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Philpot, Citizens of London [Aldermen] and Treasurers therefore appointed and sworn, should shew the same.]

Let me add here under this Head of Aldermen, a late great Contest happening between the Commonalty and the Court of Aldermen; viz. Who should examine and decide any Controversy arising about the Election of an Alderman.

Contest between the Aldermen and Commonalty.

Thursday, Septemb. 20. 1711. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Knt. Lord Maior. A Common Council was called to pass the Orphans Bill. Then (the Bill depending in Common Council this whole Year, relating to the Election of Aldermen) the Question was put, whether it should pass or no. The Lord Maior opposed it, and would not put the Question. After three Hours debate, a Clause of the Bill was left out [which was the reason of all the debate for the whole Year past;] viz. That all controverted Elections relating to Aldermen, should be decided by the Common Council, and not by the Court of Aldermen themselves. Then the Bill was pass'd: Which enacted, That in all future Elections for Aldermen, the Ward shall return only one Alderman, and one Commoner. That upon the Demise of the Aldermen of Bridge Ward without, the Aldermen above the Chair may change their Wards for that. If they refuse, the Common Council to choose one. That none but Freemen, paying Scot and Lot, shall have a right to poll for Aldermen. And if any Action ensues upon that account, it is to be defended at the City's Charge. The Orphans Bill was also pass'd.

Act of Common Council for Election of Aldermen, controverted.

And here I subjoyn this Act for the Election of Aldermen; with three others; viz. 1. For the Nomination of Aldermen; and Election of Common Council-men, made Ann. 1692. 2. For the further regulating the Nominations and Elections of Aldermen, and Common Council-men: and for regulating the Elections in Common Halls, &c. made Ann. 1712. 3. For reviving the ancient manner of electing Aldermen, made Ann. 1714.

Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guihaldæ Civitatis London die Jovis, vicessimo die Septembris, Anno Regni Dominæ nostræ ANNÆ, Dei Gratia Magna Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, Regniæ, Fidei Defensoris, &c. decimo Annoque Domini, 1711. coram Gilberto Heathcote, Milite, Majore Civitatis predictæ, Francisco Child, Thoma Abney, Roberto Beachcroft, Carolo Peers, Militibus, VVillielmo Lewen, Johanne VVard, Johanne Cass, VVilliemo Steuart, Armigeris Aldermannis, & Francisco Eyels, Armigero Aldermanno ac uno Vicecomitum, ejusdem Civitatis, necnon majore parte Communiariorum dictæ Civitatis in eodem Communi Concilio tunc & ibidem assemblatis.

An ACT to regulate the Election of ALDERMEN.


Whereas on the twentieth of September, in the third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Fourth, It was agreed and ordained by the Maior and Aldermen, That in the Elections of Aldermen, thenceforwards to be made, there should be named and chosen, four of the most honest and sufficient Citizens of the City, one of which, most fit to support the Honour and Charge of the City, according to the Discretion and sound Consciences of the Maior and Aldermen for the time being, should be admitted and sworn to execute the same Office; which said Ordinance, in the Common Council holden the twenty-third day of November then following, was approved.

Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, the Aldermen and Commons in this Common Council assembled, and by Authority of the same, That the said Ordinance, and every Article and Thing therein contained, shall be, and is hereby repealed and made void to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever.

And for the better Regulation of the said Elections for the future, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That from henceforth, in all Elections of Aldermen of this City, there shall be named, elected and presented to the Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, for the time being, or by the Housholders of that Ward which shall be destitute of an Alderman, being Freemen of the said City, and paying Scot and bearing Lot, two Persons and no more, viz. one Alderman, and one able and sufficient Citizen and Freeman of this City, not being an Alderman; which said Alderman so to be nominated and presented, shall and may remove to, accept and take such Ward, by the Inhabitants whereof qualified as aforesaid he shall be so nominated, elected and presented, if present when the Report of the said Nomination and Election shall be made, to the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, and shall declare his Intention so to do. In which case, there shall be a Wardmote holden, and the like Nomination and Presentment made to the said Court, by the Inhabitants of that Ward whereof he was an Alderman, within four days next ensuing: But in case such Alderman so nominated and presented, shall be absent at the time of making the said Report, or being present, shall declare his Refusal to remove; then in every such case, the other Person nominated and returned with the said Alderman, shall, by the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, be accepted, admitted and sworn, well and truly to execute the said Office of Alderman: And in case of his Refusal to take the same Office upon him (unless he can discharge himself therefrom according to the Laws of this City) he shall be subject and liable to all Pains and Penalties which can be inflicted on him by the Laws and Customs of the said City, or otherwise, for such his Refusal.

And for avoiding delays in making the said Elections, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lord Maior for the time being, shall, at the first Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, holden next after the space of seven days following every such Nomination and Election, by the Inhabitants of any Ward that shall be vacant of an Alderman, to be accounted from the Determination and Finishing thereof, and not before, make report to the said Court of Lord Maior and Aldermen, of the Names of the Persons so nominated and presented for Aldermen of that Ward; and the said Court shall accept thereof, and proceed thereupon, in manner before set forth.

And whereas by an Act of Common Council, holden the sixteenth day of June, in the fourth and fifth years of the Reign of King Philip and Queen Mary, It is, amongst other things, Enacted, That the Alderman of the Ward of Bridge-Without, should always from thenceforth, at the Time of Vacation and Lack of an Alderman thereof, be elect and chosen by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the said City, for the Time being, at a full Court of Aldermen, by them to be holden in the Inner-Chamber of the Guild-hall of the same City, in manner and form following, and in none otherwise; that is to say: That they the said Lord Maior and Aldermen for the Time being, shall then and there, at their said full Court, among themselves, nominate and appoint four good, discreet, sufficient and meet Citizens, being Freemen of this City or Liberties thereof, either resiant within the Borough of Southwark,


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY