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[The Societies.] The SPIRITUAL GOVERNMENT.37


who had the Name of Separate Quakers (this is, those that believed the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith, concerning the way of Salvation by Faith in Jesus Christ, and believed that he came in the Flesh, and died for our Sins; which Mr. Keith had preached to them, when himself was a Quaker about the Year 1692.) those they found had now joined with the Church of England Congregation at Philadelphia, before their Arrival. These received them with great Joy, and had great Satisfaction in hearing them preach that which tended to their own Confirmation in the Christian Faith, and in Communion with the Church of England.

Mr. Evans, Minister of the Church of England Congregation at Philadelphia in Pensylvania, told Keith, he had baptized 500 Quakers and their Children, and such as were Quakerly affected; besides considerable numbers of Converts were baptized by Clayton, the former Minister: And since their coming into Pensylvania, West and East Jersey and New York Provinces, at least 200 Persons that were Quakers, and their Children and Servants were baptized. And many who had been baptized in their Infancy, and had professed Quakerism afterwards, were come off, and joined themselves to the Churches in these Countries, since their Travels and Preachings among them.

500 Quakers baptiz'd.

In Pensylvania, where formerly there was but one Church of England Congregation (viz. that at Philadelphia) they found five Churches supplyed with Ministers. In the North Parts of America, are thirteen Ministers, all placed within these two Years last past; and generally supported and maintained by this Society. This briefly is enough to shew the blessed spreading Benefit of the said Society.

Numbers of Churches in Pensylvania, &c.

Some Common Prayer Books, with other Devotional and Practical Tracts, are very much needed by the People in those Places. All which Matters lay before the Society to take care of.

They have an annual Fund now of 800l. per Annum, with the Accession of 1700l. occasionally subscribed. A Lady unknown hath lately sent them a 1000l.

They commonly allow the Ministers they send thither, 50l. a Year, and 20l. at their first going out, and 15l. for Books. As they had two Missionaries beforementioned at very great Expence; so they are solliciting Maintenance of the Crown for four more: So many more at least being needful for the Conversion of the foresaid praying Indians of Canada. The Place they take for the Object of their Christian Care, is, a Continent well Peopled under several Governments, two Hundred Miles in length upon the Sea-Coast. This is the large and noble Project of this Society.

Allowance to the Missionaries.

And these Christian Purposes and Labours are now found to be very successful for the Conversion of the Natives and Negroes, as well as the Subjects of England in those Parts. Accounts whereof are yearly published at the End of the Sermons preached at the Anniversary Meetings of this Society.

The Success of this Society with the Natives.

But that which is like to render this religious Design in after Times more effectual, is the noble Gift of General Codrington, lately Governour of Barbadoes; who died April the 7th, Anno Domini 1710. and by his last Will bequeathed his two Plantations in the said Island; and also part of the Island of Barbuda to this Society; and by his said Will, desiring, that the Plantations should continue entire; and that 300 Negroes at least, always kept thereon; and that a convenient number of Professors and Scholars should be maintained there: Who are to be obliged to study and practise Physick and Chirurgery, as well as Divinity. That by the apparent Usefulness of the former, (as the Will ran) they might endear themselves to the People, and have the better Opportunities of doing good to Men's Souls, while they are taking Care of their Bodies. This Gift is valued at 2000l. per Annum, clear of all Charges.

General Codrington's Gift towards this pious Purpose, to the Society.

The Society have already resolved, to instruct those Negroes in the Principles of the Christian Religion: And are now about building a College to this End at Barbadoes.

They meet once a Month, or oftener, as there is occasion, at the late Archbishop Tenison's Library at St. Martins in the Fields. And several Committees of the Society besides, are appointed to meet at the Chapter House at St. Pauls.

Meetings of the Society.

This Society have yearly Meetings, and Anniversary Sermons in the Month of February at St. Mary le Bow Church, whereof the first was February 20. 1701/2, Richard Willis, D.D. Dean of Lincoln, preaching before them, upon Phil. ii. 27. Striving together for the Faith of the Gospel. Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum preached to this Society, incorporated Feb. 18. 1703/4. on a very suitable Text, Mal. i. 11. For from the rising of the Sun unto the going down thereof, my Name shall be great among the Gentiles: And in every Place Incense shall be offered to my Name, and a pure Offering, &c. The Sermon preached in this Anniversary Assembly, Feb. 1712/3{query}, was performed by John late Bishop of Ely. And that Year the Receipts of the Society were by Rent, Annual Subscriptions, casual Benefactions, &c. 3595l. 18s. 5d. Their Disbursements by Payments of yearly Salaries to Missionaries, Catechists, Schoolmasters, by Gratuities to Missionaries, by Monies expended in Books to them, and by accidental Expences 2070l. 8s. 3d. yearly Income by yearly Rent, and annual Subscriptions of the Members, 783l. 12s. 6d.

Sermons preached before this Society.

The Sermon before this incorporated Society, Feb. Anno 1715, was preached by Dr. Tho. Sherlock, Dean of Chichester; and the next Year, Feb. 1716. by Mr. Tho. Haley, Canon Residentiary of Chichester.

And here take,

The State of the Societies Accounts for that Year, as delivered in by their sworn Auditors, viz.


BY Annual Subscriptions of Members6611106
By Rent650805
By Casual Benefactions, Arrears of Collections, &c.7590200
By Monies paid at the Entrance of New Members121800
By Interest800202
 157902 01
To which add the Ballance of the last Account18471805

By Payment of yearly Salaries to Missionaries, Catechists,
and Schoolmasters, Gratuities, &c.
Remaining in Cash, and East India Bonds.79309 10

Yearly Income.   
By Annual Subscriptions of Members6931700
By yearly Rent of Lands purchased
with Monies, given for that purpose


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY