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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Bridge Ward without. St. Georges Benefactions. 18

Bridge Ward without. St. Georges Benefactions.

Which Men I doubt not but our God,     
who seeth all things, shall find
True in dispensing of the same,     
according to his Mind.
Ye Poor, thank Christ for Savage still,     
extol God's Name with Praise,
That he to follow his good Act,     
in time may many raise.
Anno Domini 1588.]

The Persons of later Times interred in S. George's, with Monuments and Grave stones, (or in former Times, but omitted) are these whose Names follow:

Later Monuments.

J. S.

In the Chancel. A Monument erected at the only Charge of Thomas Lenthal, second Son of Sir John Lenthal of this Parish, Kt. in Memory of his dear Brothers and Sisters, and others of his Kindred here interred, An. Dom. 1643.

Captain Robert Morris, Citizen and Skinner of London, died 1675. The Monument erected An. 1702. by the last Will of Margaret Morris his Widow.

William Smith, Citizen and Skinner of London, 1678. within the Rails of the Communion-Table.

Sub hoc Lapide inhumatur corpus Johannis Jones, 1600.

Etheldred Reynel, Daughter and sole Heir to Sir Edward Peacock of Finchly, Kt. Wife to Sir Reynel, Kt. Marshal of the King's-Bench, 1618.

Modest, humble, godly, wise,
Pity ever in her Eyes,
Patience ever in her Breast;
Great in Good, in Evil least,     
A loving Wife, a Mother dear,     
Such she was who now lies here.

William Hobson, D.D. Parson of this Parish, together with the adjacent Bones of Lancelot his Father, Augustin his Unkle, Robert his Brother, William and Bosvile his Sons. The said Dr. William died 1668.

South Wall.

Morgan Dereham. 1665.

Captain Thomas Wenburne, Citizen and Skinner of London, 1685/6.

Tho. Hudson, Justice of Peace and Coram.

In the Body of the Church.

Domina Elizabetha conjunx Domini Gulielmi Drumond, Baronis de Cromlix, &
Generalis militum Præfecti in Scotia, &c. Ob. apud Tunbridge, 10. Aug. 1679.

On the same Stone:

Domina Margareta [dictæ] Dominæ Elizabethæ filia, & conjunx Domini Thomæ Hay Baronis de Balhouse in Regno Scotia, &c. 1696.

Thomas Russel, Norfolciensis. 1676.

North Ile.

Henry Rook, 1699. And Katharine Rook his Daughter, 1695.

Ellen Wright, Wife of Daniel Wright, 1665.



With their several Gifts bestowed on this Parish, as they are set down in a Table in this Church, are as follow:

1588.James Savage gave out of the Bridgehouse
near the Kings Bench, to be yearly distributed
for ever
1590.William Evance gave out of his Robin Hood
Rents in Blackman Street, in Bread yearly for
1622.Sir William Cowper gave an House in Pright Alley in Tower Street.
1630.And an House in Bishopsgate Stret for ever960
1625.J. Simon gave out of Lands in Tilbury in
Essex, for ever,
1626.Purchased in the Parish the Spread Eagle
and three Houses adjoining, by the Parish-
oners and others, for ever,
1626.Henry Smith gave out of the Manour of
Beahill in Sussex, for ever, per ann.
1627.William Brooks, Yeoman, gave out of thir-
teen Cottages, one Messuage and Garden in
White Street, for ever, per ann.
1633.Sir John Fenner gave, to buy Bibles and other
Uses, out of two Farms, Truedoves and
Goodales, in Suffolk,
1635.Humfrey Williams gave eight Tenements,
(the same now, eleven) -- Acres of Land,
in Kent Street, for ever,
1645.Edward Martin gave out of his Farm at
Low Layton in Essex, to buy Bibles yearly for
1648.William Brook gave out of Blew Boar Rents,
in White Street, yearly, for ever,
1679.Tho. Grayson gave out of the old Birdeage
yearly, for ever,
 Robert Shaw settled a burying Place, and an
Acre of Land, whereon a House is since built,
for ever,
 In Consideration of some Privileges granted him by the Parish.
1672.Edmund Dudson, Esq; gave out of two Te-
nements in Lower Tooting, 12d. each Friday
in Bread, for ever,]


Then is the White Lion (a Goal) so called, for that the same was a common Hostery for the receipt of Travellers by that Sign. This House was first used as a Gaol within this * threescore Years last; since the which time the Prisoners were once removed thence to a House in Newtown, where they remained for a short time, and were returned back again to the aforesaid White Lion, there to remain, as the appointed Gaol for the County of Surrey.

White Lion a Gaol for Surrey.

*Forty Years.

First Edit.

Next, is the Goal or Prison of the Kings-Bench, but of what Antiquity the same is, I know not. For I have read, that the Courts of the Kings Bench and Chancery, have oft times been removed from London to other Places, and so hath likewise the Goals that serve those Courts; as in the Year 1304. Edward thd First commanded the Courts of the Kings Bench and the Exchequer, which had remained seven Years at York, to be removed to their old Places at London. And in the Year 1387, the eleventh of Richard the Second, Robert Trisilian, Chief Justice, came to the City of Coventry, and there sate by the space of a Month, as Justice of the Kings Benches, and caused to be indited in that Court, about the number of 2000 Persons of that Country, &c.

Kings Bench.

H. Knighton.

It seemeth therefore, that for that time, the Prison or Gaol of that Court was not far off. Also, in the Year 1392, the sixteenth of the same Richard, the Archbishop of York being Lord Chancellor, for good Will that he bare to his City, caused the Kings Bench and Chancery to be removed from London to York. But o're long they were returned to London.

The Prisoners in this Prison of the Kings Bench were formerly not only restrained of their Liberty, but were further punished by reason of the straitness of room: there being more a great many about the middle of Queen Elizabeth's Reign committed there than before, as well for Debt, Trespass, as other Causes. By reason of which streightning and pestering one another, great Annoyances and Inconveniences grew among the Prisoners, that occasioned the Death of many. So that within six

The Petition of the Prisoners of the Queens Bench to the Lords, for more room.

J. S.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY