Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY






OLUF in Silverstrete, diocis London.

Oluf in the Olde Iury, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Bottle * in suffolke. The decims xs.


Oluf by the crossed Fryers, diocis London, Patrone Cely in Martlane. The decims xxs.

Oluf in Southwarke, diocis Winchester, Patrone Priour of Lews in Southsex. The decims .

Owyn within Newgate, diocis London, Patrone Lord of Saint Iones Ierusal. The decims .



POWLIS the Cathedrall Chyrche of London, Deane and Residenciaries.

Peter in Cornehill, diocis London, Patrons Maior and Aldermen of London. The decims xxvis. viiid.

Peter in West Chepe, diocis London, Patrone Abbot of Saint Albons. The decims xxs.

Peter the Poure, diocis of London.

Peter the lytell at Powles wharfe, diocis London, Patrons Deane and Chapytur of Powlis. The decims xviis. iiiid.

Pancras in Nedeler lane, diocis Canter. Patrone Bysshop of Canter. Decims .

Pancras in the felde.

Peter within the Towr of London.

Peter of Westminster, Abbey of black Monkys.



STEPHAN in Walbrok, diocis London, Mayster Lee of the same Parishe Patrone. The decims xiiis. iiiid.

Stephan in Colmanstret, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Botle in Suffolke. The decims xs.

Stephan a College and the Kings Chappell at Westmonster.

Stephan in Candilwickstrete, diocis London, Patrone Priour of Cortington. The decims xxs.

Saluator of Bermonsey, an Abby of black Monkes.



TRINITE called Crichirch, within Algate of London, a Priory.

Trinite in Knightriders strete, Diocis London, Patrone Deane and Chapitur of Powles. The decims xxs.

Thomas of Acres, a College in West chepe.

Thomas Apostell, parish Chirch in the Ryall.

Thomas, a Spitall in Southwerke.



Thomas Martyr, a Chapell on London bridge.
Corpus Christi Chapell, in the Pultry of London.
St. Ursulas Chapell, in the Pultry.
Corpus Christi Chapell, in the College of Saint Laurence Pulteney.
Trinite Chapell vpon the Charnehill, in the Chirch hawe of Saint Michell in Crokedlane.
The Chapell vpon the Charnehill in the Chirch hawe of Saint Powles in London.
The Chapell of Saint Thomas in pardon Chirch haw, London.
The Chapell vpon the Charnell in the Chirch hawe of Saint Dunstan in the Este.
The Chapell of the Guild hall in London, called St. Nichans.
The Chapell vpon the Charnell, at Mary Spitall without Bisshopsgate.
The litell Chapell vpon Bedlem without Bisshopsgate.
The litell Chapell vpon the Charnell, in the Chirch hawe of Saint Thomas in Southwerke.
The Chapell in the Chirch hawe at Chartirhous.
The Fratry Chapell beside Saint Iohns Ierusalem, celled Vrsula.
The Chapell without Temple barre, called Saint Spirite.
The Chapell of our Lady at Rounceuale.
The Chapell within Barthelmew Spitell.

Of all these, several were not Parochial, but either great Conventual Churches, or Chapels belonging to Religious Houses and Hospitals: viz.

Churches in London, not Parochial.

J. S.

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul,
St. Martins le Graund,
Christ's Church,
The Charter House,
Elsing Spittal,
St. Bartilmew's Priory,
St. Bartilmew's Spittal,
St. Thomas of Acres,
St. Anthony's,
St. John's in Smithfield,
Clerkenwel }
Holywel } Nunnery,
St. Helyn's }
St. Mary Spittal,
St. Mary at Bethlem,
The Minoress Nunnery,
St. Anne at the Tower Hill,
St. Katharine's,
The Crouched Friers,
The Friers Augustines,
The Friers Minors,
The Friers Preachers,
The White Friers,
St. Peter at Westminster Abby,
Bermondsey Abby
St. Mary Overee Priory
St. Thomas Spittal
St. Giles }
St. James } in the Field,
St. Mary Rouncival,
St. Mary Magdalen Guildhal,
St. Ursula's Chapel in the Pultry,
St. James in the Temple,
St. James in the Wall,
St. Stephen's at Westminster,
St. Thomas Chapel of the Bridge.

I here subjoin,

A Catalogue of all the RELIGIOUS HOUSES, whether Frieries, Priories, Nunneries, Guilds, Fraternities, Colleges, Hospitals, &c. founded and built in London and the Suburbs.




BLACK Friers in Holborn.
Black Friers, alias Dominicans, Preaching Friers, or Jacobines, in London, near Ludgate.
Grey Friers, or Franciscans, near Newgate.
Augustine Friers in Broadstreet.
White Friers, or Calmelites, in Fleetstreet. These were the Four Orders of Begging Friers.
Crutched or Crossed Friers, in St. Olave's Hartstreet.
Friery of the Brethren de Sacca, or de Penitentia Jesu Christi, in Old Jewry.
Charter House Monks, or Carthusians.
New Abby by East Smithfield.
Westminster Abby.



PRIORY of St. John at Jerusalem.
of the Holy Trinity of Christchurch, or Creechurch, within Aldgate.
of St. Bartholomew the Great.
or Abby of Bermondsey, Southwark.
Knights Templars.
Old Temple in Holborn.



NUNNERY at Clerkenwel.
at St. Helen's within Bishopsgate.
of St. Clare in the Minories.
of Hallywel by Shorditch.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY