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[Temple Hall.] Faringdon Ward without. [Arms in the Windows.]275

[Temple Hall.] Faringdon Ward without. [Arms in the Windows.]

There be several other Stones with Inscriptions, in this Round Walk; which being preserved in the Origines Juridiciales, I omit.

A Monument on the Wall, more Modern.

M. S. Johannis Churchil, Armigeri, interioris Templi quondam Socii, Gulielmi Churchil, de Mussen, in Agro Dorset. Filii & in Parliamento Britannico Tempore mortis suæ Socii. Obiit 24 die Aprilis, 1709. Ætat. 51.

Upon a Gravestone near the same Monument.

Hic jacet Johannes Churchil, de quo versus parietem magis legere licet.

A Monument near the North Corner of the middle East Window.

M. S. Neer this Place lye interred the Remains of Tho. Lake, Esq; Utter Barister of the honourable Society of the Middle Temple; Nephew and Heire of Sir Edw. Lake, late of Bishops Norton, in the County of Lincoln. Who for his Loyalty and Valor signalized at Edghil Fight, was created Baronet by King Charles I. He dyed May 22. in the 54th Year of his Age, An. Dom. MDCCXI.

On a Monument raised against the East Wall, at the South side of the Rails.

Subtus jacent Reliquiæ Samuelis Dod, Militis; Imperante GEORGIO, Capitalis Baronis Scaccarii: Honestâ Familiâ in Com. Cestr. oriundi, & interioris Templi olim Socii. Vale. Sin plura, Lector, rogites; Desideras Virum apud Coævos celeberrimum, & apud Posteros imitandum: Siquid imitandi habent singularis modestia singulari merito, summa Industria summæ Eruditioni, conjuncta. Legum Municipalium Angliæ Scientiâ, in suo seculo floriut. Et in maximis causis, cum privatis, tum publicis, summo cum plausu versatus est. Multiplici Experientiâ, acri judicio, Temperata ac suavi Orationis Copia, Ornatissimus. Religionis interim veræ, ac libertatis Britannicæ fidus Custos, ac rigidus Satelles. His artibus enisus, summos propè quos Toga novit Honores attigit. Et à Serenissimo Prinicipe GEORGIO Regnum auspicante (Cujus Præsentis, Absentis partes penitus dilectus habuerat) ad Officium Capitalis Baronis Scaccarii evocatus, in eodem amplissimo munere obeundo, extinctus est.

Sir Sam. Dod.

Viduam reliquit Isabellam, Filiam & Cohæredem Rob. Croke, nuper de Chequees, in Com. Bucks, Militis (Nomen omnibus Anglis satis notum, inter Juris consultos autem notissimum & nobilissimum) Prolem. Ex hac suscepit duos filios, Crokium & Johannem. E quibus Crokium jam adultum, & multa ac pulchra pollicentem, quinetiam Officio examinatoris in Causâ Cancellariæ fungentem, immaturo funere extulit, & hoc sub marmore, cum Lachrymis composuit.

Johannem Superstitem & Hæredem ex asse reliquit. Obiit 14 April. An. Dom. 1716. Ætatis suæ 64. Uxor optimo omnium marito, Filius optimo omnium Parenti H. M. P. P.
Debemus Morti nos nostraq;

In the great Temple Hall, on the South Window, long before the great Fire, were many Coats of Arms, belonging to these Persons following; most of them Judges, or other great Lawyers, in King Henry VIII. and Queen Elizabeth's times.

Arms in the Temple Hall.

J. S.

William Periam, Kt. Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

MSS Hutton, D.D. and D.H.

Tho. Mead, Justice of the Common Bench.

Edward Mountague, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, to be held before King Henry VIII. 1540.

S. George Mil. Garter.

William Fleetwood, Recorder of London. His Coat was Parte per pale Nebule, Azure, and Or. six Martlets in deux Pales, Counter changed of the Field.

Edmund Plowden, Azure, two Chevrons connexees. In Chief two Flowers de lyz, Or.

Henry Mountague, Kt. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas before King James I. 1616. Son of Edward Mountague.

Edmund Mezoine, Justice.

Rob. Brook, Chief Justice oif the Common Pleas.

John Walshe, Justice.

John Southcote, Justice.

Richard Weston, Justice.

Humphrey Brown, Kt. Justice.

Anthony Brown, Kt. Justice. Bore the same Coat with Humphrey, only, in a Chief Arg. a Spread Eagle, Sable.

Reginold Corbet, Justice.

Edward Saunders, Chief Baron of the Exchequer.

Robert Catlyn, Kt. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.

James Dyer, Kt. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.

Thomas C. (Carey, ut opinor) Justice.

Rob. Bel. Tho. Fermor.

John Popham, Kt. Chief Justice of England.

George Fettiplace, Peter Vavasor, William Wheatley, Miles Saunders, Matthew Smith, Tho. Andrews, Peter Roos, Edward Meredith, Thomas Morgan, Humphrey Moseley, William Rede, Edward Fenner, Kt. and Justice; Richard Ingepin. Jeronymus Corbet, Thomas Morgan, Richard Lewknor, Rob. Snagg, Tho. Bowyer, George Gascoin, John Savyle, Reginold Bray, Tho. de la Pine, Tho. Hannam, Walter Holdriche, John Ashfield, Richard Hackluit, John Agmondesham, Christopher George, Rich. Pound, John Shurley.

On the North Window were these.

Augustin Nicolls, William Weston, Kt. Rob. Napper, Kt. Edward Hobie, Kt. who bore twelve Shields. John Throgmorton, bore seven Shields. Rob. Dennys, nine Shields, Maurice Berkley, Kt. William Salisbury, Christopher Broom, Kt. Jo. Clifton, Kt. Edward Horsey, Captain of the Isle of Wight. Thomas Denton, John Peter, he bore Gules, a Bend, Or. between two Scalops, Arg. Radulph Sheldon, Thomas Tresham, Kt. He bore sixteen Shields. The first parted per Salteir, Sable and Arg. Six Trefoyls of the second; three in Chief, and as many in Base. Robert Jermin, Kt. nine Shields. Thomas Powle, Tho. Fanshawe; he bore Or. two Chevrons Ermin between three Flowers de Lyz, Sable. John Spencer, George Trenchard, Tho. Smith of London. He bore Az. a Chevron engrailed between three Lions passant gardant, Or. George Siddenham, Henry Ferrers, George Caroe, Tristram Mitchel, John Edgcomb, Tho. Fortescue, Henry Somaster, Edward Martin, of Berkshire, Thomas Hatton, Edmund Buckenham, Edw. Herte, Edw. Hodie, John Hyde, Rich. Ferrers, Nic. Hauard, Martin Colthurst.

In the other Temple Hall, in the South Window, these.

Nic. Hare, Kt. Master of the Rolls. He bore two Bars, and a Chief indented, Or.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY