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[Privileges of Citizens] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [by Charters.]349

[Privileges of Citizens] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [by Charters.]

Also, That the Citizens shall not plead without the Walls of the City, concerning any Plea.

Also, That they be quit of Schot and Loth, and of Danegeld, and of Murther [de Murdro.] And that none of them go to War [faciat Bellum.]

Also, That if any Citizen be impleaded of Pleas of the Crown, a Man of London may discharge himself [disrationet homo London] by his Oath; which shall be judged in the City.

Also, That none be entertained, lodged, [hospitetur.] within the Walls of London; whether of the King's Houshold or of any other; none have Entertainment by force or Livery [per Vim vel Libertationem Marischalli. Chart. Hen. II.]

Also, That all the Men of London be quit and free; and that all their Things throughout England, and by the Sea Ports, be quit and free of Toll, Passage, and Lastage [de Theolonio & Passagio & Lastagio] and all other Customs.

That the Churches, and Barons, and Citizens have and hold well and in peace, their Sokes, with all Customs: So that Strangers [Hospites] that shall be entertained in the Sokes, give Customs to none unless to him whose Soke it shall be, or to his Servant, whom he shall place there.

That a Man of London, may not be judged to pay a pecuniary Mulct, unless above 100s. [in mitt. pecunie, nisi ad Sawere ad C s.] That is, of a Plea belonging to Money.

That there be no more Miskenning [i.e. unjust and vexatious citing into Court] in the Hustenge, nor in the Folksmot, nor in other Pleas within the City.

That the Hustenge sit once a Week, to wit, on Monday.

That the King cause the Citizens to have their Lands, Bonds, and Debts within the City and without. And concerning Lands, whereof they claim, he shall do them right [rectum eis tenebet] by the Law of the City.

That if any shall take Toll or Custom from the Men of London [the Citizens of London] the Citizens of London may take in the City, of the Burrough or Town where such Toll or Custom was taken, as much as the Man of London gave for Toll; and receive as much for the Damage.

That all Debtors that owe Debts to the Citizens of London, pay them in London; or in London discharge themselves that they owe not. And if they will not do, neither one nor other, then the Citizens to whom they are indebted may take [namia sua] their Goods by Distress in the City of London, the Burrough, or Village, or County, in which he remains, who owes the Debt.

Also, That the Citizens of London have their Privileges for Hunting [Fugationes ad fugandum] as their Ancestors have had it, better and more fully, in Chiltre, Middlesex, and Surrey.

Then follow in the same Book the Articles of King Henry the Seconds Charter.

In another Book belonging to the City, there is a Tract with this Title, De aliquibus Libertatibus Civitat. London, i.e. Concerning some Liberties of the City of London. Which are Extracts taken out of the former and other Charters of the City, by some judicious Persons; that so Citizens might know their Privileges. And there is set before each Paragraph, Sciendum est, viz.

Lib. Horn. fol. 230.

Sciendum est, &c. We must know, that within the Space of three Miles on every part of the City of London, a Man ought not to retain or hinder another, nor to buy of him [cum eo mercatum agere] if he be minded, in the Peace of the City, to come to it. But when he shall have come into the City, then he may trade with him, whether rich or poor.

Sciendum est, &c. We must know, that a Man who is of the King's Court, or one of the Barons,ought not to take Harbour [hospitare] in the House of any Citizen of London by Force or Livery [Liberatione] or Custom; unless by the Free Will of the Entertainer [Hospite.] For if he use Violence upon him in his own House, to take harbour there, and shall be slain there by the Inhabiter [si vim hospitandi ei in domo sua intulerint, ibiq; ab hospite occisus fuerit] let him choose six of his Equals [Parentibus. Quære, an Paribus?] and sworn Men, himself the seventh, that he slew them for the Cause aforesaid. And so he shall remain quit of the Death of the said Slain, towards the King and his Equals, and the Lord of the Defunct.

Sciendum est, &c. It must be known also, that a Citizen of London ought not to plead before the King, nor any other within the Walls of the City.

It must be known, that if any of the Citizens shall make a Forfeiture, which may be satisfied by Money, he ought not to be more than to his own Eere [ad suam Eere] or Court. Let not the Sheriff of the City presume to retain any one's Money, or disturb him. Nor ought he to call any remaining in the Socne of another, to the King's Pleas, or do Justice concerning them; until the keeper of that Socne [Liberty] in which he shall remain, or shall be deficient on the Parts or Part of retaining [de retro tenendo] Unless the Sheriff shall find him openly and plainly forfeiting in the King's Socne.

A Citizen of London, if he should come to the Folksmote, or to the Hustenge, without [* intention] of Pleading, hath not there need to answer to any one concerning any Complaint, unless he will of his own accord.

*The Word difficult to be read.

A Citizen of London, if by occasion of Want he shall be willing to sell his Land, they cannot possibly forbid his Son, nor his Parent, unless they shall be willing to buy with his Consent [ad concessum ipsius.]

Item, A Citizen of London, if he shall hold any Land for a Year and a Day without Claim or Challenge [sine Calumpnia] he ought not to answer to any in the City remaining; unless who after he should have claimed the Law, shall be of such Age, that he knew not to claim it, or Sickness hindred, or was not in that Country, or was in the War.

A Merchant Stranger [Foraneus] after that he shall enter into the City, may be harboured wheresoever it shall please him: But let him take care he do not sell his Ware by Retail [ad incisionem] As if he shall bring Cloths died, let him sell not less than twelve together. Or if he shall bring Pepper, or Cummin, or Ginger, or Allum, or Brasil, or Lacem, or Frankinsence, he shall not sell less than 25l. together. Or if he shall bring Girdles [Zonas] he shall not sell less than M and Twelve Girdles. And if Cloths made of Silk or of Wool, or of Linnen, let him see that he cut them not, but sell them whole. But if he bring Wax, let him not sell less together than one Quarter.

A Merchant, thus a Foreigner, cannot sell wet Cloth, or dye his Cloth in the City; nor do any Work that belongeth to Citizens.

Also a foreign Merchant cannot make any Merchandize with his extraneous Sac [Sacio] Cloth within the City, to sell it again in the City, nor to make any Market, nor tarry longer in the City than forty Days.

The Citizens of London shall not make War; nor ought they to go in any Expedition, either by Sea or Land. Because they are free and quit of all Exercise. They ought to keep the City, as the Refuge and Fortification [Propugnaculum] of the Kingdom. For the Citizens have their Refuge and Egress. [As it were in a Castle; where


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY