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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Borough of Southwark. 3

Borough of Southwark.

Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens of the said City, of London, did give and grant to the said Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens of the said City, and to their Successors, in and through the whole Borough and Town of Southwark; and in and through the whole Parish of St. Saviours, St. Olaves, and St. George in Southwark; and in and through the whole Parish, then late called St. Thomas's Hospital, and then called the Kings- Hospital in Southwark, and elsewhere wheresoever, in the Town and Borough of Southwark, and in Kentish-street, and Blackman-street in the Parish of Newington, All Wayfs, Estrays, Treasure-trove, Goods and Chattels of Traytors, Felons, Fugitives, Outlaws, Condemned Persons, Convict Persons, and Felons defamed, and of such as be put in Exigent of Outlawry, Felons of themselves, and Deodands, and of such as refuse the Laws of the Land: And all Goods disclaimed, found, or being within the said Borough, Town, Parishes and Precincts: And all manner of Escheats and Forfeitures.

The King's Hospital in Southwark.

And that the said Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens, by themselves, or their Deputy, or Officer of Officers, should have in the Town, Borough, Parishes, and Precincts aforesaid, the Taste and Assize of Bread, Wine, Ale, and Beer, and of all other Victuals and Things whatsoever, sold in the same Town. And whatsoever should, or might, appertain to the Office of the Clerk of the Market of His Majesty's Houshold. And the Correction and Punishment of all Persons there selling Bread, Wine, Beer, and Ale, and other Victuals; and of others there Inhabiting, or using any Arts whatsoever. And all Forfeitures, Fines, and Amerciaments, to be forfeited to the King, or his Heirs or Successors. And that they should have the execution of the King's Writs, and of all other Writs, Commandments, Precepts, Extracts, and Warrants, with the Returns thereof, by such their Minister, or Deputy, as they should chuse.

The Power of the Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens of London in Southwark.

And that they should have, keep, and hold there, every Year, yearly, one Fair, to endure for three Days, viz. the seventh, eighth, and ninth Days of September. And that during the said three Days, they should hold there, by their Minister, or Deputy, from Day to Day, from Hour to Hour, and from Time to Time, all Actions, Plaints, and Pleas of the Court of Pipowder, with all Summons, Attachments, Arrests, Issues, Fines, Redemptions, Commodities, and other Rights whatsoever, to the Court of Pipowder by any means belonging. And also, that they should have throughout the whole Precinct aforesaid, View of Frank-pledge, with all Summons, Attachments, Arrests, Issues, Amerciaments, Fines, Redemptions, Profits, Commodities, and other Things, which thereof to the King, his Heirs, or Successors, should appertain.

The Fair to be kept in Southwark.

And also that the said Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens, and their Successors, by themselves, or by their Officers, or Deputies, may take and arrest in the Borough, Town, Parish, and Precincts aforesaid, all Thieves, Felons, and other Malefactors, and may carry them to the Goal of Newgate. And that the said Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens, and their Successors, should for ever have, in the said Borough, Town, Parishes, and Precincts, all such Liberties, Privileges, Franchises, Discharges, and Customs, which the King or his Heirs should have had, if the said Borough had remained in the King's Hands.

Felons in Southwark committed to Newgate in London.

And also he granted to the said Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London, and to their Successors, that they should for ever hold and keep, all manner of Pleas, Actions, Plaints, and Personal Suits, and all manner of Causes, Contracts, and Demands whatsoever, happening in the Precincts aforesaid, before the Mayor and Aldermen of Lon- don, and before the Sheriffs of London, for the time being, or any of them, in the Guild-Hall and Hustings of the said City: and the like Actions, Bills, Plaints, Process, Arrests, Judgments, Executions, and other Things whatsoever, and the same Days and Times, and in such like manner, as the like Pleas happening in the said City, before the Mayor, Aldermen and Sheriffs, or any of them, in the said Courts, or any of them, Time out of Mind, have been taken, holden, prosecuted, or executed. And that the Serjeants at Mace, and other Officers of London, using to serve Process, might, from thenceforth, for ever, serve and execute all manner of Process in the said Borough, Town, Parishes and Precincts, concerning such Pleas and executions of the same, as Time out of Mind hath been used in the City of London.

Pleas, Actions, Plaints, and Personal Suits.

And that the Inhabitants of the same Borough, Parishes, and Precincts, for Causes and Matters there growing, may implead, or be impleaded, in the said City, in Form aforesaid, and in the said Courts. And that if the Juries impanelled, and so moved to try such Issues, shall not appear before the said Maior and Aldermen, or Sheriffs, in the said Courts of London, they shall be amerced in like manner, and forfeit such Issues as Juries in London, making default of Appearance, have used to forfeit. And that the Issues so forfeited, shall be to the use of the Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens of London and their Successors for ever. And also, that the said Maior, and Commonalty, and Citizens for ever, should have the Cognizance of all manner of Pleas, Plaints, and Personal Actions, out of all the King's Courts, before the King, or before any of his Justices, for any thing happening in the said Borough, or Precincts, before the said Maior, and Aldermen, and Sheriffs, or any of them, in the Courts of the said City. And that the Issues taken upon the said Suits, shall be tryed in the said Courts, before the Maior, and Aldermen, and Sheriffs, by Men of the said Borough, as Issues in London are tryed.

Inhabitants of the Borough to implead, and be impleaded in London.

Issues taken upon Suits tryed before the Maior and Aldermen.

And that the said Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens, and their Successors, should for ever choose, according to the Law, every Year, or as often as they should think meet, two Coroners in the said Borough: And that the said Coroners, and either of them so chosen, should, in the Precincts aforesaid, have and use like Authority, as any Coroners in England ought to have and execute: And that no other of the King's Coroners should in any wise presume to execute any thing belonging to the Office of a Coroner, in the Precincts aforesaid.

Two Coroners for the Borough.

And that the Maior of London, for the time being, should be Escheator in the Precincts aforesaid, and have Power to direct Precepts to the Sheriff of the County of Surry for the time being, and to do all other Things, which to the Office of Escheator in any of the Counties of England appertaineth. And that no other Escheator shall enter there, or intermeddle with any thing belonging to the Office of Escheator. And that the Mayor of London, for the time being, shall be the King's Clerk of the Market within the Precincts aforesaid: and may do all things there appertaining to the Office of Clerk of the Market, and that the Clerk of the Market of the King's Houshold, shall not there intermeddle with any thing.

The Maior of London Escheator on Southwark, and Clerk of the Market there also.

And that the said Maior, Commonalty, and Citizens, and their Successors for ever, should have, hold, use, and enjoy, in the Precincts aforesaid, as well all the Liberties and Francises aforesaid, as the Toll, Tallage, Picage, and all other the said King's Jurisdictions, Franchises, and Privileges, which any Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles Duke of Suffolk, or any the M. Brother and Sisters of

Toll, Tallage, Picage, &c.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY