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Borough of Southwark. S. Georges Parish, Streets, &c. 29

Borough of Southwark. S. Georges Parish, Streets, &c.

Buildings well Inhabited. Here are two Passages into the Borough through two Gates, the one called Chaine Gate, and the other Churchyard Gate. MONTAGUE CLOSE, a Place with several Turnings, one into Pepper Alley, and thence into the Borough, and another into New Rents. And next the Thames is a Wharfe for the Landing of Corn, and other Goods; the Houses are ancient, but indifferent good, and well Inhabited. GERMANS YARD, goes out of Montague Close, and so into Green Yard, both Places are pretty well built, and Inhabited.

Montague Close.

Germans Yard.

Green Yard.

REDCROSS STREET, begins at Deadmans Place, and runs Southward to Faulcon Court, which gives a Passage into St. Margarets Hill; It is a handsome, clean, and open Street, pretty well built and Inhabited. In this Street is ANGEL COURT which is large, well Built, and Inhabited.

Redcross Street.

WHITECROSS STREET runs from Queen street to the Mint, a pretty clean Street, but ordinary Built and Inhabited.

Whitecross Street.

QUEEN STREET runs Westwards from Redcross street to Pepper street, receives Whtecross street, and Worcester street, and crost by Bandy Leg Walk; It is a clean, and open Street, with good built Houses: at the upper end of the Street next to Pepper street is a pretty Bowling Alley.

Queen Street.

WORCESTER STREET lies between Queen street and Castle street; a pretty open and streight Street, indifferently well Built, and Inhabited.

Worcester Street.

CASTLE STREET, much the same as Worcester Street, with new Buildings pretty well Inhabited; It comes out of Redcross street, and falls into Fountain Alley.

Castle Street.

BANDY LEG WALK, very long, comes out of Maiden Lane, crosses Queen street and falls into Bennets Rents.

Bandyleg Walk

PEPPER STREET, separates Queen street from Dukes street.

Pepper Street.

EWERS STREET, comes out of Gravel Lane, and with a turning Passage falls into Duke street, and Queen street, a clean handsome Street pretty well Built and Inhabited.

Ewers Street.

DUKE STREET, falls into Gravell Lane, also a handsome open Street, well Built, and pretty well Inhabited; out of this Street is PAVIERS ALLEY, only a Throughfare to Lowmans Pond, so called as dug at his Charges, out of a large Peece of Ground: All these Streets, to wit, Ewers street, Duke street, Pepper street, Bandy Leg Walk, Queen street, Whitecross street, Worcester street, Castle street, and Recross street, with some others in the Parish of St. George's, are built in the Tract of Ground called Winchester Park, as anciently belonging to the Bishops of Winchester, who had their London Seat there.

Duke Street.

Paviers Alley.

Lowmans Pond

Thus having mentioned the out Parts of this large Parish, I shall now come to the Borough being of the most Account, and what was the Ward of Bridge without.

The Borough of Southwark is of a very considerable Trade, and the rather as being so great a Throughfare out of Kent, and Sussex, into London; which makes it to be very well Inhabited by Tradesmen of repute, with Buildings answerable. It takes its beginning from London Bridge, and falls into St. Margarets Hill, which is a spacious Street, and likewise well Inhabited and traded unto, especially the East side; the West side of the Borough being generally taken up by Butchers, there being a good Shambles. And in this Part the Market is kept in the Street. The Courts and Alleys are many; I shall begin with those on the West side, and first towards the Bridge is PEPPER ALLEY, a narrow, ordinary Place both as to Buildings and Inhabitants; it hath a turning Passage into Montague Close, and another to the Water side, where there is a Pair of Stairs so called, much frequented by Watermen. GREEN DRAGON COURT, hath a Passage into Foul Lane, pretty well Built, and Inhabited. CHAINE GATE, a fine open Place, well Built and Inhabited. FRYING PAN ALLEY a Throughfare into Green Dragon Court, a small Place, but indifferent good. THREE CROWN COURT spoken of in New Rents. AXE and BOTTLE YARD leads into Long Lane; in the middle is a pretty Square with Trees before the Houses, which are well Built and Inhabited. NAGS HEAD ALLEY, hath old sorry Buildings, with Inhabitants answerable. The SPUR INN pretty well resorted unto by Waggons. CHRISTOPHERS YARD, pretty open, but sorrily Built and Inhabited. WINDMILL ALLEY, hath a datk Entrance and narrow within, but poorly Inhabited, and very ordinary Buildings. THREE TUN ALLEY, small and narrow containing three or four ordinary Houses. QUEENSHEAD INN, large and well resorted unto. TALBOT INN, pretty compact and resorted unto by Coaches and Waggons. GEORGE INN very large, and of a considerable Trade. THREE CRANE YARD, small, but pretty well Built, and Inhabited. WHITE HART INN, ve- very large, and of a considerable Trade, being esteemed one of the best Inns in Southwark. KINGSHEAD INN, well built and handsome, and enjoys a good Trade. St. THOMAS HOSPITAL, much improved of late Years since the Rebuilding. Of this Hospital see more in the first Book. BLACK SWAN ALLEY, small but indifferent Built, and Inhabited. SHIP INN, but small, and chiefly resorted unto by Higlers. BOARS HEAD INN also but small. The DARK ENTRY, now shut up I suppose to be new Built, HESTERS YARD, containing but one House which is a Sugarbakers. CHECKER ALLEY, small, but pretty well Built and Inhabited. St. MARGARETS HILL, a spacious Street as aforesaid, runs up to St Georges Church, on the West side are these Places BELL YARD, a pretty long Place, with Houses on both sides, and at the upper End Livery Stables. FISHMONGERS ALLEY hath a Turning into Redcross street, with several Branches and Passages into the Park; It is long and narrow, and but indifferently Built and Inhabited. GOAT YARD, hath several little Courts within it all old Buildings, and meanly Inhabited. The West of this Street unto St. Georges Church is in St. Georges Parish.

Borough of Southwark.

Pepper Alley.

Green Dragon Court.

Chain Gate.

Fryingpan Alley

Three Crown Court.

Axe and Bottle Yard.

Nags head Alley.

Spur Inn.

Christophers Yard.

Windmil Alley.

Three Tun Alley.

Queens Head Inn.

Talbot Inn.

George Inn.

Three Crane Yard.

White Hart Inn.

Kings Head Inn.

St. Thomas Hospital.

Black Swan Alley.

Ship Inn.

Boars Head Inn.

The Dark Entry.

Hesters Yard.

Checker Alley.

St. Margarets Hill.

Bell Yard.


Goat Yard.

Description of St. GEORGE's Parish.


The Parish of St. Georges is of no large extent, lying Southwards of St. Saviours. The Principal Places are St. Margarets Hill and Blackman street.

Chief Street in this Parish.

This Parish is of chief Note for the Kings Bench Prison, the White Lyon, the Marshalsea Prison, and the Mint, the ancient Retreats of ill principled Persons, that there sheltered themselves from the Payment of their just Debts, before the late Act of Parliament that took away that pretended Privilege. But before I enter upon my Description of this Parish I shall give the Reader a short Account of the Prisons on this side the Water.

The Mint.

There was formerly in Southwark but one Prison, particularly, serving for the whole County of Surrey, and that called the WHITE LYON, which was for the Custody of Murtherers, Felons, and other notorious Malefactors; It was situate at the South end of St. Margarets Hill near unto St. Georges Church; but that being an old decayed House within less than twenty Years past, the

Prisons in Southwark.

White Lyon Prison.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY