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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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[Woollen Cloths.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Hallage.]276

[Woollen Cloths.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Hallage.]

Staves, the load4 
Sithstones, the thousand4 
Sackcloth, the piece 1
Sprat-boats, the boat8 
Sea-coals, the chald. inward 1
Sea-coals, the chald. outw.2 
Sherrin with sugar or other ware2 
Sope-ashes, the barrel1 
Sets, the bundle 1
Tin, the barrel2 
Tow, the bag or sack2 
Tombstones, the load8 
Tar, the barrel1 
Timber, great, the load2 
Trenchers, the pack2 
Tin, the block1 
Tallow, the barrel2 

Terseys, the load2 
Tow, the tun8 
Twigs, the load2 
Trees, the bundle 1
Tyles, the load2 
Timber saw'd into any scantlings, the load3 
Vinegar, the tun4 
Vinegar, the runlet 1
Verjuice per tun4 
Wine, the tun4 
Wine, the hogshead1 
Wine, the runlet 1
Wool, the great sack12 
Wool, the pocket8 
Wool, the Horse-pack4 
Woad, the tun4 

Woad, the sack 1
Wax, the hundred weight1 
Wainscote, the hundred7 
Walnuts, the barrel 1
Walnuts, the sack1 
Wooden ware, the pack2 
Wares, the Horse-pack, of any sort2 
Ware for Dyers, the tun kelp4 
Weeds for Dyers, the tun4 
Wheels for Carts or Drays, the pair2 
Wheelers stuff, the load 2 
Windows and Door-cases, the load4 
Wheel barrows, the dozen2 
Wooden wares, the sack 1
Whipstock, the load 4 

And for all such Goods or Merchandizes as are not herein mentioned, pay proportionably, according to the said Rates.

And to the end that more publick Notice may be taken of the Premises, so that the Officers imployed may not err, in taking less than is due, to the wrong of the City, or more than is due, to the Injury of particular Men, and that all who ought of Right to pay the said Duties, may be satisfied thereof, I do order that Copies of the said RATES be hanged or fixed in all convenient Places at the Water-side; and do hereby especially enjoin all Persons, Freemen of this City, not to colour the Goods and Merchandizes of Foreigners, (the which hath been too often complained of, to the great Wrong and Deceit of the City in the said Rights and Customs) as they tender the Observation of their Oaths, taken at their Admittance into the Freedom, and will avoid such Punishments as may by Law and Custom of this City be inflicted for offending therein.

Copies of these Rates to be hung up at the Water-side.

And because Cloth is the great Staple Merchandize of England, an Account shall next be given of Blackwel-Hall, where the Market for that Commodity is only held in London. And then shall be set down the several Wharfs and Keys in the Port of London, established by Law, for the Places of exporting and importing of Merchandizes.

All Cloths made or mixed with Wool, Worsted, Jersies and Cruell, wrought within England, when brought to London to be bought and sold, must be brought to Blackwel-Hall, formerly the Mansion House of Sir Robert Ducy, as the common Market-place; where they are carefully laid, and exposed to Sale: For these very good Ends, viz. to prevent corrupt and deceitful Bargains and Contracts; which might happen, if they should be sold in Inns, or some private Warehouses; and that good Wares might be bought and sold: And to prevent foreign buying and selling in other Markets, contrary to the Custom of the City, and divers Acts of Parliament. And for the Hallage of these Cloths brought hither, certain Payment and Duties are to be paid. For the full ascertaining and confirming all this, a good Act of Common Council was made for the Hallage of Woollen Cloths, Drapery Wares, and for pitching, safe keeping, and safe Delivery thereof; And for appointing and settling of Market-places for these Cloths: It was made Anno 1665. Sir John Laurence Maior; and was in the Tenor following:

Blackwel-hall the Market for Cloth.

J. S.

Commune Concilium tentum in Camera Guildhall, Civitatis London, die Martis, quarto die Julii, Anno Regni Domini nostri CAROLI secundi, Dei Gratia, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, Regis, Fidei Defensoris, &c. decimo septimo, coram Johanne Laurence Milite, Majore Civitatis London, Thoma Adams, Ricardo Brown & Thoma Aleyn, Milit' & Baronet' Aldermannis, Johanne Frederick, Thoma Bludworth, Willielmo Turner & Francisco Meynel Mil' Aldermannis, Samuele Starling & Willielmo Hooker Aldermannis, & Georgio Waterman & Carolo Doe Militibus & Aldermannis, Vicecomitibus ejusdem Civitatis, necnon majore parte Communiariorum de Communi Concilio ejusdem Civitatis tunc & ibidem assemblat.

WHereas by ancient Custome heretofore and now used within this Honourable City, and also by the old Laws and Ordinances made and now in force within the same City, all Cloth, Cloths, and other Commodities made or mixt with Wool, Worsted, Iersey or Cruell, made or wrought within the Kingdom of England and Dominions of the same, brought and to be brought unto the City of London and Liberties thereof, were and ought to be brought unto such common Market-place or places, as to that purpose within the same City and Liberties thereof, was and should from time to time be appointed, and there only, and not elsewhere, ought to be bought and sold, and the Owners of the said Cloth, Cloths, and other Commodities, made or mixt with Wool, Worsted, Iersey or Cruel, did there pay Hallage and other Duties; which was so done, as well that good and lawful Wares should be bought and sold, and corrupt and unlawful bargains and contracts, made in Inns, Ware-houses, and other private places, tending to the deceit of the People, and contrary to the Laws of the Realm and the Custom of this City, might be avoided; As also, that there might be no foreign buying and selling in those Markets, or within any other part of the City of London, in fraud of the Liberties, and contrary to the Customs within this City (time out of mind used) prohibiting foreign buying and foreign selling within the City, which Custom hath had the confirmation of several Acts of Parliament, and is a great support of their Government, enabling them to undergo those publick Charges, which others, not frée of that City, are not liable unto, and which otherwise they could not bear.

And whereas by an Act of Common-council made at a Common-council held at the Guild hall, London, upon the twenty sixth day of February, in the fourteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King that now is, the some time Mansion-house of Sir Robert Ducy, Knight and Baronet, with the Appurtenances in the Parish of St. Michael's


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY