. St. Andrew in the Wardrobe. The King's Wardrobe. Darby House. Doctors Commons. St. Mary Magdalen Old Fishstreet. Three West Gates of St. Pauls. Lollards Tower. St. Gregories by St. Pauls. The present State of this Ward.

THE next is Castle Baynard Ward, so named of an old Castle there. This Ward beginneth in the East, on the Thames side, at an House called Huntington House; and runneth West by Pauls Wharf, by Baynards Castle, Puddle Wharf, and by the South side of the Black Friers. Then turning by the East Wall of the said Friers, to the South-west end of Creed lane. Then on the North side of Thames street, over against Huntington House, by St. Peter's Church and Lane, called Peter Hill, along till over against Puddle Wharf: And then North up by the great Wardrobe, to the West end of Carter lane. Then up Creed lane, Ave Mary lane, and a piece of Pater noster Row, to the Sign of the Golden Lion; and back again up Warwick lane, all the East side thereof, to the Sign of the Crown by Newgate Market: And this is the farthest North Part of this Ward.

Castle Baynard Ward.

The Bounds thereof.

The North Part.

Then out of Thames street, be Lanes ascending North to Knightriders street. The first is Peter hill lane, all of that Ward, (two Houses excepted, adjoining to St. Peters Church.) The next is Pauls Wharf hill, which thwarting Knightriders street and Carter lane, goeth up to the South Chain of Pauls Churchyard.

Then is Adle street, over against the West part of Baynards Castle, going up the West end of Knightriders street, and to Carter lane.

Adle street.

Thus much for Lanes out of Thames street. The one half of the West side of Lambart hill lane being of this Ward, at the North-west end thereof, on the South side, and at the West end of St. Mary Magdalens Church. On the North side, beginneth Knightriders street to be of this Ward; and runneth West, on both sides, to the Parish Church of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe.

Then at the said East end, of St. Mary Magdalens Church, goeth up the Old Exchange; all the West side whereof, up to the South-east Gate of Pauls Churchyard, and by St. Austin's Church, is of this Ward.

About the midst of this Old Exchange, on the West side thereof, is Carter lane, which runneth West, to the East entry of the Black Friers, and the South end of Creed lane. Out of the which Carter lane, descendeth a Lane, called Do little lane, and cometh into Knightriders street, by the Boars Head Tavern. And more West is Sermon lane, by an Inn called the Powl head. Then out of Carter lane, on the North side thereof, the South Chain of Pauls Churchyard, and the Churchyard it self, on that South side of Pauls Church, and the Church of St. Gregory, the Bishop's Palace, and the Dean's Lodging, be all of this Ward. And such be the Bounds thereof.

Do little lane.

The Ornaments in this Ward, be Parish Churches four; of old time, a Castle; divers Noblemens Houses, Halls of Companies, two; and such others, as shall be shewed.

In Thames street, at the South-east end, is an antient Messauge, of old time called Beaumont's Inn, as belonging to that Family of Noblemen of this Realm, in the 4th of Ed. III. Edward IV. in the 5th of his Reign, gave it to W. Hastings, Lord Chamberlain, Master of the Mints. It is now called Huntington House, as belonging to the Earls of Huntington.

Beaumont's Inn.

Huntington House.

Next is Pauls Wharf, a large landing Place, with a common Stair upon the River of Thames, at the end of a Street called Pauls Wharf Hill, which runneth down from Pauls Chain.

Pauls Wharf.

Next is a great Messuage, called Scroop's Inn, sometime belonging to the Scroops, in the 31st Hen. VI.

Scroops Inn.

Then is one other great Messuage, sometime belonging to the Abby of Fiscampe, beyond the Sea. And by Reason of the Wars, it coming to the Hands of King Edward III. the same was given to Sir Simon Burley, Knight of the Garter, and therefore called Burley House in Thames street, between Baynards Castle and Pauls Wharf.

Burley House.

Then have you Baynards Castle whereof this whole Ward taketh Name. This Castle banketh on the River Thames, and was called Baynards Castle, of Baynard, a Nobleman, that came in with William the Conqueror. Of the which Castle, and of Baynard himself, I have spoken in another Place *.

Baynards Castle.

*In the Chapter of Towers and Castles.

There was antiently a publick Laystal near this Castle; the stink of which could not but be an Annoyance to it. Which in the Reign of Queen Mary I. was removed; the Earl of Pembroke then living there. And at a Common Council, August the 7th, in the 3d and 4th of Philip and Mary, it was agreed, at the Request of the Earl of Pemroke, that the City's Leystow adjoining to his Lordship's House, and being noisome to the same, should be removed. Upon Condition, that he should give the City, toward the making of a new Leystow in another Place, Two Thousand Foot of hard Stone, to make the Vault and Wharf thereof; or else Forty Marks in ready Money, to buy the same Stone withal.]

The Laystal at Baynard Castle removed.


There was also another Tower by Baynards Castle, builded by King Edward II. Edw. III. in the 2d of his Reign, gave it to William Duke of Hamelake, in the County of York, and his Heirs, for one Rose yearly to be paid for all Service. The same Place (as seemeth to me) was since called Legates Inn, in the 7th of Edw. IV. where be now divers Wood Wharfs in place.

Legates Inn.

Then is there a great Brewhouse, and Puddle Wharf, a Water Gate into the Thames, where Horses use to be watered; and therefore being

Puddle Wharf.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY