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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]150

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]

A.D. 1683.}{ Peter Daniel, Haberdasher.
35 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Sam. Dashwood, Vintner.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir William Pritchard   ]
MAIOR, Sir William Pritchard, Mercht. Taylor,
Son of Francis Pritchard of Horsey-Down in Southwark, Surrey.

A.D. 1684.}{ William Goslin, Mercer.
36 Car' II. } Sheriffs,{ Peter Vandeput, Draper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Henry Tulse   ]
MAIOR, Sir Henry Tulse, Grocer,
Son of William Tulse of Avon in Hanpshire, Gent. Sir Richard Onslow of Surrey, afterwards Lord Onslow, married his only Daughter.

Let it remain upon Record for the lasting Honour of this Maior, that when one had offered to present him with a Thousand Guineas, to procure him a Lease of the City's Duties of Scavage, Package, Portage, &c. at 400l. a Year Rent to the City, Sir Henry generously refused it; and moreover used his Endeavour to advance the Rent of the said Duties for the Benefit of the City. By which means it came to pass, that 1200l. yearly Rent was paid for the same by the same Person.

King James II. began his Reign the 6th of February, in the Year 1685.

A.D. 1685.}{ Benj. Thorowgood, Fishmonger.
1 Jac' II. } Sheriffs,{ Thomas Kensey, Vintner.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir James Smith   ]
MAIOR, Sir James Smith, Draper,
Son of Robert Smith of London, Silkman, and of Upton in Westham Parish in Essex, Baronet.

London's Royal Triumph, Sir James Smith, Knt. Lord Maior.

A.D. 1686.}{ Tho. Rawlinson, Vintner.
2 Jac' II. } Sheriffs,{ Tho. Fowles, Goldsmith.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Robert Geffrey   ]
MAIOR, Sir Robert Geffery, Ironmonger.
Buried in St. Dionis Backchurch, London. Left 400l. for Prayers to be said daily there. His Parentage not mentioned on his Monument in that Church.

A.D. 1687.}{ Bazil Firebrace.
3 Jac' II. } Sheriffs,{ John Parsons, Brewer.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Peake   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Peake, Mercer,
Son and Heir of Sir William Peake, beforementioned.

A.D. 1688.}{ Humphrey Edwin, Barber Surgeon.
4 Jac' II. } Sheriffs,{ Samuel Thompson.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Shorter and Sir John Eyles   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Shorter. *
He was second Son of John Shorter of Staines in Middlesex, who was second Son of John Shorter of the same Place.
MAIOR, Sir John Eyles,
Son of John Eyles of Wilts, who dealt in Wool, and kept Fairs. His Brother was Sir Francis Eyles, sometime Sheriff of London, and Governour of the Bank of England.

*Never served Sheriff, nor a Freeman of the City: Appointed by K. James II.

King WILLIAM III. and Queen MARY II. began their Reigns the 13th of February, 1688/89.

A.D. 1688/89.}{ Humphrey Edwin.
1 W. & M. } Sheriffs,{ John Fleet, Cooper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Chapman   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Chapman, Mercer,
Son of Jasper Chapman a Grocer, living in Milkstreet, second Son of Chapman of Bridgnorth in Salop, Gent.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY