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[Articles for] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Government.]363

[Articles for] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Government.]

it was considered, that the said Maior, &c. should for the future use this Liberty of Livery of Entertainment within the City, as he and his Predecessors hitherto had used. Salvo jure Regis.

Upon the Charters also depended the good Order and Government of the City, and the Power the Magistrates of it had from time to time, of rectifying Abuses, and changing and abrogating Customs and Practices found incommodious, and of constituting Rules and Laws for Trade and Traffic, and of ordering and settling Matters for the Benefit and common Good of the whole. And for the doing these things, sometimes the King called upon the Maior and Aldermen; and sometimes the Commoners complained and petitioned. And many good Articles and Laws have hereupon been made. Which also the King now and then gave his own Consent to, for the better Confirmation of.

And first, to mention some Articles, which the City Anno 1318, upon mature Deliberation, drew up, for the reforming divers things. Which they held of such Weight and Moment for the Good of the Citizens, that they preferred them to the King to establish by his Authority. Which he did by Letters Patents; yet making some Alterations and Corrections as he thought good. And they were as follow:

Articles for the Government of the City, confirmed by King Ed. II.

For the Citizens of London, concerning new Articles there made to be observed.


THE King to all whom, &c. Greeting. "Know ye, that whereas our beloved and faithful Maior and Aldermen, and other Citizens of our City of London, had lately ordained and appointed among themselves, for the bettering of the same City, and for the common Benefit of such as dwell in that City, and resort to the same, certain things to be in the same City perpetually observed, and had, instantly beseeched, that we would take care to accept and confirm them."

Rec. Tower. Pat. 12. E. 2. P. 2. M. 2.

"We, having seen certain Letters, Patentwise, signed with the Common Seal of that City, and the Seal of the Office of the Maioralty of that City upon the Premisses, and to Us exhibited; have caused certain Articles to be chosen out of the foresaid Letters, and caused them in some things to be corrected; as they are underneath inserted, viz."

1. That the Maior and Sheriffs of the same City be elected by the Citizens of the said City, according to the Tenor of the Charters of our Progenitors, heretofore Kings of England, made to them thence, and no otherwise.

2. That the Maior remain only one Year together in his Maioralty.

3. That the Sheriffs have but two Clerks and two Serjeants; and that they take such for which they will answer.

4. That the Maior have no other Office belonging to the City, but the Office of the Maioralty; not to draw to himself the Sheriffs Plea in the Chamber of London, nor hold other Pleas than those the Maior according to ancient Custom ought to hold.

5. That the Aldermen be removed from Year to Year, on St. Gregory's Day, and not re-elected; and others chosen by the same Wards.

6. That Tallages or Aids henceforth to be assessed for the King's Business, or for the State and Benefit of the City, after they shall be assessed by the Men of the Wards elected and deputed for this, be not increased or heightened but by the common Consent of the Maior and Commonalty. And that the Monies coming from these Tallages and Aids, be delivered into the Custody of fourhonest Men, Commoners of the City, to be chosen by the Commonalty, to be further delivered by the Testimony of the said four Men. So that they may inform the Commonalty, to what Profit, and for what Uses those Monies go.

7. That no Stranger be admitted into the Freedom of the City in the Husting; and that no Inhabitant, and especially English Merchant, of some Mystery or Trade, be admitted into the Freedom of the City, unless by Surety of six honest and sufficient Men of that Mystery or Trade of which he shall be of, who is so to be admitted into the Freedom. Which six Men may undertake for him, of keeping the City indemnified in that behalf. And that the same Form of Surety be observed of Stangers to be admitted into the Freedom in the Husting, if they be of any certain Mystery or Trade. And if they are not of some certain Mystery, then that they be not admitted into the Freedom without the Assent of the Commonalty. And that they who have been taken into the Freedom of the City, (since We undertook the Government of our Realm) contrary to the Forms prescribed, and they who have gone contrary to their Oath in this behalf, or contrary to the State of the City, and are therof lawfully convicted, lose the Freedom of the said City.

Saving always, that concerning Apprentices the ancient Manner and Form of the said City be observed.

8. That each Year in the same City, as often as need shall be, Inquiry be made, if any of the Freedom of the same City, exercise Merchandizes in the City, of the Goods of others not of the same Freedom, by calling those Goods their own, contrary to their Oath, and contrary to the Freedom of the said City. And they that are lawfully convicted thereof, to lose the Freedom of the said City.

9. That all, and every one being in the Liberty of the said City, and that would enjoy the Liberties and free Customs of the said City, be in Lot and Scot; and partake of all Burdens for maintaining the State of the said City, and the Freedom thereof, according to the Oath they have taken, when they were admitted to their Freedom; and whoso will not, to lose his Freedom.

10. And that all, and every one, being of the Freedom of the City, and living without the City, and that either by themselves or by their Servants, exercise their Merchandizes within the City, be in Lot and Scot, with the Commoners of the said City, for their said Merchandizes, or else to be removed from their Freedom.

11. And that the Common Seal of the City remain in the Custody of the two Aldermen, and two others Commoners, to be chosen for this purpose by the Commoners. And that the Seal be not denied neither to the poor nor rich Commoners, when they shall need it; yet so that they reasonably prove the Cause of their Demand. And that for the putting to of the Seal nothing be taken. And that the giving of Judgments in the Courts of the City, and especially after the Verdicts of Inquisitions taken, in Cases where Inquisitions have been taken, be not deferred, unless Difficulty intervene. And if Difficulty shall intervene, by reason of this, giving Judgment shall not be put off beyond the third Court.

12. That Weights and Scales of Merchandizes to be weighed between Merchants and Merchants, the Issues coming of which belong to the Commonalty of the said City, remain in the Custody of honest and sufficient Men of the same City, expert in that Office, and as yet to be chosen by the Commonalty, to be kept at the Will of the same Commonalty; and that they be


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY