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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]116

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]

A.D. 1397.}{ John Woodcocke.
21 Rich' II. } Sheriffs,{ William Askam.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Richard Whittington   ]
MAIOR, Sir Richard Whittington, Mercer.

A.D. 1398.}{ John Wade.
22 Rich' II. } Sheriffs,{ John Warner.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Drew Barentin   ]
MAIOR, [Sir] Drew Barentin, Goldsmith.

King HENRY IV. began his Reign the 29th of September, in the Year 1399.

A.D. 1399.}{ William Walderne.
1 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ William Hend. *
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Thomas Knoles   ]
MAIOR, Sir Thomas Knoles, Grocer.

*Hyde, Sum.

A.D. 1400.}{ John Wakel.
2 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ William Ebot.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Francis   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Francis, Goldsmith.

A.D. 1401.}{ William Venor.
3 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ John Fremingham.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Shadworth or Chadworth   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Shadworth, [or Chadworth,] Mercer.


The Conduit upon Cornhill was this Year made of an old Prison House, called the Tunne.

A.D. 1402.}{ Richard Marlow.
4 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ Robert Chicheley.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Walcote   ]
MAIOR, John Walcote, Draper.

A.D. 1403.}{ Thomas Falconer.
5 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ Thomas Poole.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir William Ascham   ]
MAIOR, Sir William Ascam, Fishmonger.

A.D. 1404.}{ William Louth.
6 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ Stephen Spilman.
MAIOR, John Hind *, Draper.

*Hend, First Edit.

This John Hend was a new Builder of the Parish Church of St. Swithen, by London Stone.

A.D. 1405.}{ Henry Barton.
7 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ William Cromer. *
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Woodcocke   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Woodcocke, Mercer.

*Grome, First Edit. Cronmer, Sum.

The Maior caused all the Weres in the River of Thames, from Stanes to the River of Medway, to be destroyed, and the Trinks to be burned, &c.

A.D. 1406.}{ Nicolas Wotton.
8 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ Geffrey Brooke.
MAIOR, Sir Richard Whittington, Mercer.

This Year a great Pestilence in London took away more than 30000 People.

A.D. 1407.}{ Henry Pontfract.
9 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ Henry Halton.
MAIOR, Sir William Stondon, Grocer.

A.D. 1408.}{ Thomas Ducke.
10 Hen' IV. } Sheriffs,{ William Norton.
MAIOR, Sir Drew Barentine, Goldsmith.

This Drew Barentine builded a part of Goldsmiths Hall, and gave them Lands.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY