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Suburbs without the Walls. Benefactors. 38

Suburbs without the Walls. Benefactors.

John Cox, Anchorsmith of Wappin, 1633.

Nicholas Warin, Mariner, 1637. Also Anne Warin his Wife, 1649.

Starlings Stone.

Cutbert Shafto, William Shafto, and Thomas Shafto: All Children of Captain William Shafto of Wappin, Mariner.

Wappin Churchyard.

Robert Kingston, 1679. Dorothy Edmunds, Relict of Joshua Waters. Richard Partridge, Mariner. And John Edmunds. Gent. her three Husbands, 1696. Margaret Ford, 1667. Elizabeth, Daughter of Captain Arthur Hare, 1679.

There is a Stone plac'd in the Wall of this Churchyard, on which is inscribed, Within this Table is contained the Dimensions of Esquire Peachies Ground, taken into the Chapelyard, at half an Inch to a Foot, An. Dom. 1681. Then the Buttings and Boundings are set down very exactly.

In a large Table placed against the East Wall of the North Ile, Account is given both of the Foundation of this Chapel, and of the Benefactors, viz.

A Table hanging up in this Chapel.

This Chapel was consecrated to the Service of God the seventh Day of July, An. Dom.1617. by the then Bishop of London. The building whereof was procured by the special Care of Mr. Rowland Coitmore, Mr. Robert Boune, Mr. William Moore, and other Inhabitants of this Hamlet, several Citizens of London being Benefactors thereunto. Mr. Richard Sedgwick being the first Minister, and Mr. John Morehouse the first Chapelwarden here.

This Hamlet, being accounted one third Part of the Parish of S. Mary Whitechapel, and a Hamlet of it self, providing for its own Poor, and choosing its own Officers, is to have, for the use of the Poor of this said Hamlet, one third Part of all Gifts and Legacies that are given to the Parish of Whitechapel; as also one third Part of the Rent of certain Houses belonging to the said Parish; and also one third Part of the Four Shillings per Week, of the Gift of Mr. Buck; and are to have Two Pence of every Shilling given at the Communion at Whitechapel Church.

The BENEFACTORS to this Chapel, and to the Poor of this Hamlet, are these that follow.


Years.Donors. Gifts.
1617.Thomas Whitnel, Esq; gave 12l. 10s. per an. for ever, towards maintaining of a Lecture in this Chapel; to be preached upon one of the Week Days, (the Lord's Day excepted.) Which Gift was confirmed by a private Act of Parliament, in the Reign of King James I. Which Lecture began the second of April 1617. And the Gift paid by the Trustees of the said Whitnel. 12 10 0
 Mr. Thomas Nevet, Citizen and Draper of London, gave Ten Shillings for a Sermon to be preached on Good Friday in the Forenoon, yearly. 0 10 0
 He also gave to Forty poor Persons of this Hamlet Twenty Shillings per ann. to be distributed by the Minister and Chapelwardens for the time being; by giving them Six Pence a piece. Which Gift is yearly paid by the Girdlers Company, to continue near M. Years.1 0 0
1635. Mr. Thomas Clave, Citizen and Haberdasher of London, 1635. gave Fifty Pounds to this Hamlet. Which was laid out in building the two Northermost Houses in Cock Alley. Twelve Pence a Week of the Rent whereof being given to the Poor of this Hamlet every Lord's Day. The Remainder of this Rent of the said Houses to be towards the Repair of this Chapel. 50 0 0
1636. Mrs. Edith Capps, late of this Hamlet, Widow, An. Dom. 1636, gave the Reversion of her Dwelling House to the Poor. Which was sold for Forty Pounds. And the Money was laid out in building two other Houses in Cock Alley. Twelve Pence a Week of the Rent whereof is likewise given to the said Poor every Lord's Day. The remainder of the said Rent is to go towards the Repair of this Chapel. 40 0 0
1633. Sir John Fenner, late of the Inner Temple, London, Knight, deceased An. Dom 1633. gave to the Parish of Whitechapel, Six Pounds a Year for ever, to buy twenty Bibles, to be yearly given to twenty young People, who should have most need, and most likely to make the best use thereof. 6 0 0
  He also gave Five Pounds per Ann. for ever, to be equally distributed in Money, to the poorest of the said Parish People, on the four usual Feasts of the Year.5 0 0
 He also gave Five Pounds per Ann. for ever, for a Stock for Coals for the said Poor. 5 0 0
  The third Part of which Gifts belong to the Poor of this Hamlet. 
1662.David Davison, late of this Hamlet, Esq; by his Will, gave to the Poor of this Hamlet, Ten Pounds per Ann. for ever. 10 0 0
1669.Captain Brian Harrison, late of this Hamlet, deceased, gave Fifty Shillings per Ann. for ever, out of the Rent of a House formerly called the Pewter Platter in Gracechurch street London: to be given in Bread to the Poor which began 25th December 1669.2 10 0
1624.Captain William Hawas late of this Hamlet deceased, by his Will dated that seventh of January 1624. gave Two Shillings per Week, for ever, to be given in Bread to the Poor. Which Two Shillings per Week is to be paid the Chapelwarden of this Hamlet for the time being, for the Purpose aforesaid, by equal Portions, at Lady day and Michaelmas.5 4 0
1673. Sir Samuel Starling, Kt. sometime Alderman of the City, by his last Will and Testament, dated the 7th of August 1673, gave to the Chapelwardens of this Hamlet, for the use of the Poor thereof, Five Pounds, to be paid yearly on the 25th of December, by the Brewers Company, London, to continue until Ladyday MDCLXXXXV.5 0 0
1671.Captain John Whitty, born in this Hamlet, by his last Will dated the 5th of February, 1671. gave to the Poor thereof Fifty Pounds, to be given Twelve Pence per Week in Bread for ever. And some time after coming from the East Indies, in the Ship Expectation, whereof he was Commander, at St. Helena, where he died, desired that his Wife Hanna, the now Wife of Captain George Wood, should double the said Legacy, if she thought good. Which she hath since done. Which 100l. was laid out in purchasing the New Ground on the East side of the Chapel, by the Trustees of the said Chapel. The Interest of which Money is given away weekly in Bread, as the Will directs. 
1676.William Wood, Esq; by his last Will, bearing date 22. Sept. 1676. gave to the Poor of this Hamlet, One hundred Pounds. Which was laid out by the Trustees of the said Hamlet, towards the building of three New Houses on the West side of Cock Alley. The Interest of which Money is paid yearly to the Chapelwardens, by the Trustees aforesaid, for the use of the Poor, as the Will directs. 



© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY