Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY






ANNE on the Towrehill, an Abbey of white Monkes.

Anne within Aldrichgate, diocis London, Patron Dean of Saint Martyn the graunde. The Decime

Augustin in Bradstretward, the Priour of Friers Augustin.

Anthonius in Bradstretward, a College, the Kinge Patron.

Augustin by London wall, Priour of Crichurche in London, Patron.

Augustin in Watlyngstrete by Poules gate, Patron.

Antelyne in Bogerowe, diocis London, Patrone Dean and Chapiter of Poules. The decim. xxs.

Albon in Woodstreet, diocis London, Provost of Eton Patron, Decims, xx.s.

Alphey within Crepylgate, diocis London, Patrone Deane of Saint Martin the graunde. The Decime

Alborought without Byshopys gate.

Alhalwyn in Bredstrete, diocis Canterbury *, Patrone Byshop of Canterbury.

*A Peculiar of Canterbury, but in the Diocess of London.

Alhalwin Lumberstret, diocis Canterbury, Patrone Priour of Crichirch in Canterbury. The decime

Alhalwin by London walle, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Crichirche in London. The decime

Alhalwin the more, diocis London, the King Patrone. The dicims xiii.s. iiii.d.

Alhalwin the less, diocis London, Patrone the Master of Laurence Pultney. The decime

Alhalwin Breking Chyrche, diocis London, Patrone Abbas of Breking. The decime xs viiid.

Alhalwyn Stanyngys diocis London, Patrone the Abbot of Tourhill. The decims xviis. iii.d.

Alhalwyn in Honylane London, Patrone the Wardeins of Grocers. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Andrew * in Cornehyll, diocis London, Patrone Byshop of London. The decims xviis. iiiid.

*Now St. Peter.

Andrew Hubert in Estchepe, diocis London, Erl of Shrawisbury Patrone. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Andrew at Baynard Castle, diocis London, Patrone Byshop of London. The decime xxs.

Andrew in Holborne, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Burmonsey. The decims xiiis. iiiid.



BOTULFE by Billings gate, diocis London, Patrone Dean and Chapiter of Poules. The decims xs. iiiid.

Botulfe without Algate, diocis London, Patrone the Priour of Crichirche in London. The dicims

Botulfe without Byshoppysgate, diocis London, Patrone the Byshop of London. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Botulfe without Aldrychgate, diocis London, Patrone Deane of Saint Martins graunde. The decims

Benet at Grescherche, diocis London, Patrone Deane and Chapiter of Pouls. The decims xxivs.

Benet at Poules wharf, diocis London, Deane and Chapiter of Poules Patrone. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Benet Sherehog, called Saint Sythes, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Saint Mary Overie. Decims xxs.

Benet Fynke, diocis London, Patrone the Master of Saint Anthony. The decims xxviis. iiiid.

Bride in Fletstrete, diocis London, Patrons the King and Abbot of Westminster. Decims xxs.

Barthilmewe the little, diocis London, Patrone the Abbot on the Towrehill. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Barthilmewe in Smythfeld Prioury, Temporalties xiiiis. iiiid. Decime xviis. q.

Barthilmewe in Smythfeld spytel, a Mayster and a Colege.



CLEMENT beside Estchep, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Westminster. Decims xxs.

Clement without Temple barre, diocis London, Patrone the Byshop of Excester. Decims

Clare Systers, Minories without Algate, in the suburbys of London.

Christofer by the Stokkys, diocis London, Patrone the Byshop of London. The decims xxixs. viiid.



DOMINICK Frier Pryechers of London at Ludgate.

Dunstan in the East, diocis * Canterbury, Patrone Prior of Crichyrche in Canterbury. The decime

*A Peculiar of Canterbury, but still not in the Diocess of Canterbury, but in that of London.

Dunstan the West, diocis London, Patrone the Abbot of Alnewick. The decims xxs.

Dionise in Fanchyrche stret, diocis Canterbury, Patrone the Byshop of Canterbury, and the Priour of the Crichyrche of Canterbury. Decims



EDMOND without Newgate, called Saint Sepulcre, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Saint Barthilmewes. Decims xs.

Edmond in Lumbardys strete, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Chrychyrche in London. Decims xxs.

Ethelborough within Byshoppesgate, diocis London, Patrone Priouresse of Saynt Helyne. The decims


FEYTH within Powles, diocis London, Patrones Dean and Chapiter of London. The decims xxs.

Faster in Fasterlane, diocis Canterbury, Patrone Bishop of Canterbury. The decims

Fraunces within Newgate Freers.


GREGORY by Powles, diocis London, appropred to the pety Chanons of Poules. The decims xxs.

Giles without Crepilgate, diocis London, Patrons Deane and Chapiter of Powles. The decims xxs.

George in Puddyng lane, diocis London, Patron Abbot of Bermonsey. The decims

George in Southwerke, diocis Winchester, Patron Abbot of Bermonsey. The decime

Gilis, an Hospital beyond Holborne.


HELEYNE Prioury of Nunnes within Byshopsgate. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Heleyne paryschyrche within Byshopsgate, diocis London, the Prioures of Saynt Heleyn Parsone.

Heleyne beside Martlane, a Prioury of crossed Freers.


IOHNS an Hospitall beside West Smithfeld of London.

Iohn Zacharie, diocis London, Patrones Deane and Chapiter of Poules. The decims xx.s.

Iohn Evangelist in Fryday stret, diocis Canterbury, Patrone Priour of Crychyrche of Canterbury. The decims

Iohns in Walbroke, diocis London, Patrone Priours of Saynt Heleyne. The decims xs. viiid.

Iames at Garlykhith, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Westminster. The decims ixs. iiiid.

Iames an Hermitage within Crepylgate.

Iames an Hospitale besyde Charyngcrosse.

Iames parish Chyrche within the Prioury of Halywell.

Iohns of Halywell without Byshopsgate, a Prioures of Nonnes.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY