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1262 (saith Textor) and was buried in Paul's Church on the South side without or above the Quire, in a Marble Monument, close at the Head of Faulconbridge.

XLIX. Richard Talbot, Bishop of London, straightways after his Consecration deceased, saith Eversden.


L. Henry Sandwich, Bishop of London, deceased in the Year 1273, as the same Author affirmeth.


LI. John de Chishull, Dean of Paul's, Treasurer of the Exchequer, and Keeper of the Great Seal, was Bishop of London, and deceased in the Year 1279, saith Eversden.


LII. Fulco Lovel, Archdeacon of Colchester, elected Bishop of London, but refused the Place.


LIII. Richard de Gravesend, Archdeacon of Northampton, Bishop of London. It appeareth by the Charter-Warren granted to this Bishop, that (in his Time) there were two Woods in the Parish of Stebunheth, pertaining to the said Bishop: I have, since I kept House for my self, known the one of them by Bishops Hall; but now they are both made plain of Wood, and not to be discerned from other Grounds. Some have fabled, that this Richard Gravesend, Bishop of London, in the Year 1392, the 16th of Richard the Second, purchased the Charter of Liberties to this City; which thing hath no Possibility of Truth, as I have proved; for he deceased in the Year 1303, almost 90 Years before that time.


Fable of Richard Gravesend reproved.

LIV. Ralph de Baldocke, Dean of Paul's, Bishop of London, consecrated at Lyons by Peter, Bishop of Alba, in the Year 1307. He was a great Furtherer of the new Work of Paul's, to wit, the East End, called our Lady-Chapel, and other adjoining. This Ralph deceased in the Year 1313, and was buried in the said Lady-Chapel, under a flat Stone.


LV. Gilbert Segrave, was Consecrated Bishop of London, and sate three Years.


LVI. Richard Newport, Bishop of London, sate two Years, and was buried in Paul's Church.


LVII. Stephen Gravesend, Bishop of London, sate twenty Years.


LVIII. Richard Wentworth, or Bentworth, Bishop of London, and Chancellor of England, deceased in the Year 1339.


LIX. Ralph Stratford, Bishop of London; he purchased the piece of Ground, called No Man's Land, beside Smithfield, and dedicated it to the use of Burial, as before hath appeared. He was born at Stratford upon Avon, and therefore builded a Chapel to St. Thomas there. He sate fourteen Years, and deceased at Stebunheth.


LX. Michael Norbroke [Northbroke,] Bishop of London, deceased in the Year 1361, saith Merimouth, sate seven Years.


LXI. Simon Sudberry, Bishop of London, sate thirteen Years, translated to be Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Year 1375.


LXII. William Courtney, translated from Hereford to the Bishoprick of London; and after translated from thence to the Archbishoprick of Canterbury, in the Year 1381.


LXIII. Robert Breybrooke, Canon of Lichfield, Bishop of London, made Lord Chancellor in the sixth of Richard the Second, sate Bishop twenty Years, and deceased in the Year 1404. He was buried in the said Lady-Chapel at Paul's.


LXIV. Roger Walden, Treasurer of the Exchequer, Archbishop of Canterbury, was deposed, and after made Bishop of London. He deceased in the Year 1046, and was buried in Paul's Church, by Alhallows Altar. *


*At St. Bartilmew's Priory in Smithfield, First Edit.

LXV. Nicholas Bubwith, Bishop of London, Treasurer of the Exchequer, translated to Salisbury, and from thence to Bath, and lieth buried at Wells.


LXVI. Richard Clifford, removed from Worcester to London, deceased 1422, as saith Thomas Walsingham, and was buried in Paul's.


LXVII. John Kempe, Fellow of Martin College in Oxford, was made Bishop of Rochester, from whence removed to Chichester, and thence to London. He was made the King's Chancellor in the Year 1425, the fourth of Henry the Sixth, and was removed from London to York, in the Year 1426. He sate Archbishop there twenty five Years, and was translated to Canterbury; he was afterwards made Cardinal in the Year 1452. In the Bishop of London's House at Fulham he received the Cross, and the next Day the Pall, at the Hands of Thomas Kempe, Bishop of London: He deceased in the Year 1454.


LXVIII. William Gray, Dean of York, Consecrated Bishop of London, who founded a College at Thele in Hartfordshire, for a Master and four Canons, and made it a Cell to Elsing Spittal in London. It had of old time been a College decayed, and therefore newly founded. He was translated to Lincoln 1431.


LXIX. Robert Fitzhugh, Archdeacon of Northampton, Consecrated Bishop of London, sate five Years; he deceased in the Year 1435, and was buried on the South side of the Quire of Paul's.


LXX. Robert Gilbert, Doctor of Divinity, Dean of York, Consecrated Bishop of London, sate twelve Years, deceased 1448.


LXXI. Thomas Kempe, Archdeacon of Richmond, Consecrated Bishop of London at York House (now Whitehall) by the Hands of his Uncle John Kempe, Archbishop of York, the eighth of February, 1449. He founded a Chapel of the Trinity in the Body of St. Paul's Church, on the North side. He sate Bishop of London 39 Years and 48 Days, and then deceasing in the Year 1489, was there buried.


LXXII. John Marshal, Bishop of London, deceased in the Year 1493.


LXXIII. Richard Hill, Bishop of London, deceased 1495, and was buried in the Body of St. Paul's Church.


LXXIV. Thomas Savage, first Bishop of Rochester, then Bishop of London five Years, was translated to York 1501, where he sate Arhbishop seven Years, and was there buried in the Year 1507.


LXXV. William Warham, Bishop of London, made Keeper of the Great-Seal, sate two Years, was translated to Canterbury.

Eleutherius died in the Year 186. when he had sitten Bishop 15 Years.


LXXVI. William Barons, Bishop of London, sate ten Months and eleven Days, deceased in the Year 1505.


LXXVII. Richard Fitz-James, Fellow of Martin College in Oxford, in the Reign of Henry the Sixth, was made Bishop of Rochester, after Bishop of Chichester, and then Bishop of London. He deceased 1521, and lieth buried hard beneath the North West Pillar of the Steeple in Paul's, under a fair Tomb of Marble, now removed, over the which was builded a fair Chapel of Timber, with Stairs mounting thereunto: This Chapel was burned with Fire from the Steeple in 1561, and the Tomb was taken down.


LXXVIII. Cuthbert Tunstall, Doctor of Law, Master of the Rolls, Lord Privy Seal, and Bishop of London, was thence translated to the Bishoprick of Durham, in the Year 1529.


LXXIX. John Stokesley, Bishop of London, sate thirteen Years, deceased in the Year 1539, and was buried in the Lady-Chapel in Paul's.


LXXX. Edmund Boner, Doctor of the Civil Law, Archdeacon of Leicester, was elected to London in the Year 1539, [being then Bishop of Hereford,] whilest he was beyond the Seas, Ambassador for King Henry the Eighth.


On the first of September 1549, he preached at Paul's Cross, for the which Sermon he was charged before the Council of King Edward the Sixth by William Latimer, Parson of St. Lawrence Poultney, and John Hoper, sometime a White Monk; and being convented before certain Commissioners at Lambith, was for his Disobedience to the King's


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY