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[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.145

[Maiors and Sheriffs.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.

A.D. 1648.}{ Thomas Vyner, Goldsmith.
24 Car' I. } Sheriffs,{ Richard Browne, Woodmonger.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Warner   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Warner, Grocer,
Son of John Warner of Banbury in Oxfordshire.

King CHARLES II. began his Reign the 30th of January, in the Year 1648.

A.D. 1649.}{ Christopher Pack, Draper.
 } Sheriffs, { Rowland Wilson, Vintner, died in his Sheriffalty.
1 Car' II.}{ John Dethick, Mercer, ejus loco.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Abraham Reynardson   ]
MAIOR, Sir Abraham Reynardson, Merchant-Taylor,
Son of Thomas Reynardson of Plymouth.

This Lord Maior was committed to the Tower by the Parliament April 4. And

Thomas Andrews, Leatherseller, Son of Robert Andrews of Feltham in Middlesex, put in his room during the Residue of his Maioralty.

A.D. 1650.}{ Rob. Tichborne,}
2 Car' II.} Sheriffs,{ Rich. Chiverton,} Skinners.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Thomas Foote   ]
MAIOR, Thomas Foote, Grocer,
Son of John Foote of Royston in Cambridgeshire, Son of Robert Foote of the same place.

A.D. 1651.}{ John Ireton.
3 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Andrew Ryccard, Draper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Thomas Andrews   ]
MAIOR, Thomas Andrews, Fishmonger.
A second time.

A.D. 1652.}{ Steph. Eastwick, Girdler.
4 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Will. Underwood, Grocer.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Kendrick   ]
MAIOR, John Kendrick, Grocer,
Son of Hugh Kendrick, of the City of West-Chester, Joyner, Son of Thomas Kendrick. Which Maior left large Gifts to that and Newberry, Clothing-Towns.

A.D. 1653.}{ James Philips, Pewterer.
2 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Walter Bigg, Merchant-Taylor.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, John Fowkes   ]
MAIOR, John Fowkes, Haberdasher, Merchant,
Son of William Fowkes of Tewksbury in Gloucestershire,
Son of William Fowkes of Gunston in Staffordshire.

A.D. 1654.}{ Edmund Sleigh, Mercer.
6 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Thomas Alleyn, Grocer.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Thomas Vyner   ]
MAIOR, Thomas Vyner, Goldsmith,
Son of Thomas Vyner of North Cerney in Gloucestershire, Son of John Vyner of the same place.

A.D. 1655.}{ William Thompson, Salter.
7 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ John Frederick, Barber-Surgeon.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Christopher Pack   ]
MAIOR, Christopher Pack, Draper,
Son of Christopher Pack of Finchley in Middlesex, Merchant of London.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY