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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]152

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Maiors and Sheriffs.]

A.D. 1699.}{ Charles Duncombe, Goldsmith.
2 Will' III. } Sheriffs,{ Jeffry Jefferies, Grocer.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Francis Child   ]
MAIOR, Sir Francis Child, Goldsmith,
Son of Child. He was Apprentice to Mr. Blanchard, Goldsmith. Afterwards married his only Daughter, and so fell into all his Business.

A.D. 1700.}{ Robert Beachcroft, Clothworker.
13 Will' III. } Sheriffs,{ Henry Furnese, Draper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Richard Levet   ]
MAIOR, Sir Richard Levet, Haberdasher,
Son of the Reverend Richard Levet of Ashwel in the County of Rutland.

A.D. 1701.}{ Will. Withers, Fishmonger.
 } Sheriffs,{ Peter Floyer, Goldsmith.
13 Will' III.}{ James Bateman, Lorimer, loco Floyer, defunct.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Thomas Abney   ]
MAIOR, Sir Thomas Abney, Fishmonger,
Son of James Abney of Willesly in Darbyshire, Son of George Abney of the same Place.

Queen ANNE began her Reign the 8th of March, in the Year 1701/02.

A.D. 1702. }{ Robert Bedingfield, Merchant Taylor.
14 Will' III. } Sheriffs, {
& 1 Annæ.}{ Samuel Garrard, Grocer.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir William Gore   ]
MAIOR, Sir William Gore, Mercer,
Son of William Gore of Sandy-Chappel in Surrey, Attorney at Law.

A.D. 1703.}{ Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Vintner.
2 Annæ. } Sheriffs,{ Sir Joseph Wolfe, Mercer.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Samuel Dashwood   ]
MAIOR, Sir Samuel Dashwood, Vintner,
Son and Heir of Francis Dashwood, Citizen of London, who was second Son of Samuel Dashwood of Powden in Stoke-Gomer Parish in Somersetshire.

A.D. 1704.}{ Sir John Buckworth, Fishmonger.
3 Annæ. } Sheriffs,{ Sir William Humphreys, Ironmonger.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir John Parsons   ]
MAIOR, Sir John Parsons, Fishmonger,
Son of Parsons of St. Katharine's, Brewer.

The Benefits of the Chair, by means of the Corn and Coal-meters Places, were by an Act of Common Council allotted to the City, towards the Payment of its Debts, in the Maioralty of Sir John Parsons, with his Consent, for the Good of the Publick.

This Maior farmed the Markets of the City: which Farm was granted him in recompence.

A.D. 1705.}{ Sir Charles Thorold, Ironmonger.
4 Annæ. } Sheriffs,{ Sir Samuel Stanier, Draper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Owen Buckingham   ]
MAIOR, Sir Owen Buckingham, Salter,
Son of George Buckingham, Inkeeper at Colebrook in Middlesex.

A.D. 1706.}{ Sir Will. Benson, Draper.
5 Annæ. } Sheriffs,{ Sir Ambrose Crawley, Draper.
  [ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Sir Thomas Rawlinson   ]
MAIOR, Sir Thomas Rawlinson, Vintner,
Son of Daniel Rawlinson of London, Vintner. Sprung from an ancient Family at Gronsdale in Lancashire.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY