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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]148

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]

lain is 10l. yearly. The Boys, when the go out from the School, which is at 17 or 18 Years of Age, have 3l. to buy them Cloaths; and seven Years after, if not married, and have a good Character, are allowed 7l. more and an Angel; and the Girls the same. The said poor Folks and Children have their Cloaths given them every Midsummer-Day, when they all in Order walk round the Court, and sing the Psalm, Blessed is the Man that careful is, &c. And then they repair to the Church, where the Chaplain reads the Orders to them.

In the same Town also is more lately erected a very fair, spacious and noble Structure, for a Free School and an Habitation for the Masters; the said Sir William Turner, having left by Will 5000l. for the building and endowing of the same; the Master's Salary being an 100l. a Year, and the Usher's 50l. Mr. William Oakley, of New College, Oxon, was appointed the first Master there nine Years ago, late deceased, and Mr. Forder, Usher. Chelmley Turner, Esq; Nephew and Heir of Sir William Turner, sole Patron.

The said generous and Christian Benefactor lies interred under a comely Tomb, on the North side of the Churchyard of the said Church of Kirk-Leedham. The Inscription shews his Quality, and at the bottom a Verse taken out of the Psalms, He hath dispersed aborad, he hath given to the Poor, his Righteousness endureth for ever.

Add to the rest, that he gave divers large Pieces of Silver Plate to the said Parish Church, for the Use of the Communion.

Memorandum, Sir William Turner fined for Alderman before Alderman Starling, who held Sheriff the Year before him. But Turner was Maior the Year before Starling, his Seniority of Alderman being reckoned according to his fining.

A.D. 1670.}{ Dannet Forth, Brewer.
 } Sheriffs, { Will. Gomeldon, Skinner.
22 Car' II.}{ Patience Ward, Merchant Taylor.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Samuel Starling   ]
MAIOR, Sir Samuel Starling, Draper,
Said to be the Son of Samuel Starling of Stopesley in Luton Parish in Bedfordshire.

A.D. 1671.}{ Jonathan Dawes, Fishmonger.
 }{ Robert Clayton, Scrivener.
 } Sheriffs, { John Moor, Grocer, chosen Sheriff April 9th, 1672. in the
23 Car' II.}{ Room of Sir Jon. Dawes deceased the Day before.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Richard Ford   ]
MAIOR, Sir Richard Ford, Mercer.
Of the West Country. He was sometime of Exeter College, Oxon. and Master of Arts there.

Sir J Dawes's Funeral was celebrated on Ascension-Day, 1672. from Fishmongers Hall (where he died) to Creechurch, where he was interred.

A.D. 1672.}{ Sir William Pritchard, Merchant Taylor.
24 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Sir James Smith, Draper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir George Waterman   ]
MAIOR, Sir George Waterman, Skinner,
Son of John Waterman, a Vintner, at the King's Arms in Southwark. And lived at the Helmet in Thames-street.

A.D. 1673.}{ Henry Tulse, Grocer.
 } Sheriffs, { Rob. Geffery, Ironmonger.
25 Car' II.}{ Both Knighted by the King at Guildhall at the Maior's Feast.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Robert Hanson   ]
MAIOR, Sir Robert Hanson, Grocer,
Son of John Hanson of Blewberry, Berks, and Citizen of London; Son of Thomas Hanson of the same Place.

London Triumphant; or, The City in Jollity and Splendor. Expressed in the Shews, Sir Robert Hanson entring upon the Maioralty. At the Cost and Charges of the Right Worshipful Company of Grocers. Written by Thomas Jordan, 1672.

A.D. 1674.}{ Sir Nathanael Herne, Barber Surgeon.
26 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ John Lethieulier, Barber Surgeon.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir William Hooker   ]
MAIOR, Sir William Hooker, Grocer,
Son of William Hooker of Barkhamsted in the County of Hertford, Gent.

Both these Sheriffs had been Apprentices to Sir John Frederick, Barber Surgeon.

London in its Splendour, shewn; Sir William Hooker Maior. By Jordan, 1673.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY