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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The City of WESTMINSTER.22


There are many more buried in this ancient Church, whose Monuments are decayed and gone, or the Inscriptions worn or torn away: As

Of Rachel Brigham, Daughter of Nicholas Brigham, who had a Marble Stone laid over her, hard by Chaucer's Tomb, 1557.

Monuments gone.

William Benson, Abbot of this Church, before mentioned.

William Bedel, Treasurer to Cardinal Wolsey, with Cicily his Wife.

Sir Francis Allen, Kt. a famous Soldier in the Low Countries: All these ly in the South Cross. In the North Cross ly

John Redman, S. T. D. sometime Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Prebendary of this Church, dyed 1551; a very grave and well studied Divine, whom our Histories mention with Honour.

Bartholomew Doddington, Greek Professor in the University of Cambridge, dyed 1595.

George Burden, Receptor of this Collegiate Church.

John Griffith, of an ancient Family in Wales, 1597.

Tho. Brown, first Chief Master of this School, and Subdean of this Church, 1585.

Others buried here, (but the particular Places where, unknown) were

Harold, base Son of King Knute, elected King of England by the Danes, after his Father; dyed at Oxford, 1040, and buried here according to Matthew of Westminster.

John, Lord Wells, Knight of the Garter, who married Cicily, Daughter of Edward the Fourth.

Sir Fulk de Novo Castro or Newcastle, a famous Knight, related to the Blood Royal of England; and therefore, by special Commnad of King Henry the Third, buried here, 1247.

Richard de Wendover, Bishop of Rochester, interred here by the King's Order, 1250, having the Reputation of an holy Man.

Hugolyn, Chamberlain and Treasurer to William the Conqueror.

Edwin, Abbot of this Monastery before mentioned.

Sir Geoffry Mandevile, Kt. Senior, and Athelarda his Wife.

Geoffry Mandevil, Junior.

Sir James Berners, Knight.

Oliver de Durdens, a Baron of this Realm, and Brother to King Henry the Third.

Peter Calban, a Citizen.

Tho. Peverel, Subprior. Sulcardus the learned Monk and Chronologer, who wrote the History of this Church.

The Lady Eleonore, Countess of Barr, and Daughter to King Edward the First.

Richard Harounden, Abbot of Westminster, before mentioned.

Sir William Stoner, Kt. William Atcliff, Secretary to King Edward the Fourth.

Lady Katharine, Daughter to the Dutchess of Norfolk, married to Edward Aylmer.

Walter Hungerford, Son to Sir Edward Hungerford, Kt.

The Lord Salisbury. Will. Haverel. Tho. Bounflower, and Philippa his Wife. Tho. Romayne. John Alyngreth. Roger Brabarsen. Sir Richard Rous, Kt. Geffrey Haspal. Sir John Shoreditch, Kt. and the Lady Helen his Wife. James Palmer, Clerk, and Joan his Sister. And John Blockley.

Now for the Cloister. Herein, ly these under Grave Stones, or that have Inscriptions against the Wall.

In the Cloister.

Four ancient Abbots mentioned before, viz. Vitalis, Gislebertus, Gervasius de Blois, and Laurentius.

P. Vowel died 1557. Gabriel, Son of Gawen Goodman, near Helena his Wife, 1576.

Anne Birkhead, aged 102 Years, 1568. Christopher her Son, 1596.

Edward Bernard, a King's Scholar, 1584. Edward Grant, a Child, 1587. Will Punter, 1597. All whose Epitaphs are worn away.]



The EPITAPHS and INSCRIPTIONS upon the Persons interred in St. PETERs. Privileges of Sanctuary belonging to this Church. Debtors escape hither. Names of the Abbots and Deans of Westminster.

NOW, to set down at large the Inscriptions engraven upon these numerous Monuments and flat Stones, would swell too much: And therefore, I refer him, that is minded to read them to a Book writ by one H. K. intitled, Monumenta Westmonasteriensia, where he may have them at full Length; and likwise the several Coats of Arms and Shields each Person bore; and besides, an exact Account of the Form, Architecture, and Sumptuousness of these Monuments: Yet however, here shall follow the Inscriptions upon many of the Kings, and Queens, and other right noble Persons before mentioned, as well as of some others.]

The Inscriptions.

J. S.

First, SEBERT, of the East Saxons and Middle Saxons, that is, Essex and Middlesex, King, the Son of Sledde, by Ricula, Sister to Ethelbert, King of Kent, first King of the East Saxons, by the Persuasion of Ethelbert, received and embraced the Christian Faith, and the Church of Westminster (which then was termed Thorney) erected to blessed St. Peter; wherein, with his Wife Athelgoda, he lyeth buried. He dyed the last Day of July, in the Year of our Redemption 616. And 691 Years after, to wit, 1307, the Monks of Westminster translated his Body out of the old Church into the new Kings Chapel, and placed it there in a Sepulchre of Stone at the South Part of the Lords Table, with this Epitaph:

A. M.

Labilitas, Brevitas mundanæ Prosperitatis,
Cælica prœmia, Gloria, Gaudia danda beatis,
SEBERTUM certum jure dedere satis.
Hic Rex Christicola verax fuit hac Regione,
Qui nunc Cœlicola gaudet mercede Coronæ.
Rex humilis, docilis, scius & pius, inclytus ille,
Sollicitè, nitidè, tacitè, placitè (bone Christe)
Vult servire tibi, perficiendo sibi.
Ornat mores, spernit flores, lucis avaræ
Gliscens multum, Christi cultum lætificare;
Ecclesiam nimiam nimio studio fabricavit;
Hæc illæsa manus quæ fundamenta locavit.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY