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[Cordwainers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Painters.]214

[Cordwainers.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Painters.]

gather Money to the Maintenance of their Suits, thinking to enforce one to bear the Suit against them. And sithence that time, they arrested one Edward Tyse, one of the Shoemakers dwelling at the Savoy, binding him unto the Peace without a Cause of his Breach of the Peace, and without any Oath-taking, only to put him, being a poor Man, to extreme Charge and Trouble. And when the Shoemakers Solicitor was serving a Subpœna upon one John Lenche to come to the Star-Chamber, there came running upon him the said Solicitor, Abraham Lenche his Son; and being behind him did strike the said Solicitor with a Dagger down to the Ground, and had slain him, had not others present saved him. And not therewith contented, they reported, they would not only undo these Shoemakers, but all those that would be Aiders, and take part with them. All this these Men in a Petition laid open before the said Lord Treasurer: Praying him to grant, that they might have their Causes as well in the Court of Exchequer, as in their Court of Star Chamber depending, to be heard and determined with Expedition; and that Justice Southcote, and some other Justice of Peace within the County of Middlesex, might consider upon the said Indictment, and take order therein, according to Law and Justice.

The Free Shoemakers, in the Month of October 1578, put up another Petition to the Lord Treasurer, setting forth their Case, viz. That there was an Order in Star Chamber in King Henry the Eighth's Time, that all Strangers Artificers should be Contributors as the King's natural Subjects were; and should come to the Halls, and take the Oaths to be true to the King and his Heirs. Of which sundry Exemplifications were made and sent to the several Companies in London; and among the rest, one to the Cordwainers. But that certain Strangers of that Art, as namely, Francis Gerers, Daniel Swarts, John Yong, Edward Tyson, Leonard Harman, and many other by their Example, did not regard the said Decree, nor the Acts and Laws of the Realm. And not contented with the Queen's charitable Protection, did refuse to come to the Assembly, and obey and be governed as her Majesty's natural Subjects. Whereas in their Country the English could not be suffered to get their Living by an Art. And whereas the Queen by her Charter made to the said Mystery, expressly granted and commanded, that all the said Persons should be obedient to the lawful Ordinances of the said Company (which Ordinances were, by the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, and the Lords Chief Justices, perused, ratified and confirmed, according to an Act of Parliament in that case provided) the Strangers, for justifying their Contempt, did arrogantly and untruly pretend the Lord Treasurer's Letters in their Favour, written to the Lord Maior and Recorder of London, before whom the said Company had no Cause depending. Therefore they prayed his Lordship to examine, or cause the Premisses to be examined; and to give Order, that her Majesty's Laws, Commissions, Charters, and Commandments, and the unlawful Ordinances of the Company, might be duly obeyed.]

The Shoemakers Petition.

An Order of Star-Chamber about Strangers.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Painters' Company   ]

THE Company of the PAINTERS, having the addition of PAINTERS STAINERS, for their Skill and Cunning in divers mysterious Works, have been a Society of great Antiquity from time to time, and were incorporated Anno Dom. 1580, it being the three and twentieth Year of Queen Elizabeth, &c.

The Painters Stainers were a Brotherhood since the Times of Edward III. and a Company: And so continued till the Year 1575, and 17th of Queen Elizabeth; but no Corporation: Paying Scot, Lot, and all kinds of Charges in the Queen's Affairs, and otherwise: As in time of War, charged with the setting forth of twelve Soldiers and all their Furniture; they having neither Lands, Revenues, nor any Riches to discharge the same; but only levied among the Brethren of the Company, every Man according to his Ability. Which Brethren were maintained by their good Workmanship in their Trades. But now about the Time beforesaid, their Trade began to go to decay, by reason of other Persons that had not been Apprentices to it, who undertook Painting; as Plaisterers and others, intermeddling in the same Science: And the Painters having no Power to restrain them by vertue of any Corporation, to the great Slander of the Art and Science, and the utter Decay and Ruine of all such as would endeavour themselves to be good Workmen in the same. Much slight Work went off; as Pictures of the Queen and other Noblemen and others; and all other manner of Works, which shewed fair to sight: And the People bought the same, being much deceived; for that such Pictures and Works were not substantially wrought: A Slander to the whole Company of Painters, and a great Decay of all Workmanship in the said Science; and also a great Discouragement to divers forward young Men, very desirous to travel for Knowledge in the same.

The Art of Painting declines. And why.

J. S.

Of this the Painters made Complaint from time to time to the Lord Maior for the time being; and yet could never get any Redress for the same. The Reason whereof, they said, was, that they had no Judgment or Skill in that Science, to discern such fraudulent Workmanship from that was substantial and good. Therefore Anno 1575 and 1576, they addressed to the Queen, that she would consider their Cause, and give Aid and Assistance to them. And desired of her to be incorporated by the name of Master, Wardens, and Commonalty of Painters-Stainers within the City, Liberties and Suburbs of the City of London, being Freemen and Citizens of the same; and to be enabled to purchase Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments to the Use and Behalf of that Company, in Fee: To have a Common Seal, to choose a Master, Wardens, and Assistants, according to Ordinances to be made by them; to execute all Causes pertaining to that Company; to restrain, that none be suffered to use that Trade, but such as have been, or shall be Apprentices to some of that Mystery seven Years; to have Authority to enter into any Shops, Warehouses or Workhouses of Men exercising that Mystery, and to search, examine and survey their Works, Painting, Colours, or other Stuff, &c. This was granted.

The Painters complain of it:

And petition to be incorporated.

One George Gower was Queen Elizabeth's Serjeant Painter. Who had a Warrant from her for him, or his sufficient Deputy or Deputies, for the better Execution of his Office, to take up and provide for the Queen, and in her Name, for the only Provision of her Service, all Colour, Oil, Varnish, Workmen and Labourers, as well Free as Foreign, and all manner of Necessaries and Stuff whatsoever, meet to be employed for that Service. And also to take up all manner of Carriages, as Barges, Boats, Carts, Wayns, Horses,

Q. Elizabeth's Serjeant Painter.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY