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Bridge Ward without. S. Saviours Parish, Streets, &c. 28

Bridge Ward without. S. Saviours Parish, Streets, &c.

Branches and turning Passages all sorrily built, and Inhabited. On the West Side of this Alley, is a large Tract of Ground which goes by the name of PYE GARDEN. MOSES ALLEY, a through Fair into Maiden Lane. In it are several Turnings, and Courts very meanly Built and Inhabited, all bearing the same name. KINGS ARMS COURT hath pretty good Timber Houses, with a small Passage into Moses Alley, and another into Cardinals Cap Alley. CROWN ALLEY very narrow and sorrily Built and Inhabited. CARDINALS CAP ALLEY, hath a very narrow Entrance, meanly Built and Inhabited. BOARES HEAD ALLEY pretty open, but very ordinary. CROWN COURT, small containing about three mean Houses, or rather Cottages.

Pye Garden.

Moses Alley.

Kings Arms Court.

Crown Alley.

Cardinal's Cap Alley.

Boars Head Alley.

Crown Court.

THAMES STREET, a pretty clean and open Place, with low Buildings, chiefly Inhabited by Watermen, hath a Passage into Maiden Lane. Here is a little square Court without a name, containing three sorry Houses. BEAR ALLEY runs into Maiden Lane. Here is a Glass House, and about the middle is a new built Court well Inhabited called BEAR GARDEN SQUARE: so called as Built in the Place where the Bear Garden formerly stood, until removed to the other side of the Water: Which is more convenient for the Butchers and such like, who are taken with such rustick Sports as the baiting of Bears and Bulls. BLACK LYON COURT, a little square Place with about ten Houses indifferently well Built and Inhabited. ROSE ALLEY, hath a narrow Passage at the entrance, with Houses only on one side, which are indifferent good; and gives a Passage out of Maiden Lane.

Thames Street

Bear Alley.

Bear Garden Square.

Black Lyon Court.

Rose Alley.

MERCERS STREET newly built, with pretty compact Houses, reasonable well Inhabited, the South End falls into Maiden Lane, and the other End into HORSESHOE ALLEY. ELEPHANT ALLEY, a narrow dirty Passage into Maiden Lane, having only a Brewhouse in it.

Mercers Street

Horseshoe Alley

Elephant Alley.

MAIDEN LANE, a long straggling Place with Ditches on each side the Passage to the Houses being over little Bridges, with little Garden Plotts before them, especially on the North side which is the best both for Houses and Inhabitants; this Lane begins at Deadmans Place, and runs Westwards into Gravell-Lane; which is a good Airy Place, having divers well built Houses, with pretty Gardens unto them, which occasions the Place to be well Inhabited; especially the West side: It begins at the Faulcon, and runs Northwards into St. Georges Fields, by reason of which it is a great through Fare, especially in the Summer Season, by the Citizens for their Diversion in the Fields and entertaining Houses. In this Maiden Lane is FOUNTAINE ALLEY which falls into Castlestreet, where it is indifferently well built and Inhabited, being Airy, with Gardens to the Houses, and Northwards it falls into Maiden Lane. More towards Gravell Lane is BANDY LEG WALK, a large through Fare into the Parke amongst Gardens, passing through Queenstreet into Bennets Rents.

Maiden Lane.

Gravel Lane.

Fountain Alley.

Bandyleg Walk

DEADMANS PLACE, a long, dirty stragling Street, of no great Account for Buildings or Inhabitants; It may be reckoned to begin at New-Rents, and severing Counter street from Stoney street passeth by College Churchyard, and then turning Northwards by Red Cross street runs to the Thames where it is broad. In this Place is GLOBE ALLEY; long and narrow, and but meanly built; hath a Passage into Maiden Lane. Also COCK ALLEY, hath a narrow Entrance, and is but mean and ordinary. SUN COURT, small and very mean. Near to this Court is a little Alley without a Name, which hath a turning Passage into Maiden Lane. NAKED BOY ALLEY, pretty open, and indifferently well Built and Inhabited. St. JOHNS COURT, containing a few old built Houses.

Deadmans Place.

Globe Alley.

Cock Alley.

Sun Court.

St. Johns Court.

CLINK STREET begins at Deadmans Place, and runs to St. Mary Overies Dock, a straggling Place, indifferently Inhabited. Here is the Prison so called, belonging to the Liberty of the Bishop of Winchester called the Clink Liberty; where he had his House to reside in, when he came to London, but at present disused, and very ruinous; and the Prison of little or no concern. Adjoyning to this Clink was formerly a large House belonging to the Bishop of Rochester, and before him to the Abbot of Naverly, long since disused.

Clink Street.

Clink Liberty.

Bishop of Rochesters House.

In this Street are these Places, PIKE YARD, very bad, containing two or three old Houses fit for the Reception of Beggers. CLINK YARD, a pretty open Place, indifferently Inhabited. St. MARY OVERIES DOCK, very considerable for the landing, and unloading of Goods, and likewise of Account for the Coal Trade, and being so resorted unto by Carts and Cars, makes the Place dirty, incumbred, and so not well Inhabited. STONY STREET begins at Counter street end, and runs to St. Mary Overies Stairs, a pretty long Street, indifferently well Built and Inhabited, with a Glass House in it. GEORGE ALLEY, narrow and very mean, hath a Passage into Deadman's Place, and WINCHESTER YARD, a long square Place pretty well built, hath three out lets, one into Stony street, another into St. Mary Overies Dock, and the third into another Part of Stony street.

Pike Yard.

St. Mary Overies Dock.

Stony Street.

George Alley.

Winchester Yard.

COUNTER STREET, both dirty and ordinary, falls into St. Margarets Hill by the Court House, where the Justices of the Peace have their Meetings; which is a good handsome Building fronting St. Margarets Hill; and here the Admiralty Court is usually kept, for the Tryal of Seamen; and on the Place where this House for the Justices stands, as also where the Counter Prison for Southwark is, was the Church of St. Margarets, and when thus converted to other Uses the Parish was joyned to that of St. Mary Overies.

Counter Street.

Court House.

Admiralty Court.

In this Street are these Places, SAINTS ALLEY, hath a narrow Passage, and at the upper End there is a small Court or two, all ordinary Buildings. MAILINGS BREWHOUSE. COUNTER ALLEY, hath a small Passage to the Borough. COLLEGE YARD, but mean, its Houses being old and rotten; it hath several Turnings, and falls into COLLEGE YARD a large Plot of Ground.

Mailings Brewhouse.

College Yard.


RED LYON STREET, new Built, and well Inhabited, hath a Passage into the Borough. GREENMANS ALLEY, a small Place, and very meanly Built and Inhabited.

Red Lyon Street.


NEW RENTS goes from Counter street to St. Mary Overies Dock, a Street of pretty good Account, indifferent large and square with well Built and Inhabited Houses, having Trees before the Doors, which renders it pleasant; the Entrances into the Street and into the Borough are but narrow. FOUL LANE hath a Passage into the Borough, is well built and Inhabited. ROCHESTER YARD, so called for the Bishop of Rochester's House formerly there standing, it is a sorry Place with old Houses, having a Passage into Deadmans Place. ANGELL YARD, indifferently well Inhabited. GLASS HOUSE YARD, a mean Place, goes to the Glass House, and thence with a turning Passage into Rochester Yard.

New Rents.

Foul Lane.

Rochester Yard

Angel Yard.

Glass house Yard.


St. Mary Overies Church.

A large Structure, with a lofty towred Steeple, in which is a fine Ring of Bells: This Church is seated within a spacious Churchyard, in which are good


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY