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The Ninety Seven Parishes within the Walls.


PARISHES.Incumbents.Lecturers.Values before the Wars, in Tithes and CasualtiesPresent Values by Act of Parliam.Values in the King's Books.Procurations.
   l. s. d.l. s. d.l. s. d.l. s. d.
St. Michael Woodstreet
St. Mary Staining, Rect.
Mr. CrookMr. Sandford72 06 0
35 00 0
150 00 0
5 06 08
0 3 4
0 2 0
St. Mildred Breadstreet, Rect.
St. Margaret Moses, Rect.
Mr. DurhamMr. Shepherd66 00 0
69 02 0
130 00 016 05 10
19 00 05
0 2 6
0 2 6
St. Mildred Poultry, Rect.
St. Mary Cole Cur.
Mr. MartinMr. B. Headly86 13 4
60 00 0
170 00 018 13 040 2 0
0 3 4
St. Nicholas Acons, vid. St.
Edmund the King
St. Nicholas Cole-Abby, Rect.
St. Nicholas Olaves, Rect.
Mr. MeritonMr. Cart74 10 0
54 00 0
130 00 018 13 04
9 17 06
0 2 0
0 2 6
St. Olave Hart-streetMr. Turton 54 00 0  0 2 6
St. Olave Jury, Rect.
St. Martins Pomroy.
Dr. GreenDr. Blackal72 19 11
63 13 4
120 00 0 10 18 61/2
12 07 06
0 3 4
0 2 0
St. Olaves Silverstreet, vid. St. Albans Woodstreet, Rect.      
St. Pancras, vid. St. Mary le Bow      
St. Peters Paulswharf, vid. St. Benet Paulswharf      
St. Peters Cheap, vid. St. Matthew Fridaystreet      
St. Peters Cornhil, Rect.Dr. Waugh 163 14 8110 00 039 05 91/20 6 8
St. Peters Poor, Rect.Mr. Benjamin HoadlyMr. Newton70 00 0 05 16 81/20 1 6
St. Stephen Colemanstreet, Vic.
Dr. LucasDr. Lucas 100 00 0>
11l. Easter Book.
11 00 000 3 4
St. Stephen Walbroke, Rect.
St. Benet Sherehog, Rect.
Mr. StonestreetMr. Richarson50 00 0
40 00 0
100 00 017 13 040 2 0
St. Swithin
St. Mary Bothaw
Mr. William Elstob 99 00 0
66 06 8
140 00 015 07 11
10 10 00
0 3 0
0 7 0
St. Thomas Apostles, vid. St. Mary Aldermary      
Trinity, vid. Michael Queenhith      
St. Vedast
St. Michael Quern
Mr. HopkinsMr. Crook 119 07 7
59 06 6
160 00 0  

These were the Ninety Seven Parishes before the Great Fire. Of these,
Thirteen were unburnt,
Eighty Four burnt down,
Fifteen left single, as before,
Sixty Nine united into thirty four. And
Sixty One had Parsonage Houses before the Fire.

The Sixteen Parishes without the Walls.


PARISHES.Incumbents.Lecturers.Value.Values in the King's Books.Procurations.
   l. s. d.l. s. d.l. s. d.
St. Andrew Holborn, Rect.Dr. ManninghamDr. Humfrevile400l.15 13 04 0 03 4
St. Bartholomew the Great, Rect.Mr. BurgessMr. Johnson 18 01 051/2
13 06 08
0 03 4
0 03 4
St. Bartholomew the Less, Vic.     
St. Brides, Vic. Dr. BirchMr. Waugh120l. 16 00 00 0 14 9
Bridewel Dr. Francis Atterbury    
St. Botulph AldersgateMr. Hocking   0 09 2
St. Botulph Aldgate, Rect.Dr. White Kenet, Curate   0 03 4
St. Botulph Bishopsgate, Rect.Dr. AlthamMr. Goodwin300l.20 00 00 
St. Dunstans in the West, Vic.Mr. GrantDr. Blackall300l. 26 03 040 07 8
St. George Southwark, Rect.Mr. Hook   18 13 071/2 
St. Giles Cripplegate, Vic.Dr. Fowler, Bishop of GlocesterMr. Smithes 32 05 00 
St. Mary OveriesDr. Barton
Mr. Horn
St. Olave SouthwarkDr. HaslewoodDr. Lucas 68 04 09 
Sepulchres, Vic.Mr. Waple
Mr. Tilsley, Curate
Dr. Hocking 20 00 000 04 0
St. Thomas Southwark Mr. Turton    
Trinity MinoriesMr. KingMr. Swinsin  0 02 6

Of these, Two Churches only burnt.

© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY