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[Manufactures.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Strangers.]300

[Manufactures.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Strangers.]

"From the Fuller they be brought to the second Howse called the High Perse, where be also nine Serchers, there to have the full Allowance according to the Goodness of the Baye, whether it be an whole Castle, a Lyon, or a Sword; for these been the differencies of Seals, whereby their Goodness are known, that eny Person or Discretion may buy them by theis Marks, and by one other addition which is used if they want full Goodness of worthyness of either of their Seals; then do they notwithstanding carry the Seal with a difference by a Corner of the Baye cut, whereby it is known not to be a full Castle, Lyon, or Sword, and bereth Price accordingly. The manner of Serche is: Eche Baye with his Marke and Leads passed at th' other Serche, is wound up close and sowed together, to that end it may not be known what is passed before, but to give the right Judgment as they fynd it then."

The second House called the High Perse.

"And when the Serchers do agree of the Goodness, and fynd the Baye not worthy of the best Lead, which eche Man doth covet, the Officer of the Baytre goeth out to th' Owner, who waiteth for his Baye, and declares what is found, before it be stamped: but if the Owner thinketh his Baye to be better, he doth appeal to another Company called Betrackers, which be seven of them, that geve their Attendance twice in the Week, Tuesday and Friday, and as they fynd it he must stand contented, tho' it be worse than the first Men did allow. In this Serche there been cetain Leads set upon the Lyste of the Baye, called Over-Leads, t' admonish the Buyer of every Fault, whether it be in the Fuller of Rowar, and hath for every such Lead a quarter of a Flemish Ell allowed. And besides, in this Serche great Corrections are used, as the Fault is found; some th' Lystes be rent off; some cut asondre in five Parts, some less, some more; whereby the Truth of every Baye is espied and known, and fyned besides, and th' Estimation of them preserved."

Nine Serchers.

" Then the Bayes be brought to the Thred Howse, called the Sealing Howse, where there do attend four Days in th' Weke three Persons that be sworn Measurers, th' one called by the Name of Meter, th' other two been Controullers, and they receive the Bayes a Day before they do measure them, to that end that if the Wynde have strayned them being on the Rame, then they may rest, and gather home again: Forasmuch as it is a tyche Commodytye to measure. And they do fold them, and lay them in redyness to the Meters Hands, who use to mesure them with a Flemish Awne or Ell, as they did in Flaunders. And if th' Owner doth mislike of the Measure of his Baye, as indeed he ought to be of good Skyll, that shuld be a Measurer of Bayes, forasmuche as there is no ynche allowed, but strictly from a Skotch in their Measure; then may the Owner appeal to the Comptrollers, and then the Measure by them is to stand and bear Warrant or Prynt by Seal."

Three Persons for measuring.

" And from thence to the fourth House, called the Sale Hall, which is used three Days in the Week, viz. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, if it be not Holidays. And all other Commodities newly invented, have the like Carefulness in their making and serche, before they pass."

Sale Hall.

To this Manufacture of Bayes set up by the Strangers at Norwich, I add another Manufacture, viz. making of Gallypots, set up there also Anno 1567, by Jasper Andries and Jacob Janson, Potters, come away from Antwerp, to avoid the Persecution there. And these were for the most part the Trades and Occupations of the Strangers that seated themselves in London or elsewhere.

Manufacture of Gallypots.

But a great number of those in London were Merchants. Over whose Goods and Traffic it was thought by some, that a more strict Eye should be had, as not employing in the English Manufactures that Money which they gained by their Trade here; but returning the said Monies into foreign Parts. One John Fabian therefore (partly for his own Ends) in the Year 1571, put up a Supplication to the Lord Treasurer, that he might be constituted the Broker for Strangers Goods, in a long Paper, shewing in the beginning the Access of Aliens and Srrangers, coming out of foreign Realm and Countries into this Realm, and especially to London, whereof some Account is given before.

Merchant Strangers.

The Numbers of these Srrangers that came over hither, especially in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, were considerably great. Insomuch that there were three Churches appointed for them, (though all seemed to be sheltred under the Charter of King Edward VI. for the Strangers free Exercise of their Religion) viz. a Church for them that came out of Flanders and the Low-Countries; another for such as came from the Parts of France and Artois; and a third for Italians; and I may add, a fourth for Spaniards: besides, many of these Foreigners resorted to the English Churches; but many there were that resorted to no Church at all.

The Number of the Strangers.

Their Churches.

Of these Strangers the State being suspicious, as coming from the King of Spain's Dominions, who had conceived malicious and destructive Designs against the Queen and her Kingdom; she did from time to time appoint some in every Ward to go from House to House to take their Names, their Qualities, their Callings, and their Churches; and Certificates were sent up according to these Inquisitions taken. Thus, about the Year 1566, the Names were taken of all the Members of the Dutch Church, and the Number of them, which was 310, among which was Gherardt Ver (Van) Strype, my Ancestor, Anno 1567. By another Account taken of the Strangers, there appeared to be of them 2730, whereof Dutch 2030, French 428, Burgoinians 44, Italians 140, Spaniards and Portuguese 45, Scots 40, Danes 2, Liegiois 1. Again, in the Year 1580, or thereabouts, the Certificates of the Strangers in the several Wards and Precincts about the City of London stood thus:

Inquisitions taken of them often, by Order above.

Men 1391,}{ Denizons245,
Women965,} Of which{ Mere Strangers1119.

 { Dutch}{ 938,
 { French}{ 689,
And of these, of the{ Italian} Churches{ 050,
 { English}{ 499,
 { No.}{ 190,
Besides Persons not certified  76,
  In all2445.

The Certificate of them in the Out-Liberties of the City thus:

Men 662,}{ Denizons463,
Women279,} Of which{ Mere Strangers1462.

 { Dutch}{ 1364,
 { French}{ 1149,
And of these, of the{ Italian} Churches{ 66,
 { English}{ 1043,
 { No.}{ 287,
Besides Persons not certified  0138,
  In all4047.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY