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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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BOYLE's Lecture.


BUT the most eminent Lecture of all the rest in the City, is that appointed by the last Will and Testament of the Honourable Robert Boyle, deceased, naming Sir Henry Ashurst, Knight and Baronet, Sir John Rotheram, Knight, Serjeant at Law, and John Evelyn, Esq; Senior, his Trustees; settling an annual Salary of 50l. for some Divine or Preaching Minister, who shall be enjoined to perform the Offices following. First, To preach eight Sermons in the Year, for proving the Christian Religion against notorious Infidels, viz. Atheists, Deists, Pagans, Jews and Mahometans; not descending to any Controversies that are among Christians themselves. These Lectures to be on the first Mondays in the Months of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, in such Churches as the Trustees shall from time to time appoint. Secondly, To be assisting to all Companies, and encouraging them in any Undertaking for propagating the Christian Religion. Thirdly, To be ready to satify all real Scruples, as any may have concerning those Matters; and to answer such new Objections or Dif- ficulties as may be started, to which good Answers have not yet been made.

Boyle's Lecture.

Accordingly this Lecture hath been preached hitherto by very Learned Men, some of them Bishops. The first that began it was Dr. Bentley, who preach'd two Years. 2. Dr. Kidder, Bishop of Bath and Wells. 3. Dr. Williams, Bishop of Chichester, who preached two Years. 4. Dr. Gastrel. All these preached the Lecture at Bow and St. Martins in the Fields. 6. Mr. Harris, since Doctor of Divinity. 7. Dr. Blackal, after Bishop of Exeter. 8. Dr. Stanhope, two Years, Dean of Canterbury. 9. Mr. Adams, since Doctor of Divinity. 10. Mr. Samuel Clark, since Doctor of Divinity, who preached Ann. 1704 upon the Being and Attributes of God, and was appointed for the ensuing Year 1705. 11. Dr. Hancock. 12. Mr. Whiston. 13. Dr. John Turner. 14. Dr. Lilly Butler. 15. Dr. Woodward. 16. Mr. Derham. 17 Mr. Ibbot, now Doctor of Divinity. 18. Mr. Stonestreet. 19. Dr. Leng.

The Learned Discourses preached at these Lectures have generally been printed, for more publick Benefit.

Anniversary SERMONS.


St. Martins Ludgate
St. Mildred Breadstreet
St. Mildred Poultry
St. John (alias St. Augstine)
at Hackney

November 17, Queen Elizabeth proclaimed
1l. 5s.
St. Olaves Jewry
St. Pancras Soper Lane
Spanish Armado, Ann. 1588. 2l.
St. Swithin February the 25th, and
The last Day of Hilary Term
10s. each Sermon
St. Olaves JewrySt. James's Day, to be preached by a Batchelor 
St. Mary le Bow
St. Pancras
St. Austins

November the 5th
St. Botulph BillingsgateChristmas Day in the Afternoon 

Mercers Chapel
Sundays Afternoon, from November to Easter
The 30th of January,
The 29th of May
1l. each Sermon
Christs ChurchLady Ramsey's Sermon1l.
Pauls CrossLord Maior's Sermon
Good Friday Sermon

St. John (alias St. Augustine)
at Hackney
New Year's Day
Good Friday
Ascension Day
November the 5th

1l. each Sermon

COMPANIES Sermons. Sermons preparatory to the Monthly SACRAMENT.
Queenhith PaintersSt. Mildred PoultreyWednesday Afternoon
Aldermary CooksSt. Olaves Jewry Wednesday Morning
St. Stephens Walbrook GrocersCreechurchSaturday Afternoon
St. Michael Cornhill Drapers } SermonsSt. Olaves Hartstreet 1st Thursday in the Month
St. Mary Woolnoth GoldsmithsSt. Barthol. ExchangeSaturday
Black Friers ApothecariesSt. Giles Last Sunday in the Month
St. Michael BassishawGirdlers St. Olaves Southwark Lord's Day before in the Evening
  HackneySaturday before in the Af-
ternoon; now left off

I add

© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY