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[Ways to Redress] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Increase of Buildings.]439

[Ways to Redress] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Increase of Buildings.]

and Children. Tt was lookt upon also as no ways conducing to the wealthy State of the City, for young Men to set up their Trades as soon as they were out of their Time, without being Journeymen for some time. Nor was it liked by the graver Citizens, that when young Citizens should keep Fairs: Which to do was required double number of Servants, to the over Peopling of London. And whereas before, there were many large Gardens belonging to the Houses in the City, especially such Houses as were of the greater size of Building: Now in these Gardens were Houses builded, and many of them used for leud and evil Purposes; and many privy Contracts were here made for the Sale of Children. Moorfields, which formerly the Citizens used for their Health and Pleasure to walk in, and to take the Air, began now to be enclosed, to the hindrance of these healthful and useful Walkings.

For the remedying of all these things, a Device (by the Recorder Fleetwood) was prepared Anno 1583, to be offered to the Lords of the Council; 1. Against setting up new Buildings in or near London: 2. Against converting great Houses to Alleys, or multitude of Habitations; and, 3. Against Inmates; in these several Articles following:

The Redress thereof moved to the Lords.

To provide for time to come that her Majesty's Proclamation be better observed.

Some Correction or Blame where Negligence hath been in Execution, and a more severe Charge hereafter.

How lawfully to reache in some exemplary manner, for the Houses already bylded against the Proclamation, that the same may be some way redressed, because Lawe wanteth to pull them downe.

That the Offenders, some at least of each sort, be holden in Imprisonment during her Majesty's Pleasure, and under assessement of great Fines, till they come to Submission to abide the Order of the Lords; upon which Submission and Bonde for observing thereof, the Lords may take Order touching reforming the Houses already bylded.

That it be ordered and the Parties bound, that where new Houses have been bylded in Place of old, they be put two or moe into one, till they be reduced at the most not to excede the number that were before.

That they be also bounde, that in those Houses they shall place none but such as shall not burden the Citie with their Povertie, and that shalbe of good behaviour.

That the Maior and Justices of London, &c. be commanded not to allowe any in such House to kepe Alehouse, or other Victualling.

That no Inne of Court or Chancerie receive more than the House can conveniently lodge; and for execution thereof, that all such as lodge out of the House be judged Inmates.

That her Majesty's Order may be executed as well to Sheds as to Dwelling-Houses, because Men use to lye under those Sheds under the Stall; where if one dye infected, it is more dangerous than in any House; and such People do commonly sojourne at the Alehouse.

That the Maior of London be commanded to execute the Cities Law against tippling in Cellars, and to put the Bondes in sute that he hath against such as turne Houses to Alleys, and to place Poore in their Tenementes burdenous to the Citie.

That making Holes under Stalles for Artisans be taken awaye, which is to be done very well by an undirect meane to the beautie and wholsomeness of the Citie. Viz. That the Lord Maior be commended for the good Reformation made upon London-Bridge, to take away the forestalling or or setting out of Stalls into the Streete beyond the Postes of their Houses, and that he be commanded to do the like throughout London.

That such as your Lordships doe not choose out to be Emprisoned and made Examples, may neverthelesse not be discharged, but remaine in terror of suffering the like, that they may also submit and be bound.

That your Lordships forbeare to make Requestes for Men to be made Free by Redemption. By whome and their Issue and Servants the Citie is much filled.

That your Lordships will command the Maior, &c. to consult of reasonable Meanes by restrayning excess of Apprentices, by abridging the easie setting up of young Men, without serving as Jorneymen, and the dissolution of good Townes by our running to Faires, in which case they must have double nomber of Servants, that the overpeopling of London may be remedied.

May it please to pardon this new Devise, to extend to the new Buildinge already made.

That her Majestie will ordeine an Officer in the Citie by her Prerogative, called a Harbinger, for the Plague.

This Harbinger to have Power to take up Lodging in any of these new bylded Houses, to receive the infected of the Plague, there to be received, lodged and chersihed till they be whole.

A Remedie for new Buildings in Gardens, wherein now are Habitations, and many times incontinent Actes, and the sale of Men's Children by privie Contracts, &c. as Bridewell knoweth.

The Citie of London hath ever had, and now most meete it shold have, their free and open Walks in the Fields about the Citie, and namely in Moorefield, and some other Fields, where Groundes have been enclosed for Gardens and new Dwellings there bylded.

Order may be given (as in like case hath been at sute of Archers for shooting) now for wholesomness of the Citie, by Commission out of the Chancerie, that all those Inclosures made within Memorie, be laid open, as they were before the Enclosure.

In the Year 1583, one Day in the Month of July, there were two great Feasts at London, the one at Grocers-Hall, the other at Haberdashers-Hall, (as perhaps there was in all the rest upon some publick Occasion) Sir Edward Osborn, Maior, and divers of his Brethren the Aldermen, with the Recorder, were at Haberdashers-Hall; where the said Maior, after the second Course was come in, took the great standing Cup, the Gift of Sir William Garret, being full of Hypocrase, and Silence being commanded through all the Tables, all Men being bare-headed, my Lord openly, with a convenient loud Voice, used these Words; "Mr. Recorder of London, and you my good Brethren the Aldermen, bear Witness, That I do drink unto Mr. Alderman Massam, as Sheriff of London and Middlesex, from Michaelmas next coming, for one whole Year. And I do beseech God to give him as quiet and peaceable Year, with as good and gracious Favour of her Majesty, as I my self and my Brethren, the Sheriffs now being, have hitherto had, and as I trust shall have This spoken, all Men desired the same'." The Sword-Bearer in hast went to the Grocers Feast, where Mr. Alderman Massam was at Dinner; and did openly declare the Words that my Lord Maior had used. Whereunto Silence made, all being hush, the Alderman answered very modestly in this sort; "First, I thank God, who through his great Goodness hath called me from a very poor and mean Degree, unto this worshipful State. Se-"

The Ceremony of a Maior drinking to a Sheriff.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY