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Present State Faringdon Ward without. of this Ward.]283

Present State Faringdon Ward without. of this Ward.]

is a passage into Fettter lane. Adjoining to Bartlet's Buildings, is a Court so called, which is but small. Thavies Inn, another of the Inns of Chancery; which is but small, and chiefly taken up by the Welsh Attorneys. St. Andrew's Court, indifferent good, but the Houses old built.

Bartlet's Court.

Thavies Inn.

St. Andrew's Church, seated in a very spacious Churchyard, inclosed with a Wall. And since the new building of the Church it is made very Ornamental both without and within, as to the Pews, Galleries, Pulpit, Communion Table, &c. It stands gracefully fronting Holbourn; and having on the East Shoe lane.

St. Andrew's Church.

Beyond Shoe lane, and on the same side of Plumbtree Court, already mentioned, is the Bull head Tavern, which was built upon the Ground of Feathers Alley.

Bull head Tavern.

Now to go back to Holbourn hill, North side, beginning at the Bars. In which side there are some Parts out of the Freedom; as Brook street, Furnival's Inn, Hatton Garden, Ely House, &c. which doth appear by the Chain Line in the Map, which is the Separation of the County from the Freedom.

The Places of Name are, Warton Court, very long, with a passage into Brook street. The Court is new built with good Brick Houses, hath a Freestone Pavement, and well inhabited. Furnival's Inn, another of the Inns of Chancery, and is a very good Pile of Building, with a handsome Garden behind the Hall, and a large Court before it. Ely Court, very handsome, large, with new Brick Houses, and a Freestone Pavement, and well inhabited. This Court lieth betwixt Leather Lane and Hatton Garden; which being out of the Freedon, but in that part of the Parish that lieth in the County, it is there spoken of; as likewise Ely House. Scroop's Court, formerly Scroop's Inn, and belonged to John Lord Scroop; after whose Death it was let out to some Serjeants at Law, and then called Serjeants Inn in Holbourn. And upon their removal, it was converted into Tenements, with Gardens unto them. Since which, being old, and the Houses very much decayed, it is of late rebuilt with very good Houses, and the Place very much inlarged by the additional Buildings; and divideth it self into two Parts, that towards the West side being long, like unto an Alley, having yet a great deal of waste Ground to be built upon, which lieth behind Field lane, whcih I doubt not but in a short time will be all built upon, into Courts, or otherwise. Out of this Court is a passage into Field lane. Dyer's Court, opposite Shoe lane, indifferent good. Sutton Court, over against St. Andrew's Church, pretty large and good. Plough Yard, very ordinary, hath a passage into Field lane.

Warton Court.

Furnival's Inn.

Ely Court.

Ely House.

Scroop's Court.

Antiently the Serjeants at Law had an Inn here.

Dyer's Court.

Sutton Court.

Plough Yard.

Field lane, very narrow, but mean Houses, and the Place nastily kept; as being inhabited by Butchers and Tripe Dressers on the East side, by reason of the benefit of the Ditch that runs on the back side of their Yards and Slaughter Houses, to carry away their Filth. This Lane runneth up to Saffron hill, and receiveth Chick lane; but the part of this Lane in the Freedom goeth but little beyond the passage into Plough Yard.

Field lane.

Holbourn bridge and Snow hill,. This part of Holbourn goes to Lamb's Conduit, and there begins Snow hill; which, as I said before, in a winding Passage runneth up to St. Sepulchre's Church; and both these Places are graced with good Buildings, well inhabited by noted Tradesmen, and is a Place of great Resort. The South Side by the Bridge, lieth open to the Canal, already treated of. Here are these Places: Horn Alley, near the Bridge, but indifferent. Beehive Alley, long, narrow, and ordinary. Katherine Wheel Alley, indifferent good. Kings Arms Inn, very considerable and large, having at the upper end of the Yard a passage into Chick lane. Betwixt this Inn and Swan Inn, is Hand and Crown Alley, very small. George Inn, very large, and of a considerable Trade; the passage to the Yard is through Cow lane; and the entrance to it in Holbourn, is through a paved Court, with indifferent good Houses on both sides. Bell Alley, but ordinary. Cock Court, seated almost against the Conduit, by the corner of Cow lane; indifferent good, and hath a passage into Bell Alley. Lamb's Conduit, or Holbourn Conduit, built in the middle of the Street fronting Holbourn bridge, Snow hill, and Cow lane. Repaired and beautified, as yet it remains.

Holbourn Bridge, and Snow hill.

Horn Alley.

Bee hive Alley.

Katharine Wheel Alley.

Kings Arms Inn.

Hand and Crown Alley.

George Inn.

Bell Alley.

Lamb's Conduit.

St. Sepulchres Church, or St. Sepulchres in the Baily, seated on the top of Snow hill; a very large and spacious Church, with a lofty Towered Steeple, Spires at each corner, and Weathercocks on the tops. In which Steeple is a gallant ring of eight Bells; and in the Church is a pair of Organs. To this Church there is a large Churchyard both before and behind it; although not so large as of old time, good part being taken away, and converted into Buildings; so that now it is not enough for the burial of their Dead; and the Inhabitants are forced to make use of another large piece of Ground in Chick lane.

St. Sepulchres Church.

Robert Lewis, Leather-seller, gave to this Parish 30l. a Year for Coals to the Poor.


Robert Dove, Merchant Taylor, gave 50l. for the Prisoners Bell. The Meaning is, that when the Condemned Prisoners are drawn to their Execution at Tyburn, there is a Man with a Bell, who stands in the Churchyard, by the Wall next the Street, and so tinkles his Bell, and repeats some Verses, to put them in mind of their Death approaching.

This Church was very much ruined in the late dreadful Fire; but by the Money raised from the Imposition on Coals, and the Charges of the Parishioners, and Benefactors, it is Rebuilt, and beautified both within and without.

Next to this Church is Sarazen's Inn, very large, and of a considerable Trade for Wagons, Coaches and Horses.

Sarazens Inn.

Church lane, adjoining to this Church Eastwards, which leadeth into Pye Corner; noted chiefly for Cooks Shops, and Pigs drest there during Bartholomew Fair.

Pye Corner.

Nags head Court, long and ordinary. And opposite to this is Green Dragon Court, which is but small.

Nags head Court.

Green Dragon Court.

Giltspur street. In this Street are these Places: Ball Court, pretty long, but ordinary. Horseshoe Alley, long, narrow, and but indifferent. Rosemary lane, pretty large, but ordinary; and hath a passage into the Long Walk betwixt the two Hospitals. Church Alley, so called, as fronting St. Sepulchre's Church; and hath a pretty good Row of Buildings on the East side; the West side lying open, and only severed from the Churchyard by a Wall.

Giltspur street.

Ball Court.

Hors shoe Alley.

Rosemary lane.

Church Alley.

Cock lane, an ordinary Place; it cometh out of Snow hill, and falleth into Pye Corner.

Cock lane.

Cow lane, a great Thoroughfare for Carts, &c. out of Snow hill into Smithfield. In this Lane are several Coachmakers, for which it is of chief Note. In this Lane is a passage to Hosier lane, which falleth into Smithfield. And

Cow lane.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY