Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY


[Glovers, &c.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Distillers.]236

[Glovers, &c.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Distillers.]

GLOVERS. TINNERS. DISTILLERS: Abuses of DISTILLERS: A Patent granted for the preventing thereof. CLOCKMAKERS. MUSICIANS. FELTMAKERS: Their Endeavours to be made a Corporation: Move for a Search of Flocks and Wool. SOPEMAKERS: Three Sorts of Sope. GLASS-SELLERS: Verselyn a Venetion, the first that set up a Glass-House in England. POTTERS. Fine Galley Ware. COACH and COACH-HARNESS-MAKERS. PINNERS and NEEDLERS: Petition against Foreign Pins and Needles. PATTENMAKERS, an ancient Trade. NOTARIES: Their Complaint of a Patent for making Policies. BROGGERS or BROKEKS: Their Complaint of the same. Retailing BROGGERS. REFINERS of Sugar: Began in England 1544. PLAYERS; Retainers to Noblemen. SILKMEN. SHIPWRIGHTS, &c. A Scheme of the Companies.

THE last Edition of this Survey went no further in the Catalogue of the Companies of London, there being then no more incorporated than those sixty two above mentioned. But since that time there have been several other Companies or Societies of Trades used, flourishing in the City: Which tho' formerly well known, yet were included in other Companies, and not incorporated by themselves, and regulated by Governours and Laws of their own, till of later times. So that to the sixty two, Nine more are to be added, which make up in all Seventy one, viz: The Glovers, the Tinners, Distillers, Clockmakers, Musicians, Feltmakers, Sopemakers, Glass-sellers, Coach and Coach-Harness-makers: To which may be added the Pinners and Needlers, the Patten-makers, Notaries, Brokers or Broggers, Refiners of Sugar, Players, the Lustring Company, and perhaps divers other Callings and Trades this City may afford.

Several Companies lately incorporated.

J. S.

To several of these we can only shew the Arms they bear.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Glovers' Company   ]

THE Company of GLOVERS were incorporated the 10th day of September, 1639. In the 14th Year of King Charles I. by the name of Master, Wardens, Assistants, and Fellowship of the Company of Glovers of the City of London; and by their Charter empowered to have one Master, four Wardens, sixteen Assistants, or more, at the discretion of the Master and Wardens for the time being; and they to be chosen annually the 8th of September, the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.



THE Company of TIN PLATE-WORKERS were incorporated by Charter the 29th of December, in the 22th Year of the Reign of King Charles II. by the name of Master, Wardens, Assistants and Commonalty of the Art and Mystery of Tyn Plate-workers, alias Wyre-workers, of the City of London.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Distillers' Company   ]

THese were such as distilled Aqua Vitæ, Aqua Composita, Vinegar, and the like. In the Year 1593, one endeavoured to get a Grant from the Queen, for the taking care that these Liquors should be well made, against the pretended great and dangerous Abuses commonly practised in the making thereof. He shewed (taking the Opportunity of this before-named Year, wherein was a Plague) that the ordinary Makers of these Liquors made them of Hog-wash, and Dregs, and the Washing of Coolbacks; which might occasion many infectious Diseases. The Lord Treasurer, the better to inform himself, sent to Alderman Anthony Radclyff, a Person knowing in such Matters, for his Opinion. Who informed him, that it was a thing long since moved to be reformed by Parliament, as a Matter the abusing whereof caused great Inconvenience. That he had Conference with the best and substantialest Men of that Calling, who made their Strong-Waters for the most part of good Ale and Beer; and that they wisht all other Makers were debarred by some good Means, for the more exact making thereof. But that they that were poor and found more sweet by making it of weak Beer and Ale, or of worse Stuff, no doubt would repine at any new Grant to restrain them. He added, that when he enquired and sought to understand how so many bought this Hog-wash and Dreggs of the Coolback, he was told it was only the Feltmakers and Weavers,

Abuses of Distillers by using of Hogwash, &c.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY