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And then the Archdeacon of London was wont to give to the Serjeant at Mace, Macebearers, with the Maior, Sheriffs, and those of the Chamber, two Nobles, equally to be divided among them; for keeping the Procession of the Rectors from the Crowd of the Common People.

On the Morrow being Tuesday in Whitsun Week, between nine and ten of the Clock before Noon, the Maior and Aldermen met at St. Bartholomew's, and from thence a Procession of the Common People of Middlesex going before them, they past through Newgate, and so to St. Michael ad Bladum, i.e the Quern; and so further by the Old Change they entred through St. Austin's Gate, St. Paul's Close, and further, as it was performed the Day before; and 10s. were given by the Archdeacon to the said Serjeants, as was said before.

From St. Bartholomew's on Tuesday.

The third Day being Wednesday in Whitsun Week, the Maior, Aldermen, and Sheriffs met the aforesaid Hour at the Church of St. Thomas of Acon. And from thence the Procession of the Common People of Essex going before, they past directly to Paul's Churchyard: and it was done as the Day before; and the Archdeacon of Essex gave the said Serjeants 6s. 8d. And it is to be noted, that when the said Fees were not paid, the Archdeacons were wont to be distrained to pay them.

From St. Thomas of Acon on Wednesday.

Provisions made for the Personal Appearance of the Aldermen at the Elections.


ONCE at the Election of a Maior, the Aldermen absented themselves, fearing to admit the Office of a Maior, at the Instance of William de Ilford, then Common Serjeant for the Commonalty of the City, Richard Lacer being then Maior [about 1345.] And since the Aldermen ought to meet together on Simon and Jude's Day, to the Election of Maiors in Guildhall; it was ordered, that from henceforth every Year, on the Feast of the Translation of St. Edward the King, [which was October 13.] the Maior and all the Aldermen for the time being, and also out of every Ward of the City, twelve, eight, or six, according as the Ward shall be great or small, of the Discreeter and Wiser sort of each Ward, should meet together; and that none, unless they be summoned, come, nor intrude themselves in such Election of Maior or Sheriff. And that on the same Feast of St. Edward they chuse a Maior, according to the Custom, for the following Year: that the Maior so chosen on that Feast, between the Feast of St. Edward and the Feast of St. Simon and Jude next following, may dispose of his Estate.

The Meeting on St Edward s Day for chusing a Maior.

It was also agreed, that if he who was so chose in the Feast of St. Edward for Maior, and shall absent himself on the Feast of Simon and Jude following, and depart at a distance, not willing to take upon him the Burthen of the Maioralty, whether he be absent or present in the time of the Election, nevertheless the Serjeants of the City that shall be for the Time, shall cause 100 Marks to be levied of his Good and Chattles, Lands, Rents, and Tenements, who shall so absent himself; to be paid to him who on the said Feast of Simon and Jude shall happen to be chose in his Place by reason of his Absence.

Fine for refusing to hold Maior.

It was agreed also, that all the Aldermen be present every Year in the City of London, as well on the Translation of St. Edward the King, as in the Feast of Simon and Jude, at the Election of a Maior. And if any Alderman at those Feasts shall absent himself, he shall pay to the Chamberlain of the said City 20l. Sterling; unless the said Alderman so absent, be absent for a reasonable Cause, and so can excuse himself to the Maior and Aldermen.

Penalty of an Alderman's Absence.

And the like Ordinance was made in the time of the Maioralty of Walter Turk, viz. Ann. 24. Edw. III. of those that absented themselves in the Election of Sheriffs, under the Penalty of 100l. Sterling. Which Ordinances are inserted in the Book F. And this was once executed, viz. 42 Edw. III. because Walter Berneye, elected Maior on Friday in the Feast of the Translation of St. Edward, came not on the Feast of Simon and Jude then following, to take his Office. Simon de Mordon was chose on that Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, for the same Year, and the Morrow after admitted and presented to the Barons of the Exchequer; and of the Goods of the said Walter were levied 100 Marks for the use of the said Simon.

A Maior elected came not; and what followed.

Lib. G fo. 216.

To add a few things more, collected from Records of the Tower, or Inquisitions, concerning the Maiors of London.

Special Favours have been granted by the King to the Maior. As was King Edward the Third's Grant to Reginald de Conductu, or Reynold of the Conduit, who was Maior two Years together; whereby he was at great Expences, to the overburdening his Estate. And whereas the Maiors used to take great Benefit from the Merchants Strangers, that repaired hither in good Numbers for Traffick, this Foreign Trade was stopt by reason of King Edward's great Wars abroad. The King therefore in the eighteenth of his Reign granted the said Reginald, in relevation' status sui, i.e. for the Relief of his Estate, 21l. of yearly Rent, issuing out of divers Messuages and Shops in the said City, belonging to the King.

Favours shewn to Maiors by the King.

The King sometimes made Maiors, as well as Custoses, by his own Authority, and sometimes excused Persons from serving the Office of Maior, or any other Magistracy of the City. Of this last we have an Instance in one Simon, a Merchant of London, who had a Patent from King Edward III. in the first of his Reign; whereby that King freed him from serving Maior, Sheriff, Alderman, Coroner, Alderman against his own Will in the foresaid City or elsewhere: And not only so, but Quod quietus esset de omnibus Prisis, Auxiliis, Vigiliis, & Contributionibus quibuscunque; i.e. to be quit of all Prizes, Aids, Watches and Contributions whatsoever, as well within the City of London, as elsewhere within the Kingdom. And that the Goods of the said Simon be not taxed to Tenths, or to pay other Quota's. This was extraordinary indeed; and surely his Merit at the King's Hand was great.

Maiors apointed by the King.

One excused serving Maior.

These Maiors were appointed by the King's Letters in the sixteenth of Edw. II. The Office of Maioralty being in the King's Hands for certain Causes (as the Record ran) the King committed it to Nicholas Farndon, Citizen of London, as long as it pleased the King; and commanded the Aldermen, Sheriffs, and the rest of the City, that they be obedient to him as Maior. And in the fourteenth of the same King, the Maioralty being then in the King's Hand, per Considerationem Curiæ, i.e. by the Consideration of the Court, he constituted Robert Kendal Maior, to do, to execute, &c. in all things that belonged to the said Office, and to take to himself those things which the Maiors have accustomed to take.

The King makes certain Maiors.

Richard II. in the twentieth of his Reign, with the Assent of his Council, appointed Richard Whittington to serve Maior in the room of Adam Bamme, that deceased in his Maioralty, until the Day accustomed for the Election of a new Maior.

Now to give an Instance or two of the King's Letters to certain Persons to be Custoses of the City, when the City had forfeited their Liberties, or the King had assumed them. These were constituted not for a Year, or a set Time, but while

Custoses appointed by the King, what.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY