Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.113

[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.

  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Simon Morden   ]
MAIOR, Simon Morden, Stockfishmonger.

This Year Wheat was sold for 2s. 6d. the Bushel.

A.D. 1369.}{ John Piel.
43 Edw' III. } Sheriffs,{ Hugh Holdich.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Chichester   ]
MAIOR, John Chichester, Goldsmith.

A.D. 1370.}{ William Walworth.
44 Edw' III. } Sheriffs,{ Robert Gayton.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Barnes   ]
MAIOR, John Barnes, Mercer.

A.D. 1371.}{ Adam Staple.
45 Edw' III. } Sheriffs, { Robert Hatfield. †
MAIOR, John Barnes, Mercer.

†Hatfild, Sum.

This John Barnes gave a Chest with three Locks, and one thousand Marks, to be lent to poor young Men.

A.D. 1372.}{ John Philpot.
46 Edw' III. } Sheriffs,{ Nicolas Brembar.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Piel   ]
MAIOR, John Piel, Mercer.

A.D. 1373.}{ John Aubery.
47 Edw' III.} Sheriffs.{ John Fished. *
MAIOR, Adam of Bury, Skinner.

*Fishyd, Sum.

A.D. 1374.}{ Richard Lions.
48 Edw' III. } Sheriffs,{ William Woodhouse.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, William Walworth   ]
MAIOR, William Walworth, Fishmonger.

Of this Maior let this Remark be added to his other famous Acts, in his valiant Behaviour towards Wat Tyler; That many Citizens of London in his Time gave over Trade and Traffick, and betook themselves to live upon Usury. He being Lord Maior, by the Advice of the Aldermen, took such good and strict Order for the Execution of Laws, and Suppression of Usury within the City, as was a Pattern to the Commons in Parliament: Who put up this Petition (as appears in the Rolls of Parliament) "That the Order that was made in London against the horrible Vice of Usury, might be observed throughout the whole Realm." Whereunto the King answered, That the old Law should continue.]

Walworth's Order to preserve Traffick. Coke's Institut. p. 13.

J. S.

A.D. 1375.}{ John Hadley.
49 Edw' III. } Sheriffs, { William Newport.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Ward   ]
MAIOR, John Ward, Grocer.

A.D. 1376.}{ John Northampton.
50 Edw' III. } Sheriffs,{ Robert Laund.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Adam Staple   ]
MAIOR, Adam Staple, Mercer.

The Londoners meant to have slain John Duke of Lancaster. Adam Staple, Maior, put down, and Nicholas Brembar elected. Also the Aldermen were deposed and other set in their Places.

RICHARD II. began his Reign the 21st of June, in the Year 1377.

A.D. 1377.}{ Nicolas Twiford.
1 Rich' II. } Sheriffs,{ Andrew Pikeman.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY