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[Rates set upon] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Provisions.]365

[Rates set upon] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Provisions.]

and the third time 10s. and the fourth time to pay the whole Pain double, that is, 20s.

And for that those that delight themselves to do ill, will learn to sakirmish with Bucklers; and so much the more boast themselves to do their Follies; It is provided and forbidden, that none keep School, nor learn to skirmish with Bucklers within the City by Night or by Day. And if any do it, to forfeit 40 Marks.

None in such manner imprisoned, to be delivered by the Sheriff, or Officer under him, or of the Agent of the Guardian, or of the Maior, or of the Alderman, if the Trespass be not small; nor unless good Mainprize and solempne be taken, to appear at a certain Day to receive Judgment according to his Fault.

Lastly, It is required, that every Alderman in his Wardmote intentively enquire of such Illdoers, repairing and dwelling in his Ward. And if any such shall be found by Presentment, or Indictment of the good People of the Ward, or of ill Suspicion, presently let them be attached of their Body, and come before the Guardian, or the Maior, or Aldermen: and let them be arrested for it, until they be indicted, and presented by them. And those that cannot acquit themselves, let them be punished by Imprisonment, or other Punishment, according to their Discretion, and according to that the Fault requires.

And because any People have come and dwelt in the City, some from beyond Sea, and some without Habitation seek Umbrage and Refuge here, being banished out of their own Countries, or for great Trespass, or other Forfeit are sent away from their Country; and of all these, some become Brokers, Hostilers, and Harbourers withn the City of private Persons and Strangers, so openly as if they were good and loyal Men of the Franchise of the City; and each of these do nothing by Night or by Day, and are well attired, and feed of costly Viands; nor do they use Trade or Merchandize, nor have Lands nor Tenements, nor have whereof to live, nor Friend to find them. From such come many Dangers in the City oftentimes, and many Robberies, Breakings of Houses by Night, Murders and other Evils. It is provided therefore, that none of a strange Land, nor others, be received, harboured, nor hosteled within the City, unless he be a Freeman of the City, received or affirmed before the Guardian, or the Maior and Aldermen, as good Man and a loyal; and there be good Testimony of him whence he came, and that he find safe Pledges, justifiable to the Bailiffs of the City, to be responsible to the King's Peace. And that no Broker be within the City, unless they be received and sworn before the Guardian, the Maior and Aldermen.

So that, besides Charters and Acts of Grace made to the City, it was not unusual for the Kings of this Land to send their Letters Mandatory in any Emergence, for the well governing and ordering thereof. Such a Letter, besides those before, was that of King Edward II. upon the great rising of the Prices of Provisions in the Year 1314, setting reasonable Rates upon Flesh and Fowl.

EDWARDUS Dei Gratia, &c. "Edward by the Grace of God King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Aquitain, to the Sheriffs of London, Greeting. WE have heard the Complaint of the Archbishops, Bishops, Earls, Barons, and others of the Commonalty of our Kingdom, by their Petition exhibited before us and our Council; containing, that there is a great and as it were intolerable Dearth, in these Days, of Oxen, Cows, Sheep, Hogs, Geese, Capons, Hens, Chickens, Pigeons, and Eggs; to the no little Loss and Grievance of them, and all others dwelling within the same Kingdom. For which they have besought us instantly, that we would take care to provide upon this, concerning some suitable Remedy:"

The King to the Sheriffs, for rating Provisions.

Lib. Horn.

"WE therefore yielding to the foresaid Supplication, for the common Profit of the People of the said Kingdom, as it seemed expedient to Us, have ordained, with the Counsel and Assent of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and others being of our Council, in our last Parliament held at Westminster,"

"That a better sort of Ox, alive, saleable, fat, not fed of Grain, be sold for the time to come for 16s. and not above."

"Or if it be fed with Grain, and be fat, then to be sold for 24s. at most."

"And that a better sort of Cow alive, and fat, be sold for 12s."

"A Hogg of two Years old and fat, for 40d."

"A sheared Mutton, fat, for 14d."

"A fat Goose for 2d. ob. In our City aforesaid, for 3d."

"A Capon good and fat, for 2d. and 2d. ob."

"A fat Hen for 1d. and 1d. ob."

"Two Chickens for 1d. and 1d. ob."

"Three [Four overwritten] young Pigeons for 1d."

"Twenty Eggs for 1d."

"And that if it happen to be found, that any Persons, or any one Person will not sell these saleable things for the Price appointed, as is before set forth, then the said saleable things shall remain forfeited to us. And we will, that the foresaid Ordinance from this time be firmly and inviolably observed in our said City."

"We command, firmly enjoining you, that in our City foresaid, and Suburb of the same * , where yee shall see it to be expedient, that the foresaid Ordinance be publickly and distinctly proclaimed; and that ye cause the same from time to be inviolably observed in all and each its Articles, under the foresaid Forfeiture, throughout the whole Bailifwic. And this omit by no means, as you will avoid our Indignation, and preserve your selves without blame. Witness my self at Westminster this 14th of March, in the Eighth Year of Our Reign."

*It ran also, Throughout our whole Kingdom, in all Cities, Boroughs, Villages, &c.

But the King was fain the next Year to send a Brief of Reclamation of his former Ordinance, finding it did more harm than good. It was as follows:

The King to the Sheriffs of London, Greeting.
"ALTHOUGH we lately commanded you, that in each Place in the foreaid City, where it should seem to you to be best expedient, yee should cause it to be publickly proclaimed, that Oxen, Cows, Hoggs, Sheep, Geese, Capons, Hens, Chickens, Pigeons, and Eggs, should be sold at a certain Price: Because nevertheless we have understood that such a Proclamation, which at that time we believed would be for the Profit of the People of our Realm, redounds to their greater Damage than Profit: We command you, that in the said several Places ye cause publickly to be proclaimed, that Oxen, Cows, Hoggs, Sheep, Geese, Capons, Hens, Chickens, young Pigeons, and Eggs, be sold for a reasonable Price, as was accustomed to be done, before the said former Proclamation; Certifying all and singular, that the former Proclamation was not made by vertue of the Ordinances late made by the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and Nobles of the same Realm, and by us accepted, nor was contained in them. Witness My self at Lincoln, the"

The former Order revoked.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY