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[Granary in] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [the Bridge-House.]368

[Granary in] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [the Bridge-House.]

[or Granary] in the Bridge-House. And such a dear Year was that of 1594, Sir John Spencer Maior. Who therefore (it being now Winter time) called upon the Companies, viz. those of them that had not laid in their Proportion, to do it within so many Days; Corn being then brought in from foreign parts. But such an Obstacle just in this Interval happened, that caused the Maior to send an earnest Message to the Lord Burghley, the great Patron of the City. For Sir John Hawkins, that great Seaman, to whom the Care of the Queen's Fleet then belonged, required now the Bridge-House himself, for the bringing in and laying up there his Provisions for the Use of the Navy, and the Ovens likewise there for baking their Ship-Bread. In this Strait thus that Maior addressed to the said Lord.

"That according to the Care that his Place required at his Entrance therein, by his means, it was ordered, that the several Companies of the City should presently make Provision, and furnish themselves of Wheat and Rye brought from foreign Parts, according to their several Portions allotted to them. Wherein they had not been so forward as they ought to have been, and were yet unprovided of the greatest part thereof. That he had therefore ten Days past enjoined them to furnish their Wants of these, that were then brought in from foriegn Parts, and to have the same laid up in the Bridge-House, in their several Garnets [Garners] and before the 8th Day of January next coming [it being then, at this writing, within a Day or two of Christmas.]"

A Granary there required for the Navy.

Which the Maior refused. And why?

"But that hereupon Sir John Hawkins, by his Men desired, or rather commanded, room in the Bridge-House to lay in Wheat, and also the Ovens for baking. But that he [the Maior] answered, that they could with no Convenience spare the same: alledging truly to him, that if the same should be yielded unto, that the Companies would thereby take occasion to neglect their Provision, and alledge that they could not do the same, for that he [the Maior] had lent away their Garnets. And that so thereby the City, which in that time of Dearth was furnished only from Foreign Parts, should be unprovided, and the Fault wholly laid upon him. And that then, either that which should be brought for the Provision of the City, of force must have been tolerated to be brought up by the Badgers, and carried from the City, as it had been; or else the Merchants discouraged from bringing any more. The which he hoped his Lordship would well consider."

"And that for the Ovens, it was told them, the same were used for baking Bread for the Poor, that they might have the more for their Money; and that therefore they could not be spared. And also the Maior said, that as he was informed, her Majesty had Garnets about Tower-Hill, and White-Hall, and Wesminster. And also, that if they would not serve, her Majesty had in her Hands Winchester House, wherein great Quantity might be laid."

But upon this stout Answer of the Maior, they told him, "That he should hear more to his further Dislike. And he bade them, that if they did procure any Letters for the same, he doubted not, but to answer them to their Lordships [of the Privy Council's] good Acceptance. And that now having received Letters for the same from some of the Council, he humbly prayed the Lord Treasurer's good Favour, that the same Garnets being the City's, might be employed for the Use of the same. That there might be no Want, nor Outcry of the Poor for Bread. Or else, that if there fell out a greater Want and Dearth of Grain than yet there was, and that the City were unprovided, his Lordship would be pleased to hold him excused. And so most humbly submitted himself to his Honour's good Pleasure."

This good Magistrate's Letter was dated the 23d of December, from London, the Year abovementioned.


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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY