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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Borough of Southwark. S. Georges Interments. 17

Borough of Southwark. S. Georges Interments.

To this Place came King Edward the Sixth, in the second of his Reign, from Hampton Court, and dined in it. He at that time made John Yorke, one of the Sheriffs of London, Knight, and then rode through the City to Westminster.

Queen Mary gave this House to Nicholas Heth, Archbishop of York, and to his Successors for ever, to be their Inn or Lodging for their repair to London, in recompence of York House, near to Westminster, which King Henry her Father had taken from Cardinal Woolsey, and from the See of York.

This House given to the Archbishops of York.

Archbp. Heth sold the same House to a Merchant, or to certain Merchants, that pulled it down, sold the Lead, Stone, Iron, &c. and in place thereof builded many small Cottages of great Rents, to the increasing of Beggars in that Borough. The Archbishop bought Norwich House, or Suffolk Place, near unto Charing-Cross, because it was near unto the Court, and left it to his Successors.

Archbishop Heth sells it.

The said Archbishop, August the 6th 1557. obtained a License for the alienation of this Capital Messuage of Suffolk Place; and to apply the Price thereof for the buying of other Houses called also Suffolk Place, lying near Charing-Cross: as appears from a Register belonging to the Dean and Chapter of York.]

Collectan. M. Hutton, D.D. é Registr. Eborancen.

J. S.

The Parish Church of St. GEORGE Southwark.


Now on the South side (to return back again towards the Bridge) over against this Suffolk Place, is the Parish Church of St. George, sometime pertaining to the Priory of Bermondsey, by the Gift of Thomas Arderne, and Thomas his Son, in the Year 1122.

St. Georges.

Repairs and Works done in and about this Church were as follows.



A very fair Window in the North Ile, with the Arms and Sums of all such Companies as were bountiful Benefactors towards the great Repair of this fair Parish Church.

Merchant Tayl.15000
The Sum is166120

Under these this Inscription.

This Church, Steeple and Gallery was repaired, new pewed and beautified, and the South Ile enlarged by the Parishioners, with the Assistance of these and other good Benefactors, in the Year of our Lord God 1629.       Churchwardens.
Twigden Masters
Tho. Cook
Launcelot Hobson

The enlargement of the South Ile (abovenamed) is above half the length of the Ile. The Ground of it from that small Part of an Ile to which it was then adjoined, (downward) was taken out of the Churchyard, making a compleat Ile, and adding to the Church, as a great deal of room, so a great deal of grace and beauty.

In a Window next to this downward, is the Arms of one Mr. Thomas Stone, at whose Charge it was glazed.

The upper Window of the South Ile is thus inscribed:

The Arms of John Wyndel, Citizen and Fishmonger of London, a good Benefactor to this Parish.

There adjoins to this Window the Arms of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, very artfully carved in Wood; and under that, a very fair large Pew with two long Seats, one for the Men, the other for the Women Almsfolk of St. Peter's Hospital or Alms house at Newington, situate and being in this Parish. And whereof that Company have the Care.]

Next to this downward is a Window with a very fair Coat, but no Name; the Motto, Sed Sanguine.

Next to this another, with the Arms of one Mr. Robert Shaw, to this Church a good Benefactor.

Next to this another, with the Arms of one Mr. Lionel Bennet, to this Church a good Benefactor.]

Another Window on this side inscribed, This Church was new paved, and the Windows repaired, An. 1652.

Repaired 1652.

J. S.

On the East Window over the Communion Table, is a Coat of Arms of Lenthal. Sable a Bend Lozenge. The Crest a Greyhound running, Sable. Underneath is written, This Window was glazed at the sole Cost and Charges of Tho. Lenthal, An. Dom. 1668.]

There lie buried in this Church William Kitson, Esq; and his Wives, 1464.

Persons buried here.

[Leinthorp. Joh. Stratton, Esq;]

Loe, Master William Evans, he     
whose Body lieth here,
Bequeathed hath by his last Will,     
for every by the Yeere,
Ten Pounds eight Shillings to the Poor,     
which is a blessed stay,
And must be given them in Bread,     
on every Sabbath day.
One half to Crekederus Poor,     
his native Soil so deare:
The other moiety to the Poor     
of this our Parish here.
See now all ye that love the Poor,     
how God did guide his wayes,
Ten score and eight are serv'd with Bread     
in two and fifty dayes.
More than many would have done,     
to yeelded any share.
Praise God, ye Poor, who gave to him     
so provident a Care.

A fair Monumen in the South Wall of the Chancel.

A. M.

Will. Evans his Charity.

He was free of the Right Worshipful Company of the Merchant-taylors, and deceased the nine and twentieth of July 1590. in the two and thirtieth Year of the most prosperous Reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth. ætatis 67.

Behold James Savage graciously     
hath done a godly Deed
To the Poor of this Parish,     
for to relieve their Need,
Five Pounds a Year for evermore,     
By Will he hath bequeath'd,
Which must out of the Angel Rents,     
quarterly be receiv'd,
By the Churchwardens of this Church,     
Whom he hath put in Trust,
As Fathers in the Poors behalf,     
to be upright and just.

A fair Gravestone under the Communion Table.

James Savage his Charity.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY